This is done by adding the `slotted: false` option to: - compiler-dom - compiler-ssr - compiler-sfc (forwarded to template compiler) At runtime, only slotted component will render slot fragments with slot scope Ids. For SSR, only slotted component will add slot scope Ids to rendered slot content. This should improve both runtime performance and reduce SSR rendered markup size. Note: requires SFC tooling (e.g. `vue-loader` and `vite`) to pass on the `slotted` option from the SFC descriptoer to the `compileTemplate` call.
118 lines
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118 lines
3.8 KiB
import { compile } from '../src'
describe('ssr: <slot>', () => {
test('basic', () => {
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"default\\", {}, null, _push, _parent)
test('with name', () => {
expect(compile(`<slot name="foo" />`).code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"foo\\", {}, null, _push, _parent)
test('with dynamic name', () => {
expect(compile(`<slot :name="bar.baz" />`).code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots,, {}, null, _push, _parent)
test('with props', () => {
expect(compile(`<slot name="foo" :p="1" bar="2" />`).code)
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"foo\\", {
p: 1,
bar: \\"2\\"
}, null, _push, _parent)
test('with fallback', () => {
expect(compile(`<slot>some {{ fallback }} content</slot>`).code)
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot, ssrInterpolate: _ssrInterpolate } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"default\\", {}, () => {
_push(\`some \${_ssrInterpolate(_ctx.fallback)} content\`)
}, _push, _parent)
test('with scopeId', async () => {
compile(`<slot/>`, {
scopeId: 'hello'
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"default\\", {}, null, _push, _parent, \\"hello-s\\")
test('with scopeId + slotted:false', async () => {
compile(`<slot/>`, {
scopeId: 'hello',
slotted: false
"const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"default\\", {}, null, _push, _parent)
test('with forwarded scopeId', async () => {
compile(`<Comp><slot/></Comp>`, {
scopeId: 'hello'
"const { resolveComponent: _resolveComponent, withCtx: _withCtx, renderSlot: _renderSlot } = require(\\"vue\\")
const { ssrRenderSlot: _ssrRenderSlot, ssrRenderComponent: _ssrRenderComponent } = require(\\"@vue/server-renderer\\")
return function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) {
const _component_Comp = _resolveComponent(\\"Comp\\")
_push(_ssrRenderComponent(_component_Comp, _attrs, {
default: _withCtx((_, _push, _parent, _scopeId) => {
if (_push) {
_ssrRenderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"default\\", {}, null, _push, _parent, \\"hello-s\\" + _scopeId)
} else {
return [
_renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, \\"default\\", {}, undefined, true)
_: 3 /* FORWARDED */
}, _parent))