import { baseParse as parse, transform, CompilerOptions, ElementNode, ObjectExpression, NodeTypes, VNodeCall, helperNameMap, CAPITALIZE } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { transformOn } from '../../src/transforms/vOn' import { V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, V_ON_WITH_KEYS } from '../../src/runtimeHelpers' import { transformElement } from '../../../compiler-core/src/transforms/transformElement' import { transformExpression } from '../../../compiler-core/src/transforms/transformExpression' import { genFlagText } from '../../../compiler-core/__tests__/testUtils' import { PatchFlags } from '@vue/shared' function parseWithVOn(template: string, options: CompilerOptions = {}) { const ast = parse(template) transform(ast, { nodeTransforms: [transformExpression, transformElement], directiveTransforms: { on: transformOn }, ...options }) return { root: ast, props: (((ast.children[0] as ElementNode).codegenNode as VNodeCall) .props as ObjectExpression).properties } } describe('compiler-dom: transform v-on', () => { it('should support multiple modifiers w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @click.stop.prevent="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["stop","prevent"]'] } }) }) it('should support multiple events and modifiers options w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const { props } = parseWithVOn( `<div @click.stop="test" @keyup.enter="test" />`, { prefixIdentifiers: true } ) const [clickProp, keyUpProp] = props expect(props).toHaveLength(2) expect(clickProp).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["stop"]'] } }) expect(keyUpProp).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_KEYS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["enter"]'] } }) }) it('should support multiple modifiers and event options w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @click.stop.capture.once="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, key: { content: `onClickCaptureOnce` }, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["stop"]'] } }) }) it('should wrap keys guard for keyboard events or dynamic events', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @keydown.stop.capture.ctrl.a="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, key: { content: `onKeydownCapture` }, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_KEYS, arguments: [ { callee: V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["stop","ctrl"]'] }, '["a"]' ] } }) }) it('should not wrap keys guard if no key modifier is present', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @keyup.exact="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["exact"]'] } }) }) it('should wrap keys guard for static key event w/ left/right modifiers', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @keyup.left="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_KEYS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["left"]'] } }) }) it('should wrap both for dynamic key event w/ left/right modifiers', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @[e].left="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_KEYS, arguments: [ { callee: V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, arguments: [{ content: `_ctx.test` }, `["left"]`] }, '["left"]' ] } }) }) it('should not wrap normal guard if there is only keys guard', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @keyup.enter="test"/>`, { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, value: { callee: V_ON_WITH_KEYS, arguments: [{ content: '_ctx.test' }, '["enter"]'] } }) }) test('should transform click.right', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @click.right="test"/>`) expect(prop.key).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, content: `onContextmenu` }) // dynamic const { props: [prop2] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @[event].right="test"/>`) // ("on" + (event)).toLowerCase() === "onclick" ? "onContextmenu" : ("on" + (event)) expect(prop2.key).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION, children: [ `(`, { children: [ `"on" + _${helperNameMap[CAPITALIZE]}(`, { content: 'event' }, `)` ] }, `) === "onClick" ? "onContextmenu" : (`, { children: [ `"on" + _${helperNameMap[CAPITALIZE]}(`, { content: 'event' }, `)` ] }, `)` ] }) }) test('should transform click.middle', () => { const { props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @click.middle="test"/>`) expect(prop.key).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, content: `onMouseup` }) // dynamic const { props: [prop2] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @[event].middle="test"/>`) // ("on" + (event)).toLowerCase() === "onclick" ? "onMouseup" : ("on" + (event)) expect(prop2.key).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION, children: [ `(`, { children: [ `"on" + _${helperNameMap[CAPITALIZE]}(`, { content: 'event' }, `)` ] }, `) === "onClick" ? "onMouseup" : (`, { children: [ `"on" + _${helperNameMap[CAPITALIZE]}(`, { content: 'event' }, `)` ] }, `)` ] }) }) test('cache handler w/ modifiers', () => { const { root, props: [prop] } = parseWithVOn(`<div @keyup.enter.capture="foo" />`, { prefixIdentifiers: true, cacheHandlers: true }) expect(root.cached).toBe(1) // should not treat cached handler as dynamicProp, so it should have no // dynamicProps flags and only the hydration flag expect((root as any).children[0].codegenNode.patchFlag).toBe( genFlagText(PatchFlags.HYDRATE_EVENTS) ) expect(prop).toMatchObject({ key: { content: `onKeyupCapture` }, value: { type: NodeTypes.JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION, index: 1, value: { type: NodeTypes.JS_CALL_EXPRESSION, callee: V_ON_WITH_KEYS } } }) }) })