1. 新增单选模式, {radio: true|false} 2. 新增重复选模式, {repeat: true|false} 3. 新增配置, 可以控制是否自动关闭下拉框, {clickClose: true|false} 4. 新增on方法, 可以监听已选择数据, data: {arr, item, selected}
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
window.data = [
{ html: `
<a href='https://gitee.com/maplemei/xm-select'><img src='https://gitee.com/maplemei/xm-select/widgets/widget_6.svg' alt='Fork me on Gitee'></img></a>
<p>xm-select始于layui, 前身formSelects, 此版本引入第三方preact库, 利用jsx渲染页面结构</p>
<p>作者: 热爱前端的Java程序猿</p>
<p>QQ号: 707200833</p>
<p>QQ群: 769620939</p>
<a target="_blank" class="qqicon" href="https://shang.qq.com/wpa/qunwpa?idkey=9f9d4de074f2cb4d13afb3f04b874742a5f400eac2c0648fcfd20afb5413fb0a"><img border="0" src="docs/group.png" alt="技术交流群" title="技术交流群"></a>
<div class="example">
<p>↓↓↓ 捐赠作者 ↓↓↓</p>
<img src="docs/wx.jpg" width="230px" style="border: 1px solid #009688">
<p>你们的支持, 是我们坚持的动力</p>
<div id="test01"></div>
`, js: `
// 这里是指定渲染的地方
el: '#test01',
// 这里是渲染的数据
data: [{name: '水果', value: 1}, {name: '蔬菜', value: 2}]
`, comment: `
1. 引入xm-select.js文件
2. <div id="test01"></div>
3. 使用js渲染指定元素
`, brush: 'html', title: '简介'},
{ html: `
<p>如果有bug欢迎提issues, 或者在群内@群主进行反馈</p>
`, js: ``, comment: `
[2019-07-27] v1.0.0.0727
1. 新增单选模式, {radio: true|false}
2. 新增重复选模式, {repeat: true|false}
3. 新增配置, 可以控制是否自动关闭下拉框, {clickClose: true|false}
4. 新增on方法, 可以监听已选择数据, data: {arr, item, selected}
[---] v1.0.0
`, brush: 'html', title: '更新日志'},
{ html: `
`, comment: `
data: [],
//默认选中数据, 优先级大于selected
initValue: null,
tips: '请选择', //please selected
empty: '暂无数据', //no data
//搜索延迟 ms
delay: 500,
searchTips: setting.searchTips,
filterable: false,
filterMethod: function(val, item, index, prop){
if(!val) return true;
return item[prop.name].indexOf(val) != -1;
direction: 'auto',
style: {},
radio: false,
repeat: false,
clickClose: false,
prop: {
name: 'name',
value: 'value',
selected: 'selected',
disabled: 'disabled',
theme: {
color: '#009688',
model: {
label: {
type: 'block',
text: {
left: '',
right: '',
separator: ', ',
block: {
showCount: 0,
showIcon: true,
count: {
template(data, sels){
return '已选中 '+sels.length+' 项, 共 '+data.length+' 项'
// 展开下拉框
// 隐藏下拉框
// 模板组成, 当前option数据, 已经选中的数据, name, value
template({ item, sels, name, value }){
return name;
on({ arr, item, selected }){
`, brush: 'js', title: '默认配置项'},
{ html: `
`, comment: `
xmSelect: update(options)
xmSelect: reset()
xmSelect: render(options)
xmSelect: opened()
xmSelect: closed()
xmSelect: getValue()
//设置选中数据, array: 选中数据, show: 是否展开下拉框
xmSelect: setValue(array, show)
`, brush: 'js', title: '所有的方法method'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo1"></div>
`, js: `
var demo1 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo1',
language: 'zn',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
`, brush: 'js', title: '这是一个国语版'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo2"></div>
`, js: `
var demo02 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo2',
language: 'en',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
`, brush: 'js', title: '这是一个国际版(English)'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo3"></div>
`, js: `
var demo3 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo3',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2},
{name: '桌子', value: 3},
`, brush: 'js', title: '有基础数据'},
{ html: `
<h3>有选中, 禁用的</h3>
<div id="demo4"></div>
`, js: `
var demo4 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo4',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
`, brush: 'js', title: '有选中, 禁用的'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo5"></div>
`, js: `
var demo5 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo5',
data: [
{label: '水果', val: 1, sel: true, dis: true},
{label: '蔬菜', val: 2, sel: true},
{label: '桌子', val: 3, dis: true},
{label: '北京', val: 4},
prop: {
name: 'label',
value: 'val',
selected: 'sel',
disabled: 'dis'
`, brush: 'js', title: '自定义key'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo6"></div>
`, js: `
var demo6 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo6',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
template: function({item, arr, name, value}){
return name + '<span style="color: red; margin-left: 20px;">'+value+'</span>'
`, brush: 'js', title: '使用template自己构建选项1'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo7"></div>
`, js: `
var demo7 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo7',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
template: function({item, arr, name, value}){
return name + '<span style="position: absolute; right: 10px; color: red">'+value+'</span>'
`, brush: 'js', title: '使用template自己构建选项2'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo8"></div>
`, js: `
