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::: anchor
::: title 基础使用
::: demo
<lay-form :model="model">
<lay-form-item label="账户" prop="username">
<lay-input v-model="model.username"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="密码" prop="password">
<lay-input v-model="model.password" type="password"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="爱好" prop="hobby">
<lay-select v-model="model.hobby">
<lay-select-option value="1" label="学习"></lay-select-option>
<lay-select-option value="2" label="编码"></lay-select-option>
<lay-select-option value="3" label="运动"></lay-select-option>
<lay-form-item label="特长" prop="specialty">
<lay-radio v-model="model.specialty" name="specialty" label="1">写作</lay-radio>
<lay-radio v-model="model.specialty" name="specialty" label="2">画画</lay-radio>
<lay-radio v-model="model.specialty" name="specialty" label="3">编码</lay-radio>
<lay-form-item label="描述" prop="desc">
<lay-textarea placeholder="请输入描述" v-model="model.desc"></lay-textarea>
<lay-button @click="submitClick">提交</lay-button>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import {layer} from '@layui/layer-vue'
export default {
setup() {
const model = reactive({
username: "admin",
password: "123456",
specialty: "1"
const submitClick = function(){
type: 1,
content: `<div style="padding: 10px">${JSON.stringify(model)}</div>`,
shade: false,
isHtmlFragment: true,
btn : [{ text: '确认', callback(index) { layer.close(index) }}],
area : '500px'
return {
::: title 表单基本校验功能
::: demo
<lay-form :model="validateModel" ref="layFormRef" required>
<lay-form-item label="账户" prop="username">
<lay-input v-model="validateModel.username"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="密码" prop="password">
<lay-input v-model="validateModel.password" type="password">></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="爱好" prop="hobby">
<lay-select v-model="validateModel.hobby" multiple>
<lay-select-option value="1" label="学习"></lay-select-option>
<lay-select-option value="2" label="编码"></lay-select-option>
<lay-select-option value="3" label="运动"></lay-select-option>
<lay-form-item label="特长" prop="specialty">
<lay-radio v-model="validateModel.specialty" name="specialty" label="1">写作</lay-radio>
<lay-radio v-model="validateModel.specialty" name="specialty" label="2">画画</lay-radio>
<lay-radio v-model="validateModel.specialty" name="specialty" label="3">编码</lay-radio>
<lay-form-item label="描述" prop="desc">
<lay-textarea placeholder="请输入描述" v-model="validateModel.desc"></lay-textarea>
<lay-button @click="validate">提交</lay-button>
<lay-button @click="clearValidate">清除校验</lay-button>
<lay-button @click="reset">重置表单</lay-button>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import {layer} from '@layui/layer-vue'
export default {
setup() {
const validateModel = reactive({
username: "",
password: "",
specialty: "1"
const layFormRef = ref(null);
// 校验
const validate = function() {
layFormRef.value.validate((isValidate, model, errors) => {
type: 1,
content: `<div style="padding: 10px"><p>是否通过 : ${isValidate}</p> <p>表单数据 : ${JSON.stringify(model)} </p> <p>错误信息 : ${JSON.stringify(errors)}</p></div>`,
shade: false,
isHtmlFragment: true,
btn : [{ text: '确认', callback(index) { layer.close(index) }}],
area : '500px'
// 清除校验
const clearValidate = function() {
// 重置表单
const reset = function() {
validateModel.specialty = "1"
return {
::: title 校验规则 - 通过表单配置
::: demo
<lay-form :model="ruleDemo1" ref="layFormRef1" :rules="rules" required initValidate>
<lay-form-item label="邮箱" prop="email">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo1.email"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="url路径" prop="url">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo1.url"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="日期" prop="date">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo1.date"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="用户名" prop="username">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo1.username"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="年龄" prop="age">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo1.age"></lay-input>
