import * as m from 'monaco-editor' import { compile, CompilerError } from '@vue/compiler-dom' import { compilerOptions, initOptions } from './options' import { watch } from '@vue/runtime-dom' import { SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map' declare global { interface Window { monaco: typeof m _deps: any init: () => void } } window.init = () => { const monaco = window.monaco const persistedState = JSON.parse( decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.slice(1)) || localStorage.getItem('state') || `{}` ) Object.assign(compilerOptions, persistedState.options) let lastSuccessfulCode: string = `/* See console for error */` let lastSuccessfulMap: SourceMapConsumer | undefined = undefined function compileCode(source: string): string { console.clear() try { const errors: CompilerError[] = [] const { code, ast, map } = compile(source, { filename: 'template.vue', ...compilerOptions, sourceMap: true, onError: err => { errors.push(err) } }) monaco.editor.setModelMarkers( editor.getModel()!, `@vue/compiler-dom`, errors.filter(e => e.loc).map(formatError) ) console.log(`AST: `, ast) lastSuccessfulCode = code + `\n\n// Check the console for the AST` lastSuccessfulMap = new window._deps['source-map'].SourceMapConsumer(map) lastSuccessfulMap!.computeColumnSpans() } catch (e) { console.error(e) } return lastSuccessfulCode } function formatError(err: CompilerError) { const loc = err.loc! return { severity: monaco.MarkerSeverity.Error, startLineNumber: loc.start.line, startColumn: loc.start.column, endLineNumber: loc.end.line, endColumn: loc.end.column, message: `Vue template compilation error: ${err.message}`, code: String(err.code) } } function reCompile() { const src = editor.getValue() // every time we re-compile, persist current state const state = JSON.stringify({ src, options: compilerOptions }) localStorage.setItem('state', state) window.location.hash = encodeURIComponent(state) const res = compileCode(src) if (res) { output.setValue(res) } } const sharedEditorOptions: m.editor.IEditorConstructionOptions = { theme: 'vs-dark', fontSize: 14, wordWrap: 'on', scrollBeyondLastLine: false, renderWhitespace: 'selection', contextmenu: false, minimap: { enabled: false } } const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('source')!, { value: persistedState.src || `
Hello World!
`, language: 'html', ...sharedEditorOptions }) editor.getModel()!.updateOptions({ tabSize: 2 }) const output = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('output')!, { value: '', language: 'javascript', readOnly: true, ...sharedEditorOptions }) output.getModel()!.updateOptions({ tabSize: 2 }) // handle resize window.addEventListener('resize', () => { editor.layout() output.layout() }) // update compile output when input changes editor.onDidChangeModelContent(debounce(reCompile)) // highlight output code let prevOutputDecos: string[] = [] function clearOutputDecos() { prevOutputDecos = output.deltaDecorations(prevOutputDecos, []) } editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition( debounce(e => { clearEditorDecos() if (lastSuccessfulMap) { const pos = lastSuccessfulMap.generatedPositionFor({ source: 'template.vue', line: e.position.lineNumber, column: e.position.column - 1 }) if (pos.line != null && pos.column != null) { prevOutputDecos = output.deltaDecorations(prevOutputDecos, [ { range: new monaco.Range( pos.line, pos.column + 1, pos.line, pos.lastColumn ? pos.lastColumn + 2 : pos.column + 2 ), options: { inlineClassName: `highlight` } } ]) output.revealPositionInCenter({ lineNumber: pos.line, column: pos.column + 1 }) } else { clearOutputDecos() } } }, 100) ) let previousEditorDecos: string[] = [] function clearEditorDecos() { previousEditorDecos = editor.deltaDecorations(previousEditorDecos, []) } output.onDidChangeCursorPosition( debounce(e => { clearOutputDecos() if (lastSuccessfulMap) { const pos = lastSuccessfulMap.originalPositionFor({ line: e.position.lineNumber, column: e.position.column - 1 }) if ( pos.line != null && pos.column != null && !// ignore mock location (pos.line === 1 && pos.column === 0) ) { const translatedPos = { column: pos.column + 1, lineNumber: pos.line } previousEditorDecos = editor.deltaDecorations(previousEditorDecos, [ { range: new monaco.Range( pos.line, pos.column + 1, pos.line, pos.column + 1 ), options: { isWholeLine: true, className: `highlight` } } ]) editor.revealPositionInCenter(translatedPos) } else { clearEditorDecos() } } }, 100) ) initOptions() watch(reCompile) } function debounce any>( fn: T, delay: number = 300 ): T { let prevTimer: number | null = null return ((...args: any[]) => { if (prevTimer) { clearTimeout(prevTimer) } prevTimer = window.setTimeout(() => { fn(...args) prevTimer = null }, delay) }) as any }