var demo8 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo8',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'text',
text: {
left: '<',
right: '>',
separator: ', ',
`, brush: 'js', title: '简单的展示形式1'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo9"></div>
`, js: `
var demo9 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo9',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'count',
count: {
template: function({data, arr}){
return "已选中 " + arr.length + " 项, 共 " + data.length + " 项"
`, brush: 'js', title: '简单的展示形式2'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo10"></div>
`, js: `
var demo10 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo10',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'count',
count: {
template: function({data, arr}){
return "我是自定义的... 已选中 " + arr.length + " 项, 共 " + data.length + " 项"
`, brush: 'js', title: '自定义展示'},
{ html: `
<h3>多余的用 +隐藏</h3>
<div id="demo11"></div>
`, js: `
var demo11 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo11',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'block',
block: {
showCount: 1,
showIcon: true,
`, brush: 'js', title: '多余的用 +隐藏'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo12"></div>
`, js: `
var demo12 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo12',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'block',
block: {
showCount: 1,
showIcon: false,
`, brush: 'js', title: '不显示删除图标'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo13"></div>
`, js: `
var demo13 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo13',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
theme: {
color: 'red',
`, brush: 'js', title: '换一个主题'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo14"></div>
`, js: `
var demo14 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo14',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
filterable: true, //开启搜索
`, brush: 'js', title: '开启搜索模式'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo15"></div>
`, js: `
var demo15 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo15',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
filterable: true, //开启搜索
filterMethod: function(val, item, index, prop){
if(!val) return true;
return item[prop.name].indexOf(val) != -1;
`, brush: 'js', title: '自定义搜索方法'},
{ html: `
<h3>自定义搜索延迟 和 提示</h3>
<div id="demo16"></div>
`, js: `
var demo16 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo16',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
filterable: true, //开启搜索
delay: 2000,
searchTips: '搜索呀 搜索呀...',
`, brush: 'js', title: '自定义搜索延迟 和 提示'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo17"></div>
`, js: `
var startTime = Date.now();
var demo17 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo17',
data: ''.padEnd(1000, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
console.log('1000条数据渲染耗时: ' + (Date.now() - startTime) + 'ms');
`, brush: 'js', title: '1000条数据测试'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo18"></div>
`, js: `
var demo18 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo18',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
direction: 'auto',
`, brush: 'js', title: '自动判断下拉方向'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo19"></div>
`, js: `
var demo19 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo19',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
direction: 'down',
`, brush: 'js', title: '只会往下'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo20"></div>
`, js: `
var demo20 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo20',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
direction: 'up',
`, brush: 'js', title: '只会往上'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo21"></div>
`, js: `
var demo21 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo21',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
style: {
width: '200px',
marginLeft: '20px',
`, brush: 'js', title: '自定义style样式'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo22"></div>
`, js: `
var demo22 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo22',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
radio: true,
clickClose: true,
`, brush: 'js', title: '单选模式'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo23"></div>
`, js: `
var demo23 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo23',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
repeat: true,
`, brush: 'js', title: '重复选模式'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo24"></div>
`, js: `
var demo24 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo24',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
clickClose: true,
`, brush: 'js', title: '多选选完即关闭下拉选'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo25"></div>
`, js: `
