fix #2102
1113 lines
33 KiB
1113 lines
33 KiB
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import { BindingMetadata } from '@vue/compiler-core'
import { SFCDescriptor, SFCScriptBlock } from './parse'
import { parse, ParserPlugin } from '@babel/parser'
import { babelParserDefaultPlugins, generateCodeFrame } from '@vue/shared'
import {
Function as FunctionNode,
} from '@babel/types'
import { walk } from 'estree-walker'
import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map'
import { genCssVarsCode, injectCssVarsCalls } from './genCssVars'
export interface SFCScriptCompileOptions {
* https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-parser#plugins
babelParserPlugins?: ParserPlugin[]
let hasWarned = false
* Compile `<script setup>`
* It requires the whole SFC descriptor because we need to handle and merge
* normal `<script>` + `<script setup>` if both are present.
export function compileScript(
sfc: SFCDescriptor,
options: SFCScriptCompileOptions = {}
): SFCScriptBlock {
const { script, scriptSetup, styles, source, filename } = sfc
if (__DEV__ && !__TEST__ && !hasWarned && scriptSetup) {
hasWarned = true
// @ts-ignore `console.info` cannot be null error
console[console.info ? 'info' : 'log'](
`\n[@vue/compiler-sfc] <script setup> is still an experimental proposal.\n` +
`Follow https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/pull/182 for its status.\n`
const hasCssVars = styles.some(s => typeof s.attrs.vars === 'string')
const scriptLang = script && script.lang
const scriptSetupLang = scriptSetup && scriptSetup.lang
const isTS = scriptLang === 'ts' || scriptSetupLang === 'ts'
const plugins: ParserPlugin[] = [...babelParserDefaultPlugins, 'jsx']
if (options.babelParserPlugins) plugins.push(...options.babelParserPlugins)
if (isTS) plugins.push('typescript', 'decorators-legacy')
if (!scriptSetup) {
if (!script) {
throw new Error(`SFC contains no <script> tags.`)
if (scriptLang && scriptLang !== 'ts') {
// do not process non js/ts script blocks
return script
try {
const scriptAst = parse(script.content, {
sourceType: 'module'
return {
content: hasCssVars ? injectCssVarsCalls(sfc, plugins) : script.content,
bindings: analyzeScriptBindings(scriptAst),
} catch (e) {
// silently fallback if parse fails since user may be using custom
// babel syntax
return script
if (script && scriptLang !== scriptSetupLang) {
throw new Error(
`<script> and <script setup> must have the same language type.`
if (scriptSetupLang && scriptSetupLang !== 'ts') {
// do not process non js/ts script blocks
return scriptSetup
const defaultTempVar = `__default__`
const bindings: BindingMetadata = {}
const imports: Record<string, string> = {}
const setupScopeVars: Record<string, boolean> = {}
const setupExports: Record<string, boolean> = {}
let exportAllIndex = 0
let defaultExport: Node | undefined
let needDefaultExportRefCheck = false
let hasAwait = false
const checkDuplicateDefaultExport = (node: Node) => {
if (defaultExport) {
// <script> already has export default
throw new Error(
`Default export is already declared in normal <script>.\n\n` +
node.start! + startOffset,
node.start! + startOffset + `export default`.length
const s = new MagicString(source)
const startOffset = scriptSetup.loc.start.offset
const endOffset = scriptSetup.loc.end.offset
const scriptStartOffset = script && script.loc.start.offset
const scriptEndOffset = script && script.loc.end.offset
let scriptAst
// 1. process normal <script> first if it exists
if (script) {
// import dedupe between <script> and <script setup>
scriptAst = parse(script.content, {
sourceType: 'module'
for (const node of scriptAst) {
if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') {
// record imports for dedupe
for (const {
local: { name }
} of node.specifiers) {
imports[name] = node.source.value
} else if (node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') {
// export default
defaultExport = node
const start = node.start! + scriptStartOffset!
start + `export default`.length,
`const ${defaultTempVar} =`
} else if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && node.specifiers) {
const defaultSpecifier = node.specifiers.find(
s => s.exported.name === 'default'
) as ExportSpecifier
if (defaultSpecifier) {
defaultExport = node
// 1. remove specifier
if (node.specifiers.length > 1) {
defaultSpecifier.start! + scriptStartOffset!,
defaultSpecifier.end! + scriptStartOffset!
