import { ref, isRef } from '../src/ref' import { reactive, isReactive, toRaw, markRaw } from '../src/reactive' import { computed } from '../src/computed' import { effect } from '../src/effect' describe('reactivity/reactive', () => { test('Object', () => { const original = { foo: 1 } const observed = reactive(original) expect(observed).not.toBe(original) expect(isReactive(observed)).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(original)).toBe(false) // get expect( // has expect('foo' in observed).toBe(true) // ownKeys expect(Object.keys(observed)).toEqual(['foo']) }) test('proto', () => { const obj = {} const reactiveObj = reactive(obj) expect(isReactive(reactiveObj)).toBe(true) // read prop of reactiveObject will cause reactiveObj[prop] to be reactive // @ts-ignore const prototype = reactiveObj['__proto__'] const otherObj = { data: ['a'] } expect(isReactive(otherObj)).toBe(false) const reactiveOther = reactive(otherObj) expect(isReactive(reactiveOther)).toBe(true) expect([0]).toBe('a') }) test('nested reactives', () => { const original = { nested: { foo: 1 }, array: [{ bar: 2 }] } const observed = reactive(original) expect(isReactive(observed.nested)).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(observed.array)).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(observed.array[0])).toBe(true) }) test('observing subtypes of IterableCollections(Map, Set)', () => { // subtypes of Map class CustomMap extends Map {} const cmap = reactive(new CustomMap()) expect(cmap instanceof Map).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(cmap)).toBe(true) cmap.set('key', {}) expect(isReactive(cmap.get('key'))).toBe(true) // subtypes of Set class CustomSet extends Set {} const cset = reactive(new CustomSet()) expect(cset instanceof Set).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(cset)).toBe(true) let dummy effect(() => (dummy = cset.has('value'))) expect(dummy).toBe(false) cset.add('value') expect(dummy).toBe(true) cset.delete('value') expect(dummy).toBe(false) }) test('observing subtypes of WeakCollections(WeakMap, WeakSet)', () => { // subtypes of WeakMap class CustomMap extends WeakMap {} const cmap = reactive(new CustomMap()) expect(cmap instanceof WeakMap).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(cmap)).toBe(true) const key = {} cmap.set(key, {}) expect(isReactive(cmap.get(key))).toBe(true) // subtypes of WeakSet class CustomSet extends WeakSet {} const cset = reactive(new CustomSet()) expect(cset instanceof WeakSet).toBe(true) expect(isReactive(cset)).toBe(true) let dummy effect(() => (dummy = cset.has(key))) expect(dummy).toBe(false) cset.add(key) expect(dummy).toBe(true) cset.delete(key) expect(dummy).toBe(false) }) test('observed value should proxy mutations to original (Object)', () => { const original: any = { foo: 1 } const observed = reactive(original) // set = 1 expect( expect( // delete delete expect('foo' in observed).toBe(false) expect('foo' in original).toBe(false) }) test('original value change should reflect in observed value (Object)', () => { const original: any = { foo: 1 } const observed = reactive(original) // set = 1 expect( expect( // delete delete expect('foo' in original).toBe(false) expect('foo' in observed).toBe(false) }) test('setting a property with an unobserved value should wrap with reactive', () => { const observed = reactive<{ foo?: object }>({}) const raw = {} = raw expect( expect(isReactive( }) test('observing already observed value should return same Proxy', () => { const original = { foo: 1 } const observed = reactive(original) const observed2 = reactive(observed) expect(observed2).toBe(observed) }) test('observing the same value multiple times should return same Proxy', () => { const original = { foo: 1 } const observed = reactive(original) const observed2 = reactive(original) expect(observed2).toBe(observed) }) test('should not pollute original object with Proxies', () => { const original: any = { foo: 1 } const original2 = { bar: 2 } const observed = reactive(original) const observed2 = reactive(original2) = observed2 expect( expect( }) test('toRaw', () => { const original = { foo: 1 } const observed = reactive(original) expect(toRaw(observed)).toBe(original) expect(toRaw(original)).toBe(original) }) test('toRaw on object using reactive as prototype', () => { const original = reactive({}) const obj = Object.create(original) const raw = toRaw(obj) expect(raw).toBe(obj) expect(raw).not.toBe(toRaw(original)) }) test('should not unwrap Ref<T>', () => { const observedNumberRef = reactive(ref(1)) const observedObjectRef = reactive(ref({ foo: 1 })) expect(isRef(observedNumberRef)).toBe(true) expect(isRef(observedObjectRef)).toBe(true) }) test('should unwrap computed refs', () => { // readonly const a = computed(() => 1) // writable const b = computed({ get: () => 1, set: () => {} }) const obj = reactive({ a, b }) // check type obj.a + 1 obj.b + 1 expect(typeof obj.a).toBe(`number`) expect(typeof obj.b).toBe(`number`) }) test('should allow setting property from a ref to another ref', () => { const foo = ref(0) const bar = ref(1) const observed = reactive({ a: foo }) const dummy = computed(() => observed.a) expect(dummy.value).toBe(0) // @ts-ignore observed.a = bar expect(dummy.value).toBe(1) bar.value++ expect(dummy.value).toBe(2) }) test('non-observable values', () => { const assertValue = (value: any) => { reactive(value) expect( `value cannot be made reactive: ${String(value)}` ).toHaveBeenWarnedLast() } // number assertValue(1) // string assertValue('foo') // boolean assertValue(false) // null assertValue(null) // undefined assertValue(undefined) // symbol const s = Symbol() assertValue(s) // built-ins should work and return same value const p = Promise.resolve() expect(reactive(p)).toBe(p) const r = new RegExp('') expect(reactive(r)).toBe(r) const d = new Date() expect(reactive(d)).toBe(d) }) test('markRaw', () => { const obj = reactive({ foo: { a: 1 }, bar: markRaw({ b: 2 }) }) expect(isReactive( expect(isReactive( }) test('should not observe non-extensible objects', () => { const obj = reactive({ foo: Object.preventExtensions({ a: 1 }), // sealed or frozen objects are considered non-extensible as well bar: Object.freeze({ a: 1 }), baz: Object.seal({ a: 1 }) }) expect(isReactive( expect(isReactive( expect(isReactive(obj.baz)).toBe(false) }) test('should not observe objects with __v_skip', () => { const original = { foo: 1, __v_skip: true } const observed = reactive(original) expect(isReactive(observed)).toBe(false) }) })