var demo25 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo25',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
on: function({ arr, item, selected }){
console.log('已选择: ', arr);
console.log('点击选项: ', item);
console.log('点击状态: ', selected);
alert('选择: ' + JSON.stringify(item) + ', 状态: ' + selected);
`, brush: 'js', title: '监听已选择数据on'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo26"></div>
`, js: `
var demo26 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo26',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
show: function(){
hidn: function(){
`, brush: 'js', title: '监听下拉框的打开与关闭'},
{ html: `
<div id="demo27"></div>
`, js: `
var demo27 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo27',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
show: function(){
//return false;
hidn: function(){
var arr = demo27.getValue();
//如果已选择数据小于1, 则不会关闭下拉框
if(arr.length < 1){
return false;//组件受控
`, brush: 'js', title: '控制下拉框的打开与关闭'},
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
(function($, window, undefined) {
var Fathom = function(container, options) {
this.container = container;
this.options = options;
return this.init()
$window = $(window),
$document = $(document);
Fathom.prototype = {
defaults: {
portable: undefined,
portableTagName: "div",
portableClass: "fathom-container",
displayMode: "single",
slideTagName: "div",
slideClass: "slide",
activeClass: "activeslide",
inactiveClass: "inactiveslide",
margin: 100,
onScrollInterval: 300,
scrollLength: 600,
easing: "swing",
timeline: undefined,
video: undefined,
onActivateSlide: undefined,
onDeactivateSlide: undefined
init: function() {
this.config = $.extend({}, this.defaults, this.options);
this.$container = $(this.container);
this.$slides = this.$container.find(this.config.slideTagName + (this.config.slideClass ? "." + this.config.slideClass :
this.$firstSlide = this.$slides.filter(":first");
this.$lastSlide = this.$slides.filter(":last");
this.$activeSlide = this.activateSlide(this.$firstSlide);
return this._detectPortable()._setStyles()._setClasses()._setMargins()._setupEvents()._setupTimeline()._setupVideo()
nextSlide: function() {
return this.scrollToSlide(this.$activeSlide.next())
prevSlide: function() {
return this.scrollToSlide(this.$activeSlide.prev())
scrollToSlide: function($elem) {
var self = this,
$scrollingElement = this.config.portable ? this.$portableContainer : $("html,body"),
$container = this.config.portable ? this.$portableContainer : $window,
portableScrollLeft = this.config.portable ? this.$portableContainer.scrollLeft() : 0;
if ($elem.length !== 1) {
return $elem
this.isAutoScrolling = true;
scrollLeft: $elem.position().left + portableScrollLeft - ($container.width() - $elem.innerWidth()) / 2
}, self.config.scrollLength, self.config.easing, function() {
self.isAutoScrolling = false
return this.activateSlide($elem)
activateSlide: function($elem) {
var elem = $elem.get(0),
if (this.$activeSlide !== undefined) {
activeSlide = this.$activeSlide.get(0);
if (activeSlide === elem) {
return $elem
if (typeof this.config.onDeactivateSlide === "function") {
this.$activeSlide = $elem;
if (typeof this.config.onActivateSlide === "function") {
return $elem
setTime: function(t) {
var times = this._timeline || [];
for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
if (times[i].time <= t && times[i + 1].time > t) {
if (this.$activeSlide[0] !== times[i].slide[0]) {
_detectPortable: function() {
if (this.config.portable === undefined) {
if (this.$container.parent().is("body")) {
this.config.portable = false
} else {
this.config.portable = true
return this
_setupEvents: function() {
var self = this;
this.$container.delegate(this.config.slideTagName + "." + this.config.inactiveClass, "click", function(event) {
$document.keydown(function(event) {
var key = event.which;
if (key === 39 || key === 32) {
} else if (key === 37) {
$window.resize(function() {
return this
_setStyles: function() {
this.$container.css("white-space", "nowrap");
"white-space": "normal",
display: "inline-block",
"vertical-align": "top"
if (this.config.portable) {
this.$portableContainer = $("<" + this.config.portableTagName + ' class="' + this.config.portableClass + '" />');
return this
_setClasses: function() {
return this
_setMargins: function() {
var displayMode = this.config.displayMode,
$container = this.config.portable ? this.$portableContainer : $window,
containerWidth = $container.width(),
verticalSpacing = Math.ceil(($container.height() - this.$firstSlide.innerHeight()) / 2),
firstSlideSpacing = Math.ceil((containerWidth - this.$firstSlide.innerWidth()) / 2),
lastSlideSpacing = Math.ceil((containerWidth - this.$lastSlide.innerWidth()) / 2),
peekabooWidth = Math.ceil(containerWidth / 25);
this.$container.css("margin-top", verticalSpacing);
if (displayMode === "single") {