} else {
node.start! + scriptStartOffset!,
node.end! + scriptStartOffset!
if (node.source) {
// export { x as default } from './x'
// rewrite to `import { x as __default__ } from './x'` and
// add to top
`import { ${
} as ${defaultTempVar} } from '${node.source.value}'\n`
} else {
// export { x as default }
// rewrite to `const __default__ = x` and move to end
`\nconst ${defaultTempVar} = ${defaultSpecifier.local.name}\n`
// 2. check <script setup="xxx"> function signature
const setupValue = scriptSetup.setup
const hasExplicitSignature = typeof setupValue === 'string'
let propsVar: string | undefined
let emitVar: string | undefined
let slotsVar: string | undefined
let attrsVar: string | undefined
let propsType = `{}`
let emitType = `(e: string, ...args: any[]) => void`
let slotsType = `__Slots__`
let attrsType = `Record<string, any>`
let propsASTNode
let setupCtxASTNode
// props/emits declared via types
const typeDeclaredProps: Record<string, PropTypeData> = {}
const typeDeclaredEmits: Set<string> = new Set()
// record declared types for runtime props type generation
const declaredTypes: Record<string, string[]> = {}
if (isTS && hasExplicitSignature) {
// <script setup="xxx" lang="ts">
// parse the signature to extract the props/emit variables the user wants
// we need them to find corresponding type declarations.
const signatureAST = parse(`(${setupValue})=>{}`, { plugins }).program
const params = ((signatureAST as ExpressionStatement)
.expression as ArrowFunctionExpression).params
if (params[0] && params[0].type === 'Identifier') {
propsASTNode = params[0]
propsVar = propsASTNode.name
if (params[1] && params[1].type === 'ObjectPattern') {
setupCtxASTNode = params[1]
for (const p of params[1].properties) {
if (
p.type === 'ObjectProperty' &&
p.key.type === 'Identifier' &&
p.value.type === 'Identifier'
) {
if (p.key.name === 'emit') {
emitVar = p.value.name
} else if (p.key.name === 'slots') {
slotsVar = p.value.name
} else if (p.key.name === 'attrs') {
attrsVar = p.value.name
// 3. parse <script setup> and walk over top level statements
const scriptSetupAst = parse(scriptSetup.content, {
plugins: [
// allow top level await but only inside <script setup>
sourceType: 'module'
for (const node of scriptSetupAst) {
const start = node.start! + startOffset
let end = node.end! + startOffset
// import or type declarations: move to top
// locate comment
if (node.trailingComments && node.trailingComments.length > 0) {
const lastCommentNode =
node.trailingComments[node.trailingComments.length - 1]
end = lastCommentNode.end + startOffset
// locate the end of whitespace between this statement and the next
while (end <= source.length) {
if (!/\s/.test(source.charAt(end))) {
if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') {
// import declarations are moved to top
s.move(start, end, 0)
// dedupe imports
let prev
let removed = 0
for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
if (imports[specifier.local.name]) {
// already imported in <script setup>, dedupe
prev ? prev.end! + startOffset : specifier.start! + startOffset,
specifier.end! + startOffset
} else {
imports[specifier.local.name] = node.source.value
prev = specifier
if (removed === node.specifiers.length) {
s.remove(node.start! + startOffset, node.end! + startOffset)
if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && node.exportKind !== 'type') {
// named exports
if (node.declaration) {
// variable/function/class declarations.
// remove leading `export ` keyword
s.remove(start, start + 7)
walkDeclaration(node.declaration, setupExports)
if (node.specifiers.length) {
// named export with specifiers
if (node.source) {
// export { x } from './x'
// change it to import and move to top
s.overwrite(start, start + 6, 'import')
s.move(start, end, 0)
} else {
// export { x }
s.remove(start, end)
for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
if (specifier.type === 'ExportDefaultSpecifier') {
// export default from './x'
// rewrite to `import __default__ from './x'`
defaultExport = node
specifier.exported.start! + startOffset,
specifier.exported.start! + startOffset + 7,
} else if (specifier.type === 'ExportSpecifier') {
if (specifier.exported.name === 'default') {
defaultExport = node
// 1. remove specifier
if (node.specifiers.length > 1) {
// removing the default specifier from a list of specifiers.
