import { h, render, getCurrentInstance, nodeOps, createApp, shallowReadonly } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { ComponentInternalInstance, ComponentOptions } from '../src/component' describe('component: proxy', () => { test('data', () => { let instance: ComponentInternalInstance let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { data() { return { foo: 1 } }, mounted() { instance = getCurrentInstance()! instanceProxy = this }, render() { return null } } render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( = 2 expect(instance! }) test('setupState', () => { let instance: ComponentInternalInstance let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { setup() { return { foo: 1 } }, mounted() { instance = getCurrentInstance()! instanceProxy = this }, render() { return null } } render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( = 2 expect(instance! }) test('should not expose non-declared props', () => { let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { setup() { return () => null }, mounted() { instanceProxy = this } } render(h(Comp, { count: 1 }), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect('count' in instanceProxy).toBe(false) }) test('public properties', async () => { let instance: ComponentInternalInstance let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { setup() { return () => null }, mounted() { instance = getCurrentInstance()! instanceProxy = this } } render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(instanceProxy.$data).toBe(instance!.data) expect(instanceProxy.$props).toBe(shallowReadonly(instance!.props)) expect(instanceProxy.$attrs).toBe(shallowReadonly(instance!.attrs)) expect(instanceProxy.$slots).toBe(shallowReadonly(instance!.slots)) expect(instanceProxy.$refs).toBe(shallowReadonly(instance!.refs)) expect(instanceProxy.$parent).toBe( instance!.parent && instance!.parent.proxy ) expect(instanceProxy.$root).toBe(instance!.root.proxy) expect(instanceProxy.$emit).toBe(instance!.emit) expect(instanceProxy.$el).toBe(instance!.vnode.el) expect(instanceProxy.$options).toBe(instance!.type as ComponentOptions) expect(() => (instanceProxy.$data = {})).toThrow(TypeError) expect(`Attempting to mutate public property "$data"`).toHaveBeenWarned() const nextTickThis = await instanceProxy.$nextTick(function (this: any) { return this }) expect(nextTickThis).toBe(instanceProxy) }) test('user attached properties', async () => { let instance: ComponentInternalInstance let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { setup() { return () => null }, mounted() { instance = getCurrentInstance()! instanceProxy = this } } render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) = 1 expect( expect(instance! // should also allow properties that start with $ const obj = (instanceProxy.$store = {}) expect(instanceProxy.$store).toBe(obj) expect(instance!.ctx.$store).toBe(obj) }) test('globalProperties', () => { let instance: ComponentInternalInstance let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { setup() { return () => null }, mounted() { instance = getCurrentInstance()! instanceProxy = this } } const app = createApp(Comp) = 1 app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( // set should overwrite globalProperties with local = 2 // expect( expect(instance! // should not affect global expect( }) test('has check', () => { let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { render() {}, props: { msg: String }, data() { return { foo: 0 } }, setup() { return { bar: 1 } }, mounted() { instanceProxy = this } } const app = createApp(Comp, { msg: 'hello' }) = 1 app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) // props expect('msg' in instanceProxy).toBe(true) // data expect('foo' in instanceProxy).toBe(true) // ctx expect('bar' in instanceProxy).toBe(true) // public properties expect('$el' in instanceProxy).toBe(true) // global properties expect('global' in instanceProxy).toBe(true) // non-existent expect('$foobar' in instanceProxy).toBe(false) expect('baz' in instanceProxy).toBe(false) // #4962 triggering getter should not cause non-existent property to // pass the has check instanceProxy.baz expect('baz' in instanceProxy).toBe(false) // set non-existent (goes into proxyTarget sink) instanceProxy.baz = 1 expect('baz' in instanceProxy).toBe(true) // dev mode ownKeys check for console inspection // should only expose own keys expect(Object.keys(instanceProxy)).toMatchObject([ 'msg', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz' ]) }) test('allow updating proxy with Object.defineProperty', () => { let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { render() {}, setup() { return { isDisplayed: true } }, mounted() { instanceProxy = this } } const app = createApp(Comp) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'isDisplayed', { value: false }) expect(instanceProxy.isDisplayed).toBe(false) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'isDisplayed', { value: true }) expect(instanceProxy.isDisplayed).toBe(true) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'isDisplayed', { get() { return false } }) expect(instanceProxy.isDisplayed).toBe(false) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'isDisplayed', { get() { return true } }) expect(instanceProxy.isDisplayed).toBe(true) }) test('allow jest spying on proxy methods with Object.defineProperty', () => { // #5417 let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { render() {}, setup() { return { toggle() { return 'a' } } }, mounted() { instanceProxy = this } } const app = createApp(Comp) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) // access 'toggle' to ensure key is cached const v1 = instanceProxy.toggle() expect(v1).toEqual('a') // reconfigure "toggle" to be getter based. let getCalledTimes = 0 Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'toggle', { get() { getCalledTimes++ return () => 'b' } }) // getter should not be evaluated on initial definition expect(getCalledTimes).toEqual(0) // invoke "toggle" after "defineProperty" const v2 = instanceProxy.toggle() expect(v2).toEqual('b') expect(getCalledTimes).toEqual(1) // expect toggle getter not to be cached. it can't be instanceProxy.toggle() expect(getCalledTimes).toEqual(2) // attaching jest spy, triggers the getter once, cache it and override the property. // also uses Object.defineProperty const spy = jest.spyOn(instanceProxy, 'toggle') expect(getCalledTimes).toEqual(3) // expect getter to not evaluate the jest spy caches its value const v3 = instanceProxy.toggle() expect(v3).toEqual('b') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(getCalledTimes).toEqual(3) }) test('defineProperty on proxy property with value descriptor', () => { // #5417 let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { render() {}, setup() { return { toggle: 'a' } }, mounted() { instanceProxy = this } } const app = createApp(Comp) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) const v1 = instanceProxy.toggle expect(v1).toEqual('a') Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'toggle', { value: 'b' }) const v2 = instanceProxy.toggle expect(v2).toEqual('b') // expect null to be a settable value Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'toggle', { value: null }) const v3 = instanceProxy.toggle expect(v3).toBeNull() }) test('defineProperty on public instance proxy should work with SETUP,DATA,CONTEXT,PROPS', () => { // #5417 let instanceProxy: any const Comp = { props: ['fromProp'], data() { return { name: '' } }, computed: { greet() { return 'Hi ' + (this as any).name } }, render() {}, setup() { return { fromSetup: true } }, mounted() { instanceProxy = this } } const app = createApp(Comp, { fromProp: true }) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(instanceProxy.greet).toEqual('Hi') // define property on data Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'name', { get() { return '' } }) // computed is same still cached expect(instanceProxy.greet).toEqual('Hi') // trigger computed = '' // expect "greet" to evaluated and use name from context getter expect(instanceProxy.greet).toEqual('Hi') // defineProperty on computed ( context ) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'greet', { get() { return 'Hi greet.getter.computed' } }) expect(instanceProxy.greet).toEqual('Hi greet.getter.computed') // defineProperty on setupState expect(instanceProxy.fromSetup).toBe(true) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'fromSetup', { get() { return false } }) expect(instanceProxy.fromSetup).toBe(false) // defineProperty on Props expect(instanceProxy.fromProp).toBe(true) Object.defineProperty(instanceProxy, 'fromProp', { get() { return false } }) expect(instanceProxy.fromProp).toBe(false) }) // #864 test('should not warn declared but absent props', () => { const Comp = { props: ['test'], render(this: any) { return this.test } } render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `was accessed during render but is not defined` ).not.toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('should allow symbol to access on render', () => { const Comp = { render() { if ((this as any)[Symbol.unscopables]) { return '1' } return '2' } } const app = createApp(Comp) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Property ${JSON.stringify( Symbol.unscopables )} was accessed during render ` + `but is not defined on instance.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) })