this.$slides.css("margin-right", firstSlideSpacing)
} else if (displayMode === "multi") {
this.$slides.css("margin-right", this.config.margin)
this.$firstSlide.css("margin-left", firstSlideSpacing);
this.$lastSlide.css("margin-right", lastSlideSpacing);
if (this.config.portable) {
var slidesWidth = parseInt(this.$container.css("padding-left")) + parseInt(this.$container.css("padding-right"));
this.$slides.each(function() {
slidesWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true)
return this
_setupTimeline: function() {
var slides = this.$slides;
function parseTime(point) {
for (var m = (point.time || point).toString().match(/(((\d+):)?(\d+):)?(\d+)/), a = 0, i = 3; i <= 5; i++) {
a = a * 60 + parseInt(m[i] || 0)
return a
var currentSlide = -1;
function parseSlide(point) {
if (point.slide == null) {
} else if ($.type(point.slide) === "number") {
currentSlide = point.slide
} else {
for (var match = slides.filter(point.slide)[0], i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
if (slides[i] === match) {
currentSlide = i;
return slides.eq(currentSlide)
if (!this.config.timeline) return this;
this._timeline = [];
for (var t = this.config.timeline, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
time: parseTime(t[i]),
slide: parseSlide(t[i])
time: 99999,
slide: t[0].slide
return this
_setupVideo: function() {
if (!this.config.video) {
} else if (this.config.video.source === "vimeo") {
} else {
throw "unknown video source, not supported"
return this
_setupDefaultTimeSource: function() {
var self = this,
t0 = (new Date).getTime();
setInterval(function() {
var t1 = (new Date).getTime();
self.setTime((t1 - t0) / 1e3)
}, 250)
_setupVimeoVideo: function(vid) {
var self = this,
vid = this.config.video,
downgrade = false;
if (window.location.protocol === "file:") {
"console" in window && console.log(
"vimeo video player api does not work with local files. Downgrading video support\nsee http://vimeo.com/api/docs/player-js"
downgrade = true
function loadFrame() {
var id = "p" + vid.id;
var frameSrc = '<iframe id="' + id + '" width="' + (vid.width || 360) + '" height="' + (vid.height || 203) +
'" frameborder="0" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/' + vid.id + "?api=1&player_id=" + id + '">';
return $(frameSrc).appendTo(vid.parent || "body")[0]
if (downgrade) {
$(loadFrame()).bind("load", function() {
} else {
$.getScript("http://a.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js?", function() {
$f(loadFrame()).addEvent("ready", function(player_id) {
var vimeo = $f(player_id),
timer = false;
vimeo.addEvent("play", function(data) {
if (timer === false) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
vimeo.api("getCurrentTime", function(value, player_id) {
}, 250)
vimeo.addEvent("pause", function(data) {
timer = false
vid.autoplay && vimeo.api("play")
_setupScrollHandler: function() {
var self = this,
slideSelector = self.config.slideTagName + (self.config.slideClass ? "." + self.config.slideClass : ""),
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return this
$.fn.fathom = function(options) {
new Fathom(this, options);
return this
Fathom.defaults = Fathom.prototype.defaults;
Fathom.setDefaults = function(options) {
$.extend(Fathom.defaults, options)
window.Fathom = Fathom
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Executable file
Executable file
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Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// CommonJS
typeof(require) != 'undefined' ? SyntaxHighlighter = require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter : null;
function Brush()
var keywords = 'if fi then elif else for do done until while break continue case function return in eq ne ge le';
var commands = 'alias apropos awk basename bash bc bg builtin bzip2 cal cat cd cfdisk chgrp chmod chown chroot' +
'cksum clear cmp comm command cp cron crontab csplit cut date dc dd ddrescue declare df ' +
'diff diff3 dig dir dircolors dirname dirs du echo egrep eject enable env ethtool eval ' +
'exec exit expand export expr false fdformat fdisk fg fgrep file find fmt fold format ' +
'free fsck ftp gawk getopts grep groups gzip hash head history hostname id ifconfig ' +
'import install join kill less let ln local locate logname logout look lpc lpr lprint ' +
'lprintd lprintq lprm ls lsof make man mkdir mkfifo mkisofs mknod more mount mtools ' +
'mv netstat nice nl nohup nslookup open op passwd paste pathchk ping popd pr printcap ' +
'printenv printf ps pushd pwd quota quotacheck quotactl ram rcp read readonly renice ' +
'remsync rm rmdir rsync screen scp sdiff sed select seq set sftp shift shopt shutdown ' +
'sleep sort source split ssh strace su sudo sum symlink sync tail tar tee test time ' +
