330 lines
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import {
} from '@vue/runtime-core'
import { isObject } from '@vue/shared'
import { ErrorCodes } from 'packages/runtime-core/src/errorHandling'
const TRANSITION = 'transition'
const ANIMATION = 'animation'
export interface TransitionProps extends BaseTransitionProps {
name?: string
type?: typeof TRANSITION | typeof ANIMATION
css?: boolean
duration?: number | { enter: number; leave: number }
// custom transition classes
enterFromClass?: string
enterActiveClass?: string
enterToClass?: string
appearFromClass?: string
appearActiveClass?: string
appearToClass?: string
leaveFromClass?: string
leaveActiveClass?: string
leaveToClass?: string
// DOM Transition is a higher-order-component based on the platform-agnostic
// base Transition component, with DOM-specific logic.
export const Transition: FunctionalComponent<TransitionProps> = (
{ slots }
) => h(BaseTransition, resolveTransitionProps(props), slots)
export const TransitionPropsValidators = {
...(BaseTransition as any).props,
name: String,
type: String,
css: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
duration: Object,
enterFromClass: String,
enterActiveClass: String,
enterToClass: String,
appearFromClass: String,
appearActiveClass: String,
appearToClass: String,
leaveFromClass: String,
leaveActiveClass: String,
leaveToClass: String
if (__DEV__) {
Transition.props = TransitionPropsValidators
export function resolveTransitionProps({
name = 'v',
css = true,
enterFromClass = `${name}-enter-from`,
enterActiveClass = `${name}-enter-active`,
enterToClass = `${name}-enter-to`,
appearFromClass = enterFromClass,
appearActiveClass = enterActiveClass,
appearToClass = enterToClass,
leaveFromClass = `${name}-leave-from`,
leaveActiveClass = `${name}-leave-active`,
leaveToClass = `${name}-leave-to`,
}: TransitionProps): BaseTransitionProps {
if (!css) {
return baseProps
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const durations = normalizeDuration(duration)
const enterDuration = durations && durations[0]
const leaveDuration = durations && durations[1]
const { appear, onBeforeEnter, onEnter, onLeave } = baseProps
// is appearing
if (appear && !getCurrentInstance()!.isMounted) {
enterFromClass = appearFromClass
enterActiveClass = appearActiveClass
enterToClass = appearToClass
type Hook = (el: HTMLElement, done?: () => void) => void
const finishEnter: Hook = (el, done) => {
removeTransitionClass(el, enterToClass)
removeTransitionClass(el, enterActiveClass)
done && done()
const finishLeave: Hook = (el, done) => {
removeTransitionClass(el, leaveToClass)
removeTransitionClass(el, leaveActiveClass)
done && done()
// only needed for user hooks called in nextFrame
// sync errors are already handled by BaseTransition
function callHookWithErrorHandling(hook: Hook, args: any[]) {
callWithAsyncErrorHandling(hook, instance, ErrorCodes.TRANSITION_HOOK, args)
return {
onBeforeEnter(el) {
onBeforeEnter && onBeforeEnter(el)
addTransitionClass(el, enterActiveClass)
addTransitionClass(el, enterFromClass)
onEnter(el, done) {
nextFrame(() => {
const resolve = () => finishEnter(el, done)
onEnter && callHookWithErrorHandling(onEnter, [el, resolve])
removeTransitionClass(el, enterFromClass)
addTransitionClass(el, enterToClass)
if (!(onEnter && onEnter.length > 1)) {
if (enterDuration) {
setTimeout(resolve, enterDuration)
} else {
whenTransitionEnds(el, type, resolve)
onLeave(el, done) {
addTransitionClass(el, leaveActiveClass)
addTransitionClass(el, leaveFromClass)
nextFrame(() => {
const resolve = () => finishLeave(el, done)
onLeave && callHookWithErrorHandling(onLeave, [el, resolve])
removeTransitionClass(el, leaveFromClass)
addTransitionClass(el, leaveToClass)
if (!(onLeave && onLeave.length > 1)) {
if (leaveDuration) {
setTimeout(resolve, leaveDuration)
} else {
whenTransitionEnds(el, type, resolve)
onEnterCancelled: finishEnter,
onLeaveCancelled: finishLeave
function normalizeDuration(
duration: TransitionProps['duration']
): [number, number] | null {
if (duration == null) {
return null
} else if (isObject(duration)) {
return [toNumber(duration.enter), toNumber(duration.leave)]
} else {
const n = toNumber(duration)
return [n, n]
function toNumber(val: unknown): number {
const res = Number(val || 0)
if (__DEV__) validateDuration(res)
return res
function validateDuration(val: unknown) {
if (typeof val !== 'number') {
`<transition> explicit duration is not a valid number - ` +
`got ${JSON.stringify(val)}.`
} else if (isNaN(val)) {
`<transition> explicit duration is NaN - ` +
'the duration expression might be incorrect.'
