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## Introduction
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**[🔶 Explore the docs »](http://www.layui-vue.com)** **[Join us](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=ffiUQgnE)**
An enterprise-class UI components based on Layui and Vue.
**Run with code Sandbox.**
## Features
A few of the things you can do with layui vue:
* Writing components using setup script
* Up to 60 high quality components
* Provide Axure design resources
* Support theme customization
* Support internationalization
## Get Started
Use npm to install.
npm i @layui/layui-vue
Before using, you need to mount layui Vue to Vue and introduce index.css style file
import App from './App.vue'
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import layui from '@layui/layui-vue'
import '@layui/layui-vue/lib/index.css'
We have several examples on the [website](http://layui-vue.pearadmin.com). Here is the first one to get you started:
<lay-button>Hello Word</lay-button>
## Feedback
Feel free to send us feedback on [file an issue](https://github.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/issues/new). Feature requests are always welcome. If you wish to contribute, please take a quick look at the [guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md)!
If there's anything you'd like to chat about, please feel free to join our [Gitter chat](https://gitter.im/layui-vue/community)!
## Build Process
- `build` Packaged component library
Please take a look at the [contributing guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for a detailed process on how to build your application as well as troubleshooting information.
## Contributors
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/graphs/contributors) specification and is brought to you by these [awesome contributors](https://github.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/graphs/contributors).
<a href="https://github.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=layui-vue/layui-vue" />
## Licence
Layui vue is licensed under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). |