import { App, Component, ComponentInternalInstance, VNode, VNodeArrayChildren, createVNode, Text, Comment, Fragment, Portal, ShapeFlags, ssrUtils, Slots } from 'vue' import { isString, isPromise, isArray, isFunction, isVoidTag, escapeHtml } from '@vue/shared' import { renderAttrs } from './helpers/renderAttrs' import { SSRSlots } from './helpers/renderSlot' const { isVNode, createComponentInstance, setCurrentRenderingInstance, setupComponent, renderComponentRoot, normalizeVNode } = ssrUtils // Each component has a buffer array. // A buffer array can contain one of the following: // - plain string // - A resolved buffer (recursive arrays of strings that can be unrolled // synchronously) // - An async buffer (a Promise that resolves to a resolved buffer) type SSRBuffer = SSRBufferItem[] type SSRBufferItem = string | ResolvedSSRBuffer | Promise type ResolvedSSRBuffer = (string | ResolvedSSRBuffer)[] export type PushFn = (item: SSRBufferItem) => void export type Props = Record function createBuffer() { let appendable = false let hasAsync = false const buffer: SSRBuffer = [] return { buffer, hasAsync() { return hasAsync }, push(item: SSRBufferItem) { const isStringItem = isString(item) if (appendable && isStringItem) { buffer[buffer.length - 1] += item as string } else { buffer.push(item) } appendable = isStringItem if (!isStringItem && !isArray(item)) { // promise hasAsync = true } } } } function unrollBuffer(buffer: ResolvedSSRBuffer): string { let ret = '' for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { const item = buffer[i] if (isString(item)) { ret += item } else { ret += unrollBuffer(item) } } return ret } export async function renderToString(input: App | VNode): Promise { let buffer: ResolvedSSRBuffer if (isVNode(input)) { // raw vnode, wrap with component buffer = await renderComponent({ render: () => input }) } else { // rendering an app const vnode = createVNode(input._component, input._props) vnode.appContext = input._context buffer = await renderComponentVNode(vnode) } return unrollBuffer(buffer) } export function renderComponent( comp: Component, props: Props | null = null, children: Slots | SSRSlots | null = null, parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null ): ResolvedSSRBuffer | Promise { return renderComponentVNode( createVNode(comp, props, children), parentComponent ) } function renderComponentVNode( vnode: VNode, parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null ): ResolvedSSRBuffer | Promise { const instance = createComponentInstance(vnode, parentComponent) const res = setupComponent( instance, null /* parentSuspense (no need to track for SSR) */, true /* isSSR */ ) if (isPromise(res)) { return res.then(() => renderComponentSubTree(instance)) } else { return renderComponentSubTree(instance) } } function renderComponentSubTree( instance: ComponentInternalInstance ): ResolvedSSRBuffer | Promise { const comp = instance.type as Component const { buffer, push, hasAsync } = createBuffer() if (isFunction(comp)) { renderVNode(push, renderComponentRoot(instance), instance) } else { if (comp.ssrRender) { // optimized // set current rendering instance for asset resoolution setCurrentRenderingInstance(instance) comp.ssrRender(instance.proxy, push, instance) setCurrentRenderingInstance(null) } else if (comp.render) { renderVNode(push, renderComponentRoot(instance), instance) } else { // TODO on the fly template compilation support throw new Error( `Component ${ ? `${} ` : `` } is missing render function.` ) } } // If the current component's buffer contains any Promise from async children, // then it must return a Promise too. Otherwise this is a component that // contains only sync children so we can avoid the async book-keeping overhead. return hasAsync() ? Promise.all(buffer) : (buffer as ResolvedSSRBuffer) } function renderVNode( push: PushFn, vnode: VNode, parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null ) { const { type, shapeFlag, children } = vnode switch (type) { case Text: push(children as string) break case Comment: push(children ? `` : ``) break case Fragment: push(``) renderVNodeChildren(push, children as VNodeArrayChildren, parentComponent) push(``) break case Portal: // TODO break default: if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.ELEMENT) { renderElement(push, vnode, parentComponent) } else if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.COMPONENT) { push(renderComponentVNode(vnode, parentComponent)) } else if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.SUSPENSE) { // TODO } else { console.warn( '[@vue/server-renderer] Invalid VNode type:', type, `(${typeof type})` ) } } } export function renderVNodeChildren( push: PushFn, children: VNodeArrayChildren, parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null ) { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { renderVNode(push, normalizeVNode(children[i]), parentComponent) } } function renderElement( push: PushFn, vnode: VNode, parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null ) { const tag = vnode.type as string const { props, children, shapeFlag, scopeId } = vnode let openTag = `<${tag}` // TODO directives if (props !== null) { openTag += renderAttrs(props, tag) } if (scopeId !== null) { openTag += ` ${scopeId}` const treeOwnerId = parentComponent && parentComponent.type.__scopeId // vnode's own scopeId and the current rendering component's scopeId is // different - this is a slot content node. if (treeOwnerId != null && treeOwnerId !== scopeId) { openTag += ` ${treeOwnerId}-s` } } push(openTag + `>`) if (!isVoidTag(tag)) { let hasChildrenOverride = false if (props !== null) { if (props.innerHTML) { hasChildrenOverride = true push(props.innerHTML) } else if (props.textContent) { hasChildrenOverride = true push(escapeHtml(props.textContent)) } else if (tag === 'textarea' && props.value) { hasChildrenOverride = true push(escapeHtml(props.value)) } } if (!hasChildrenOverride) { if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.TEXT_CHILDREN) { push(escapeHtml(children as string)) } else if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.ARRAY_CHILDREN) { renderVNodeChildren( push, children as VNodeArrayChildren, parentComponent ) } } push(``) } }