'times touch top traceroute trap tr true tsort tty type ulimit umask umount unalias ' +
'uname unexpand uniq units unset unshar useradd usermod users uuencode uudecode v vdir ' +
'vi watch wc whereis which who whoami Wget xargs yes'
this.regexList = [
{ regex: /^#!.*$/gm, css: 'preprocessor bold' },
{ regex: /\/[\w-\/]+/gm, css: 'plain' },
{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.singleLinePerlComments, css: 'comments' }, // one line comments
{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.doubleQuotedString, css: 'string' }, // double quoted strings
{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.singleQuotedString, css: 'string' }, // single quoted strings
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(keywords), 'gm'), css: 'keyword' }, // keywords
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(commands), 'gm'), css: 'functions' } // commands
Brush.prototype = new SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter();
Brush.aliases = ['bash', 'shell'];
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Bash = Brush;
// CommonJS
typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.Brush = Brush : null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* SyntaxHighlighter
* http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter
* SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
* http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html
* @version
* 3.0.83 (July 02 2010)
* @copyright
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev.
* @license
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
// CommonJS
typeof(require) != 'undefined' ? SyntaxHighlighter = require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter : null;
function Brush()
var keywords = 'break case catch continue ' +
'default delete do else false ' +
'for function if in instanceof ' +
'new null return super switch ' +
'this throw true try typeof var while with'
var r = SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib;
this.regexList = [
{ regex: r.multiLineDoubleQuotedString, css: 'string' }, // double quoted strings
{ regex: r.multiLineSingleQuotedString, css: 'string' }, // single quoted strings
{ regex: r.singleLineCComments, css: 'comments' }, // one line comments
{ regex: r.multiLineCComments, css: 'comments' }, // multiline comments
{ regex: /\s*#.*/gm, css: 'preprocessor' }, // preprocessor tags like #region and #endregion
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(keywords), 'gm'), css: 'keyword' } // keywords
Brush.prototype = new SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter();
Brush.aliases = ['js', 'jscript', 'javascript'];
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.JScript = Brush;
// CommonJS
typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.Brush = Brush : null;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// CommonJS
typeof(require) != 'undefined' ? SyntaxHighlighter = require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter : null;
function Brush()
function process(match, regexInfo)
var constructor = SyntaxHighlighter.Match,
code = match[0],
tag = new XRegExp('(<|<)[\\s\\/\\?]*(?<name>[:\\w-\\.]+)', 'xg').exec(code),
result = []
if (match.attributes != null)
var attributes,
regex = new XRegExp('(?<name> [\\w:\\-\\.]+)' +
'\\s*=\\s*' +
'(?<value> ".*?"|\'.*?\'|\\w+)',
while ((attributes = regex.exec(code)) != null)
result.push(new constructor(attributes.name, match.index + attributes.index, 'color1'));
result.push(new constructor(attributes.value, match.index + attributes.index + attributes[0].indexOf(attributes.value), 'string'));
if (tag != null)
new constructor(tag.name, match.index + tag[0].indexOf(tag.name), 'keyword')
return result;
this.regexList = [
{ regex: new XRegExp('(\\<|<)\\!\\[[\\w\\s]*?\\[(.|\\s)*?\\]\\](\\>|>)', 'gm'), css: 'color2' }, // <![ ... [ ... ]]>
{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.xmlComments, css: 'comments' }, // <!-- ... -->
{ regex: new XRegExp('(<|<)[\\s\\/\\?]*(\\w+)(?<attributes>.*?)[\\s\\/\\?]*(>|>)', 'sg'), func: process },
{ regex: /^\[[0-9-]+\] [vV0-9\.]+$/gm, css: 'keyword value' }
Brush.prototype = new SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter();
Brush.aliases = ['xml', 'xhtml', 'xslt', 'html'];
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Xml = Brush;
// CommonJS
typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.Brush = Brush : null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
* SyntaxHighlighter
* http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter
* SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
* http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html
* @version
* 3.0.83 (July 02 2010)
* @copyright
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev.