<lay-button @click="validate1">提交</lay-button>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import {layer} from '@layui/layer-vue'
export default {
setup() {
const ruleDemo1 = reactive({
email: "",
url: "",
date: "",
username: "",
age: null,
const rules = ref({
email : {
type : 'email'
url : {
type : 'url'
date : {
type : 'date'
username : {
type : 'string',
min : 8,
max : 16
age : {
validator(rule, value, callback, source, options){
if (value < 18) {
callback(new Error(`${rule.field}太过于年轻`));
} else {
return true;
const layFormRef1 = ref(null);
// 校验
const validate1 = function() {
layFormRef1.value.validate((isValidate, model, errors) => {
type: 1,
content: `<div style="padding: 10px"><p>是否通过 : ${isValidate}</p> <p>表单数据 : ${JSON.stringify(model)} </p> <p>错误信息 : ${JSON.stringify(errors)}</p></div>`,
shade: false,
isHtmlFragment: true,
btn : [{ text: '确认', callback(index) { layer.close(index) }}],
area : '500px'
return {
::: title 校验规则 - 通过表单子项配置
::: demo
<lay-form :model="ruleDemo2" ref="layFormRef2" required initValidate>
<lay-form-item label="邮箱" prop="email" :rules="{type : 'email'}">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo2.email"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="url路径" prop="url" :rules="{type : 'url'}">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo2.url"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="日期" prop="date" :rules="{type : 'date'}">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo2.date"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="用户名" prop="username"
type : 'string',
min : 8,
max : 16
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo2.username"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="年龄" prop="age" :rules="ageRules">
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo2.age"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="自定义提示" prop="myEmail"
type : 'email',
message : '必须为邮箱'
<lay-input v-model="ruleDemo2.myEmail"></lay-input>
<lay-button @click="validate2">提交</lay-button>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import {layer} from '@layui/layer-vue'
export default {
setup() {
const ruleDemo2 = reactive({
email: "",
url: "",
date: "",
username: "",
age: null,
myEmail: "",
const ageRules = {
validator(rule, value, callback, source, options){
if (value < 18) {
callback(new Error(`${rule.field}太过于年轻`));
return false;
return true;
const layFormRef2 = ref(null);
// 校验
const validate2 = function() {
layFormRef2.value.validate((isValidate, model, errors) => {
type: 1,
content: `<div style="padding: 10px"><p>是否通过 : ${isValidate}</p> <p>表单数据 : ${JSON.stringify(model)} </p> <p>错误信息 : ${JSON.stringify(errors)}</p></div>`,
shade: false,
isHtmlFragment: true,
btn : [{ text: '确认', callback(index) { layer.close(index) }}],
area : '500px'
return {
::: title 原生submit方式校验 -- 校验通过将提交表单 -- 不推荐使用
::: demo
<lay-form @submit="submit" :model="submitModel" requiredIcons="layui-icon-heart-fill" :use-CN="false" required>
<lay-form-item label="账户" prop="username">
<template #label>
<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-username"></i>
<lay-input v-model="submitModel.username"></lay-input>
<lay-form-item label="密码" prop="password">
<lay-input v-model="submitModel.password"></lay-input>
<lay-button native-type="submit">提交</lay-button>
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import {layer} from '@layui/layer-vue'
export default {
setup() {
const submitModel = reactive({
username: "",
password: ""
const submit = function(isValidate, model, errors) {
type: 1,
content: `<div style="padding: 10px"><p>是否通过 : ${isValidate}</p> <p>表单数据 : ${JSON.stringify(model)} </p> <p>错误信息 : </br>${JSON.stringify(errors)}</p></div>`,
shade: false,
isHtmlFragment: true,
btn : [{ text: '确认', callback(index) { layer.close(index) }}],
area : '500px'
return {
::: title 表单(form)属性
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------- | ------- |
| v-model | 表单绑定值 | `object` | - | {} |
| required | 是否必填 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| rules | 表单校验规则; <br>可查看[async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator) | `object` | - | - |
| initValidate | 是否一开始就校验表单 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| useCN | 是否使用中文错误提示 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| requiredIcons | 必填前缀图标`class` | `string` | - | `*` |