// look ahead until we reach the first non , or whitespace char.
let end = specifier.end! + startOffset
while (end < source.length) {
if (/[^,\s]/.test(source.charAt(end))) {
s.remove(specifier.start! + startOffset, end)
} else {
s.remove(node.start! + startOffset!, node.end! + startOffset!)
if (!node.source) {
// export { x as default, ... }
const local = specifier.local.name
if (setupScopeVars[local] || setupExports[local]) {
throw new Error(
`Cannot export locally defined variable as default in <script setup>.\n` +
`Default export must be an object literal with no reference to local scope.\n` +
specifier.start! + startOffset,
specifier.end! + startOffset
// rewrite to `const __default__ = x` and move to end
s.append(`\nconst ${defaultTempVar} = ${local}\n`)
} else {
// export { x as default } from './x'
// rewrite to `import { x as __default__ } from './x'` and
// add to top
`import { ${
} as ${defaultTempVar} } from '${node.source.value}'\n`
} else {
setupExports[specifier.exported.name] = true
if (node.source) {
imports[specifier.exported.name] = node.source.value
if (node.type === 'ExportAllDeclaration') {
// export * from './x'
node.source.start! + startOffset,
`import * as __export_all_${exportAllIndex++}__ from `
s.move(start, end, 0)
if (node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') {
// export default {} inside <script setup>
// this should be kept in module scope - move it to the end
s.move(start, end, source.length)
s.overwrite(start, start + `export default`.length, `const __default__ =`)
// save it for analysis when all imports and variable declarations have
// been recorded
defaultExport = node
needDefaultExportRefCheck = true
if (
(node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'ClassDeclaration') &&
) {
walkDeclaration(node, setupScopeVars)
// Type declarations
if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' && node.declare) {
s.remove(start, end)
for (const { id } of node.declarations) {
if (id.type === 'Identifier') {
if (
id.typeAnnotation &&
id.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation'
) {
const typeNode = id.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation
const typeString = source.slice(
typeNode.start! + startOffset,
typeNode.end! + startOffset
if (typeNode.type === 'TSTypeLiteral') {
if (id.name === propsVar) {
propsType = typeString
extractRuntimeProps(typeNode, typeDeclaredProps, declaredTypes)
} else if (id.name === slotsVar) {
slotsType = typeString
} else if (id.name === attrsVar) {
attrsType = typeString
} else if (
id.name === emitVar &&
typeNode.type === 'TSFunctionType'
) {
emitType = typeString
extractRuntimeEmits(typeNode, typeDeclaredEmits)
if (
node.type === 'TSDeclareFunction' &&
node.id &&
node.id.name === emitVar
) {
const index = node.id.start! + startOffset
s.overwrite(index, index + emitVar.length, '__emit__')
emitType = `typeof __emit__`
extractRuntimeEmits(node, typeDeclaredEmits)
// move all type declarations to outer scope
if (
node.type.startsWith('TS') ||
(node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && node.exportKind === 'type')
) {
recordType(node, declaredTypes)
s.move(start, end, 0)
// walk statements & named exports / variable declarations for top level
// await
if (
node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ||
(node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' &&
node.declaration &&
node.declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration') ||
) {
;(walk as any)(node, {
enter(node: Node) {
if (isFunction(node)) {
if (node.type === 'AwaitExpression') {
hasAwait = true
// 4. check default export to make sure it doesn't reference setup scope
// variables
if (needDefaultExportRefCheck) {
// 5. remove non-script content
if (script) {
if (startOffset < scriptStartOffset!) {
// <script setup> before <script>
s.remove(endOffset, scriptStartOffset!)
s.remove(scriptEndOffset!, source.length)
} else {
// <script> before <script setup>
s.remove(0, scriptStartOffset!)
s.remove(scriptEndOffset!, startOffset)
s.remove(endOffset, source.length)
} else {
// only <script setup>
s.remove(0, startOffset)
s.remove(endOffset, source.length)
// 5. finalize setup argument signature.
let args = ``
if (isTS) {
if (slotsType === '__Slots__') {
s.prepend(`import { Slots as __Slots__ } from 'vue'\n`)
const ctxType = `{
emit: ${emitType},
slots: ${slotsType},
attrs: ${attrsType}
if (hasExplicitSignature) {
// inject types to user signature
args = setupValue as string
const ss = new MagicString(args)
if (propsASTNode) {
// compensate for () wraper offset
ss.appendRight(propsASTNode.end! - 1, `: ${propsType}`)
if (setupCtxASTNode) {
ss.appendRight(setupCtxASTNode.end! - 1!, `: ${ctxType}`)
args = ss.toString()
} else {
args = hasExplicitSignature ? (setupValue as string) : ``
// 6. wrap setup code with function.