* @license
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
.syntaxhighlighter a,
.syntaxhighlighter div,
.syntaxhighlighter code,
.syntaxhighlighter table,
.syntaxhighlighter table td,
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.syntaxhighlighter table td.code .container textarea {
box-sizing: border-box !important;
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background: white !important;
padding-left: 1em !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
white-space: pre !important;
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Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
* SyntaxHighlighter
* http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter
* SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
* http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html
* @version
* 3.0.83 (July 02 2010)
* @copyright
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev.
* @license
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
.syntaxhighlighter {
background-color: white !important;
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background-color: white !important;
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
.syntaxhighlighter a, .syntaxhighlighter div, .syntaxhighlighter code, .syntaxhighlighter table, .syntaxhighlighter table td, .syntaxhighlighter table tr, .syntaxhighlighter table tbody, .syntaxhighlighter table thead, .syntaxhighlighter table caption, .syntaxhighlighter textarea{line-height: 1.3em !important;}
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div.slide{width: 90vw; overflow: auto;}
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
var htmls = [], js = [];
'<div class="slide">',
'<div class="dcode mt10"><script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="brush:html"><![CDATA[',
item.comment ? item.comment.replace(/</g, '<') : item.html.replace(/</g, '<'),
item.js && ['<div class="dcode mt10"><script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="brush:js"><![CDATA[',
item.js.replace(/</g, '<'),
var box = $('#content');
SyntaxHighlighter.defaults["quick-code"] = false;
SyntaxHighlighter.defaults["gutter"] = false;
var ele = new Fathom('#content')
el: '#header',
data: data.map(function(item, index){
return {
name: (index + 1) + '. ' + item.title,
value: index,
empty: !!item.title
return item.empty;
filterable: true,
model: {
label: {
type: 'text',
text: {
left: '',
right: '',
separator: ', ',
radio: true,
clickClose: true,
on: function(data){
data.selected && ele.scrollToSlide($('.slide:nth-child('+(data.item.value + 1)+')'));
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 81 KiB |
@ -1,348 +1,27 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />
body{padding-bottom: 300px;}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs/highlighter/shCore.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs/highlighter/shThemeEclipse.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs/fathom/fathom.sample.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs/index.css"/>
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="header"></div>
<a href="https://gitee.com/maplemei/xm-select">https://gitee.com/maplemei/xm-select</a>
<div id="demo1"></div>
<div id="demo2"></div>
<div id="demo3"></div>
<h3>有选中, 禁用的</h3>
<div id="demo4"></div>
<div id="demo5"></div>
<div id="demo6"></div>
<div id="demo7"></div>
<div id="demo8"></div>
<div id="demo9"></div>
<div id="demo10"></div>
<h3>多余的用 +隐藏</h3>
<div id="demo11"></div>
<div id="demo12"></div>
<div id="demo13"></div>
<div id="demo14"></div>
<script src="docs/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="docs/highlighter/shCore.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="docs/highlighter/shBrushJScript.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="docs/highlighter/shBrushXml.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="docs/fathom/fathom.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<div id="demo15"></div>
<h3>自定义搜索延迟 和 提示</h3>
<div id="demo16"></div>
<div id="demo17"></div>
<div id="demo18"></div>
<div id="demo19"></div>
<div id="demo20"></div>
<div id="demo21"></div>
<script src="./dist/xm-select.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var demo1 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo1',
language: 'zn',
isShow: true,
var demo2 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo2',
language: 'en'
var demo3 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo3',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2},
{name: '桌子', value: 3},
var demo4 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo4',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
var demo5 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo5',
data: [
{label: '水果', val: 1, sel: true, dis: true},
{label: '蔬菜', val: 2, sel: true},
{label: '桌子', val: 3, dis: true},
{label: '北京', val: 4},
prop: {
name: 'label',
value: 'val',
selected: 'sel',
disabled: 'dis'
var demo6 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo6',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
template: function(item, sels, name, value){
return name + '<span style="color: red; margin-left: 20px;">'+value+'</span>'
var demo7 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo7',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
template: function(item, sels, name, value){
return name + '<span style="position: absolute; right: 10px; color: red">'+value+'</span>'
var demo8 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo8',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'text',