export interface ElementWithTransition extends HTMLElement {
// _vtc = Vue Transition Classes.
// Store the temporarily-added transition classes on the element
// so that we can avoid overwriting them if the element's class is patched
// during the transition.
_vtc?: Set<string>
export function addTransitionClass(el: ElementWithTransition, cls: string) {
cls.split(/\s+/).forEach(c => c && el.classList.add(c))
;(el._vtc || (el._vtc = new Set())).add(cls)
export function removeTransitionClass(el: ElementWithTransition, cls: string) {
cls.split(/\s+/).forEach(c => c && el.classList.remove(c))
if (el._vtc) {
if (!el._vtc!.size) {
el._vtc = undefined
function nextFrame(cb: () => void) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
function whenTransitionEnds(
el: Element,
expectedType: TransitionProps['type'] | undefined,
cb: () => void
) {
const { type, timeout, propCount } = getTransitionInfo(el, expectedType)
if (!type) {
return cb()
const endEvent = type + 'end'
let ended = 0
const end = () => {
el.removeEventListener(endEvent, onEnd)
const onEnd = (e: Event) => {
if (e.target === el) {
if (++ended >= propCount) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (ended < propCount) {
}, timeout + 1)
el.addEventListener(endEvent, onEnd)
interface CSSTransitionInfo {
type: typeof TRANSITION | typeof ANIMATION | null
propCount: number
timeout: number
hasTransform: boolean
export function getTransitionInfo(
el: Element,
expectedType?: TransitionProps['type']
): CSSTransitionInfo {
const styles: any = window.getComputedStyle(el)
// JSDOM may return undefined for transition properties
const getStyleProperties = (key: string) => (styles[key] || '').split(', ')
const transitionDelays = getStyleProperties(TRANSITION + 'Delay')
const transitionDurations = getStyleProperties(TRANSITION + 'Duration')
const transitionTimeout = getTimeout(transitionDelays, transitionDurations)
const animationDelays = getStyleProperties(ANIMATION + 'Delay')
const animationDurations = getStyleProperties(ANIMATION + 'Duration')
const animationTimeout = getTimeout(animationDelays, animationDurations)
let type: CSSTransitionInfo['type'] = null
let timeout = 0
let propCount = 0
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (expectedType === TRANSITION) {
if (transitionTimeout > 0) {
timeout = transitionTimeout
propCount = transitionDurations.length
} else if (expectedType === ANIMATION) {
if (animationTimeout > 0) {
timeout = animationTimeout
propCount = animationDurations.length
} else {
timeout = Math.max(transitionTimeout, animationTimeout)
type =
timeout > 0
? transitionTimeout > animationTimeout
: null
propCount = type
? type === TRANSITION
? transitionDurations.length
: animationDurations.length
: 0
const hasTransform =
type === TRANSITION &&
/\b(transform|all)(,|$)/.test(styles[TRANSITION + 'Property'])
return {
function getTimeout(delays: string[], durations: string[]): number {
while (delays.length < durations.length) {
delays = delays.concat(delays)
return Math.max(...durations.map((d, i) => toMs(d) + toMs(delays[i])))
// Old versions of Chromium (below 61.0.3163.100) formats floating pointer
// numbers in a locale-dependent way, using a comma instead of a dot.
// If comma is not replaced with a dot, the input will be rounded down
// (i.e. acting as a floor function) causing unexpected behaviors
function toMs(s: string): number {
return Number(s.slice(0, -1).replace(',', '.')) * 1000