// export the content of <script setup> as a named export, `setup`.
// this allows `import { setup } from '*.vue'` for testing purposes.
`\nexport ${hasAwait ? `async ` : ``}function setup(${args}) {\n`
// generate return statement
let returned = `{ ${Object.keys(setupExports).join(', ')} }`
// handle `export * from`. We need to call `toRefs` on the imported module
// object before merging.
if (exportAllIndex > 0) {
s.prepend(`import { toRefs as __toRefs__ } from 'vue'\n`)
for (let i = 0; i < exportAllIndex; i++) {
returned += `,\n __toRefs__(__export_all_${i}__)`
returned = `Object.assign(\n ${returned}\n)`
// inject `useCssVars` calls
if (hasCssVars) {
s.prepend(`import { useCssVars as __useCssVars__ } from 'vue'\n`)
for (const style of styles) {
const vars = style.attrs.vars
if (typeof vars === 'string') {
`\n${genCssVarsCode(vars, !!style.scoped, setupExports)}`
s.appendRight(endOffset, `\nreturn ${returned}\n}\n\n`)
// 7. finalize default export
if (isTS) {
// for TS, make sure the exported type is still valid type with
// correct props information
s.prepend(`import { defineComponent as __define__ } from 'vue'\n`)
// we have to use object spread for types to be merged properly
// user's TS setting should compile it down to proper targets
const def = defaultExport ? `\n ...${defaultTempVar},` : ``
const runtimeProps = genRuntimeProps(typeDeclaredProps)
const runtimeEmits = genRuntimeEmits(typeDeclaredEmits)
`export default __define__({${def}${runtimeProps}${runtimeEmits}\n setup\n})`
} else {
if (defaultExport) {
`${defaultTempVar}.setup = setup\nexport default ${defaultTempVar}`
} else {
s.append(`export default { setup }`)
// 8. expose bindings for template compiler optimization
if (scriptAst) {
Object.assign(bindings, analyzeScriptBindings(scriptAst))
Object.keys(setupExports).forEach(key => {
bindings[key] = 'setup'
Object.keys(typeDeclaredProps).forEach(key => {
bindings[key] = 'props'
Object.assign(bindings, analyzeScriptBindings(scriptSetupAst))
return {
content: s.toString(),
map: (s.generateMap({
source: filename,
hires: true,
includeContent: true
}) as unknown) as RawSourceMap,
function walkDeclaration(node: Declaration, bindings: Record<string, boolean>) {
if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
// export const foo = ...
for (const { id } of node.declarations) {
if (id.type === 'Identifier') {
bindings[id.name] = true
} else if (id.type === 'ObjectPattern') {
walkObjectPattern(id, bindings)
} else if (id.type === 'ArrayPattern') {
walkArrayPattern(id, bindings)
} else if (
node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'ClassDeclaration'
) {
// export function foo() {} / export class Foo {}
// export declarations must be named.
bindings[node.id!.name] = true
function walkObjectPattern(
node: ObjectPattern,
bindings: Record<string, boolean>
) {
for (const p of node.properties) {
if (p.type === 'ObjectProperty') {
// key can only be Identifier in ObjectPattern
if (p.key.type === 'Identifier') {
if (p.key === p.value) {
// const { x } = ...