| required-erroer-message | 必填错误提示信息 | `string` | - | `%s不能为空`|
| validate-message | 自定义校验错误提示信息; <br>由于内置了中文错误提示,可按需求增量增加<br>可查看 [async-validator 内置错误提示](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/messages.ts)<br>也可参考 [layui-vue 内置中文错误提示](https://gitee.com/layui-vue/layui-vue/tree/develop/src/module/formItem/cnValidateMessage.ts) | `string` | - | `%s不能为空`|
::: title 表单(form)事件
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 回调参数 |
| ------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------- |
| submit | 提交事件`(不推荐使用)` | (`isValidate`, `model`, `errors`)<br><br> `isValidate`: (`boolean`)是否校验通过<br><br> `model`: (`object`)表单绑定的值<br><br> `errors`: (`Array`)校验结果的错误信息 |
::: title 表单(form)方法
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 入参 |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| validate | 表单校验; <br>如果没有`callback`回调,会返回`Promise`, <br> `Promise`参数为{`isValidate`, `model`, `errors`}<br> 参数具体描述请看上面表单`submit`提交事件 | (`fields` `[可选]`, `callback` `[可选]`)<br><br> `fields`: (`string` / `string[]` / `function`)<br>单独校验的字段,<br>该字段如果为`function`, <br>则认为`callback`入参,校验全部字段;<br><br> `callback`: (`function`)校验之后的回调,<br>回调参数为(`isValidate`, `model`, `errors`)<br>参数具体描述请看上面表单`submit`提交事件|
| clearValidate | 清除表单校验 | (`fields`[可选])<br><br> `fields`: (`string` / `string[]`)<br>需要进行清除校验的表单字段, 如果该字段为空则清除全部校验|
| reset | 重置表单所有值 | - |
::: title 表单项(form-item)属性
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | -------------- | ------- |
| prop | 在表单绑定值(`model`)中字段`key` | `string` | - | - |
| label | 子项前边描述值,**尽量填写**,中文校验错误需要用到 | `string` | - | - |
| required | 是否必填 | `boolean` | `true` `false` | `false` |
| rules | 表单校验规则; <br>可查看[async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator) | `object` | - | - |
| error-message | 表单校验失败固定提示语 | `string` |`block` `inline`| `block` |
| mode | 表单项显示的模式,`块元素` / `行元素` | `string` |`block` `inline`| `block` |
::: title 表单项(form-item)方法
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 入参 |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| validate | 表单校验; | (`callback` `[可选]`)<br><br> `callback`: (`function`)校验之后的回调,<br>回调参数为(`errors`, `fields`)<br><br> `errors`: (`Array`)校验结果的错误信息;<br><br> `fields`: (`Array`)当前校验的字段信息|
| clearValidate | 清除表单校验 | - |
::: title 表单项(form-item)插槽
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 可使用参数 |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| - | 默认插槽 | 传递进来的`props`和表单绑定的值(`model`) |
| label | 子项前边描述插槽<br>如果使用此插槽,`props`**尽量**也传递`label`参数 | 传递进来的`props`和表单绑定的值(`model`) |
| required | 必填前缀插槽 | `*` / `表单props` 中的 `requiredIcons` |
::: title 关于 async-validator 的使用
查看: https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator
中文翻译: https://www.cnblogs.com/wozho/p/10955525.html
::: title async-validator 基本校验类型
::: table
| 属性 | 描述 | 使用方式 |
| -------------| ----------------- | ------------------- |
| number | 数字 | `{type : 'number'}` |
| boolean | 布尔类型 | `{type : 'boolean'}` |
| method | 方法 | `{type : 'method'}` |
| regexp | 正则表达式 | `{type : 'regexp'}` |
| integer | 整型数字 | `{type : 'integer'}` |
| float | 浮点小数 | `{type : 'float'}` |
| array | 数组 | `{type : 'array'}` |
| object | 对象 | `{type : 'object'}` |
| enum | 枚举 | `{type : 'enum'}` |
| date | 日期 | `{type : 'date'}` |
| url | url | `{type : 'url'}` |
| hex | 十六进制 | `{type : 'hex'}` |
| email | 邮箱 | `{type : 'email'}` |
::: title async-validator 中 validator参数使用
validator: (rule, value) => value === 'root'
::: title async-validator 中 asyncValidator参数使用
asyncValidator: (rule, value) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (value < 18) {
reject('too young'); // reject with error message
} else {
::: title form 配置 async-validator 的使用
key : rule // key为表单子项需要校验的对应key名称 rule为校验规则格式为{}
// 例如 表单绑定值为 {email : 'xxx', username: 'xxxxx'}
// 需要校验邮箱,而邮箱输入框在表单绑定的值中key为email
// 需要校验用户名长度为8到16之间,而用户名输入框在表单绑定的值中key为username
email : {
type : 'email'
username : {
type : 'string',
min : 8,
max : 16
::: title form-item 配置 async-validator 的使用
// 例如 表单绑定值为 {email : 'xxx', phone: 'xxxxx'}
// 需要校验邮箱,而邮箱输入框在表单绑定的值中key为email
type : 'email'
::: comment
::: previousNext form