import path from 'path' import { setupPuppeteer, E2E_TIMEOUT } from './e2eUtils' declare const globalStats: { label: string value: number }[] declare function valueToPoint( value: number, index: number, total: number ): { x: number y: number } describe('e2e: svg', () => { const { page, click, count, setValue, typeValue } = setupPuppeteer() // assert the shape of the polygon is correct async function assertPolygon(total: number) { expect( await page().evaluate( total => { const points = globalStats .map((stat, i) => { const point = valueToPoint(stat.value, i, total) return point.x + ',' + point.y }) .join(' ') return ( document.querySelector('polygon')!.attributes[0].value === points ) }, [total] ) ).toBe(true) } // assert the position of each label is correct async function assertLabels(total: number) { const positions = await page().evaluate( total => { return, i) => { const point = valueToPoint(+stat.value + 10, i, total) return [point.x, point.y] }) }, [total] ) for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) { const textPosition = await page().$eval( `text:nth-child(${i + 3})`, node => [+node.attributes[0].value, +node.attributes[1].value] ) expect(textPosition).toEqual(positions[i]) } } // assert each value of stats is correct async function assertStats(expected: number[]) { const statsValue = await page().evaluate(() => { return => +stat.value) }) expect(statsValue).toEqual(expected) } function nthRange(n: number) { return `#demo div:nth-child(${n + 1}) input[type="range"]` } async function testSvg(apiType: 'classic' | 'composition') { const baseUrl = `file://${path.resolve( __dirname, `../${apiType}/svg.html` )}` await page().goto(baseUrl) await page().waitFor('svg') expect(await count('g')).toBe(1) expect(await count('polygon')).toBe(1) expect(await count('circle')).toBe(1) expect(await count('text')).toBe(6) expect(await count('label')).toBe(6) expect(await count('button')).toBe(7) expect(await count('input[type="range"]')).toBe(6) await assertPolygon(6) await assertLabels(6) await assertStats([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]) await setValue(nthRange(1), '10') await assertPolygon(6) await assertLabels(6) await assertStats([10, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]) await click('button.remove') expect(await count('text')).toBe(5) expect(await count('label')).toBe(5) expect(await count('button')).toBe(6) expect(await count('input[type="range"]')).toBe(5) await assertPolygon(5) await assertLabels(5) await assertStats([100, 100, 100, 100, 100]) await typeValue('input[name="newlabel"]', 'foo') await click('#add > button') expect(await count('text')).toBe(6) expect(await count('label')).toBe(6) expect(await count('button')).toBe(7) expect(await count('input[type="range"]')).toBe(6) await assertPolygon(6) await assertLabels(6) await assertStats([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]) await setValue(nthRange(1), '10') await assertPolygon(6) await assertLabels(6) await assertStats([10, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]) await setValue(nthRange(2), '20') await assertPolygon(6) await assertLabels(6) await assertStats([10, 20, 100, 100, 100, 100]) await setValue(nthRange(6), '60') await assertPolygon(6) await assertLabels(6) await assertStats([10, 20, 100, 100, 100, 60]) await click('button.remove') await assertPolygon(5) await assertLabels(5) await assertStats([20, 100, 100, 100, 60]) await setValue(nthRange(1), '10') await assertPolygon(5) await assertLabels(5) await assertStats([10, 100, 100, 100, 60]) } test( 'classic', async () => { await testSvg('classic') }, E2E_TIMEOUT ) test( 'composition', async () => { await testSvg('composition') }, E2E_TIMEOUT ) })