bindings[p.key.name] = true
} else {
walkPattern(p.value, bindings)
} else {
// ...rest
// argument can only be identifer when destructuring
bindings[(p.argument as Identifier).name] = true
function walkArrayPattern(
node: ArrayPattern,
bindings: Record<string, boolean>
) {
for (const e of node.elements) {
e && walkPattern(e, bindings)
function walkPattern(node: Node, bindings: Record<string, boolean>) {
if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
bindings[node.name] = true
} else if (node.type === 'RestElement') {
// argument can only be identifer when destructuring
bindings[(node.argument as Identifier).name] = true
} else if (node.type === 'ObjectPattern') {
walkObjectPattern(node, bindings)
} else if (node.type === 'ArrayPattern') {
walkArrayPattern(node, bindings)
} else if (node.type === 'AssignmentPattern') {
if (node.left.type === 'Identifier') {
bindings[node.left.name] = true
} else {
walkPattern(node.left, bindings)
interface PropTypeData {
key: string
type: string[]
required: boolean
function recordType(node: Node, declaredTypes: Record<string, string[]>) {
if (node.type === 'TSInterfaceDeclaration') {
declaredTypes[node.id.name] = [`Object`]
} else if (node.type === 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration') {
declaredTypes[node.id.name] = inferRuntimeType(
} else if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && node.declaration) {
recordType(node.declaration, declaredTypes)
function extractRuntimeProps(
node: TSTypeLiteral,
props: Record<string, PropTypeData>,
declaredTypes: Record<string, string[]>
) {
for (const m of node.members) {
if (m.type === 'TSPropertySignature' && m.key.type === 'Identifier') {
props[m.key.name] = {
key: m.key.name,
required: !m.optional,
__DEV__ && m.typeAnnotation
? inferRuntimeType(m.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation, declaredTypes)
: [`null`]
function inferRuntimeType(
node: TSType,
declaredTypes: Record<string, string[]>
): string[] {
switch (node.type) {
case 'TSStringKeyword':
return ['String']
case 'TSNumberKeyword':
return ['Number']
case 'TSBooleanKeyword':
return ['Boolean']
case 'TSObjectKeyword':
return ['Object']
case 'TSTypeLiteral':
// TODO (nice to have) generate runtime property validation
return ['Object']
case 'TSFunctionType':
return ['Function']
case 'TSArrayType':
case 'TSTupleType':
// TODO (nice to have) generate runtime element type/length checks
return ['Array']
case 'TSLiteralType':
switch (node.literal.type) {
case 'StringLiteral':
return ['String']
case 'BooleanLiteral':
return ['Boolean']
case 'NumericLiteral':
case 'BigIntLiteral':
return ['Number']
return [`null`]
case 'TSTypeReference':
if (node.typeName.type === 'Identifier') {
if (declaredTypes[node.typeName.name]) {
return declaredTypes[node.typeName.name]
switch (node.typeName.name) {
case 'Array':
case 'Function':
case 'Object':
case 'Set':
case 'Map':
case 'WeakSet':
case 'WeakMap':
return [node.typeName.name]
case 'Record':
case 'Partial':
case 'Readonly':
case 'Pick':
case 'Omit':
case 'Exclude':
case 'Extract':
case 'Required':
case 'InstanceType':
return ['Object']
return [`null`]
case 'TSUnionType':
return [
...new Set(
[].concat(node.types.map(t =>
inferRuntimeType(t, declaredTypes)
) as any)
case 'TSIntersectionType':
return ['Object']
return [`null`] // no runtime check
function genRuntimeProps(props: Record<string, PropTypeData>) {
const keys = Object.keys(props)
if (!keys.length) {
return ``
if (!__DEV__) {
// production: generate array version only
return `\n props: [\n ${keys
.map(k => JSON.stringify(k))
.join(',\n ')}\n ] as unknown as undefined,`
return `\n props: {\n ${keys
.map(key => {
const { type, required } = props[key]
return `${key}: { type: ${toRuntimeTypeString(
)}, required: ${required} }`
.join(',\n ')}\n } as unknown as undefined,`
function toRuntimeTypeString(types: string[]) {
return types.some(t => t === 'null')
? `null`
: types.length > 1
? `[${types.join(', ')}]`
: types[0]
function extractRuntimeEmits(
node: TSFunctionType | TSDeclareFunction,
emits: Set<string>
) {
const eventName =
node.type === 'TSDeclareFunction' ? node.params[0] : node.parameters[0]
if (
eventName.type === 'Identifier' &&
eventName.typeAnnotation &&
eventName.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation'
) {
const typeNode = eventName.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation
if (typeNode.type === 'TSLiteralType') {
} else if (typeNode.type === 'TSUnionType') {
for (const t of typeNode.types) {
if (t.type === 'TSLiteralType') {
function genRuntimeEmits(emits: Set<string>) {
return emits.size
? `\n emits: [${Array.from(emits)
.map(p => JSON.stringify(p))
.join(', ')}] as unknown as undefined,`
: ``
* export default {} inside `<script setup>` cannot access variables declared
* inside since it's hoisted. Walk and check to make sure.