text: {
left: '<',
right: '>',
separator: ', ',
var demo9 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo9',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'count',
count: {
template: function(data, sels){
return "已选中 " + sels.length + " 项, 共 " + data.length + " 项"
var demo10 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo10',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'count',
count: {
template: function(data, sels){
return "我是自定义的... 已选中 " + sels.length + " 项, 共 " + data.length + " 项"
var demo11 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo11',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'block',
block: {
showCount: 1,
showIcon: true,
var demo12 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo12',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
model: {
label: {
type: 'block',
block: {
showCount: 1,
showIcon: false,
var demo13 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo13',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
theme: {
color: 'red',
var demo14 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo14',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
filterable: true, //开启搜索
var demo15 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo15',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
filterable: true, //开启搜索
filterMethod: function(val, item, index, prop){
if(!val) return true;
return item[prop.name].indexOf(val) != -1;
var demo16 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo16',
data: [
{name: '水果', value: 1, selected: true, disabled: true},
{name: '蔬菜', value: 2, selected: true},
{name: '桌子', value: 3, disabled: true},
{name: '北京', value: 4},
filterable: true, //开启搜索
delay: 2000,
searchTips: '搜索呀 搜索呀...',
var startTime = Date.now();
var demo17 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo17',
data: ''.padEnd(1000, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
console.log('1000条数据渲染耗时: ' + (Date.now() - startTime) + 'ms');
var demo18 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo18',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
direction: 'auto',
var demo19 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo19',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
direction: 'down',
var demo20 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo20',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
direction: 'up',
var demo21 = xmSelect.render({
el: '#demo21',
data: ''.padEnd(100, ' ').split('').map((a, i) => ( {name: 'name' + i, value: i} )),
filterable: true, //开启搜索
style: {
width: '200px',
marginLeft: '20px',
<script src="dist/xm-select.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="docs/data.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="docs/index.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ export default function (lan = 'zn') {
direction: 'auto',
style: {},
radio: false,
repeat: false,
clickClose: false,
prop: {
name: 'name',
@ -71,8 +77,12 @@ export default function (lan = 'zn') {
// 模板组成, 当前option数据, 已经选中的数据, name, value
template(item, sels, name, value){
template({ item, sels, name, value }){
return name;
on({ arr, item, selected }){
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class xmOptions {
update(options = {}, isNew){
this.options = {...this.options, ...options};
this.options = Object.assign(this.options, options);
//如果dom不存在, 则不进行渲染事项
let dom = selector(this.options.el);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Framework extends Component{
render(config, { sels, show }) {
const { tips, theme, data, prop, template, model, empty, style } = config;
const { tips, theme, data, prop, template, model, empty, style, radio, repeat, clickClose, on } = config;
const borderStyle = { borderColor: theme.color };
const xmSelectProps = {
@ -97,22 +97,31 @@ class Framework extends Component{
const valueProp = prop.value;
const ck = (item, selected, disabled) => {
//选项, 选中状态, 禁用状态, 是否强制删除:在label上点击删除
const ck = (item, selected, disabled, mandatoryDelete) => {
//如果是禁用状态, 不能进行操作
if(disabled) return;
if(selected && (!repeat || mandatoryDelete)){
let index = sels.findIndex(sel => sel[valueProp] == item[valueProp])
if(index != -1){
sels.splice(index, 1);
sels: [...sels, item]
this.setState({ sels: [item] });
this.setState({ sels: [...sels, item] });
on && on({ arr: sels, item, selected: !selected });
//检查是否为选择即关闭状态, 强制删除情况下不做处理
clickClose && !mandatoryDelete && this.onClick();
const labelProps = { ...config, sels, ck, title: sels.map(sel => sel[prop.name]).join(',') }
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Label extends Component{
iconClick(item, selected, disabled, e){
this.props.ck(item, selected, disabled);
this.props.ck(item, selected, disabled, true);
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Label extends Component{
if(sels.length && conf && conf.template){
html = conf.template(data, sels);
html = conf.template({data, arr: sels});
html = sels.map(sel => sel[name]).join(',')
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class General extends Component{
<div class="xm-option-icon" style={ { borderColor: theme.color, } }>
<i class="xm-iconfont xm-icon-duox" style={ iconStyle }></i>
<div class='xm-option-content' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: template(item, sels, item[name], item[value]) }}></div>
<div class='xm-option-content' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: template({ data, item, arr: sels, name: item[name], value: item[value] }) }}></div>
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