function checkDefaultExport(
root: Node,
scopeVars: Record<string, boolean>,
imports: Record<string, string>,
exports: Record<string, boolean>,
source: string,
offset: number
) {
const knownIds: Record<string, number> = Object.create(null)
;(walk as any)(root, {
enter(node: Node & { scopeIds?: Set<string> }, parent: Node) {
if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
if (
!knownIds[node.name] &&
!isStaticPropertyKey(node, parent) &&
(scopeVars[node.name] || (!imports[node.name] && exports[node.name]))
) {
throw new Error(
`\`export default\` in <script setup> cannot reference locally ` +
`declared variables because it will be hoisted outside of the ` +
`setup() function. If your component options requires initialization ` +
`in the module scope, use a separate normal <script> to export ` +
`the options instead.\n\n` +
node.start! + offset,
node.end! + offset
} else if (isFunction(node)) {
// walk function expressions and add its arguments to known identifiers
// so that we don't prefix them
node.params.forEach(p =>
(walk as any)(p, {
enter(child: Node, parent: Node) {
if (
child.type === 'Identifier' &&
// do not record as scope variable if is a destructured key
!isStaticPropertyKey(child, parent) &&
// do not record if this is a default value
// assignment of a destructured variable
parent &&
parent.type === 'AssignmentPattern' &&
parent.right === child
) {
const { name } = child
if (node.scopeIds && node.scopeIds.has(name)) {
if (name in knownIds) {
} else {
knownIds[name] = 1
;(node.scopeIds || (node.scopeIds = new Set())).add(name)
leave(node: Node & { scopeIds?: Set<string> }) {
if (node.scopeIds) {
node.scopeIds.forEach((id: string) => {
if (knownIds[id] === 0) {
delete knownIds[id]
function isStaticPropertyKey(node: Node, parent: Node): boolean {
return (
parent &&
(parent.type === 'ObjectProperty' || parent.type === 'ObjectMethod') &&
!parent.computed &&
parent.key === node
function isFunction(node: Node): node is FunctionNode {
return /Function(?:Expression|Declaration)$|Method$/.test(node.type)
function getObjectExpressionKeys(node: ObjectExpression): string[] {
const keys = []
for (const prop of node.properties) {
if (
(prop.type === 'ObjectProperty' || prop.type === 'ObjectMethod') &&
) {
if (prop.key.type === 'Identifier') {
} else if (prop.key.type === 'StringLiteral') {
return keys
function getArrayExpressionKeys(node: ArrayExpression): string[] {
const keys = []
for (const element of node.elements) {
if (element && element.type === 'StringLiteral') {
return keys
function getObjectOrArrayExpressionKeys(property: ObjectProperty): string[] {
if (property.value.type === 'ArrayExpression') {
return getArrayExpressionKeys(property.value)
if (property.value.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
return getObjectExpressionKeys(property.value)
return []
* Analyze bindings in normal `<script>`
* Note that `compileScriptSetup` already analyzes bindings as part of its
* compilation process so this should only be used on single `<script>` SFCs.
function analyzeScriptBindings(ast: Statement[]): BindingMetadata {
const bindings: BindingMetadata = {}
for (const node of ast) {
if (
node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' &&
node.declaration.type === 'ObjectExpression'
) {
for (const property of node.declaration.properties) {
if (
property.type === 'ObjectProperty' &&
!property.computed &&
property.key.type === 'Identifier'
) {
// props
if (property.key.name === 'props') {
// props: ['foo']
// props: { foo: ... }
for (const key of getObjectOrArrayExpressionKeys(property)) {
bindings[key] = 'props'
// inject
else if (property.key.name === 'inject') {
// inject: ['foo']
// inject: { foo: {} }
for (const key of getObjectOrArrayExpressionKeys(property)) {
bindings[key] = 'options'
// computed & methods
else if (
property.value.type === 'ObjectExpression' &&
(property.key.name === 'computed' ||
property.key.name === 'methods')
) {
// methods: { foo() {} }
// computed: { foo() {} }
for (const key of getObjectExpressionKeys(property.value)) {
bindings[key] = 'options'
// setup & data
else if (
property.type === 'ObjectMethod' &&
property.key.type === 'Identifier' &&
(property.key.name === 'setup' || property.key.name === 'data')
) {
for (const bodyItem of property.body.body) {
// setup() {
// return {
// foo: null
// }
// }
if (
bodyItem.type === 'ReturnStatement' &&
bodyItem.argument &&
bodyItem.argument.type === 'ObjectExpression'
) {
for (const key of getObjectExpressionKeys(bodyItem.argument)) {
bindings[key] = property.key.name
return bindings