import { createSSRApp, h, ref, nextTick, VNode, Teleport, createStaticVNode, Suspense, onMounted, defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, createTextVNode, createVNode, withDirectives, vModelCheckbox } from '@vue/runtime-dom' import { renderToString, SSRContext } from '@vue/server-renderer' import { PatchFlags } from '../../shared/src' function mountWithHydration(html: string, render: () => any) { const container = document.createElement('div') container.innerHTML = html const app = createSSRApp({ render }) return { vnode: app.mount(container).$.subTree as VNode & { el: Element }, container } } const triggerEvent = (type: string, el: Element) => { const event = new Event(type) el.dispatchEvent(event) } describe('SSR hydration', () => { beforeEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) test('text', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration('foo', () => msg.value) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(container.textContent).toBe('foo') msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(container.textContent).toBe('bar') }) test('empty text', async () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration('
', () => h('div', createTextVNode('')) ) expect(container.textContent).toBe('') expect(`Hydration children mismatch in
`).not.toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('comment', () => { const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration('', () => null) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(vnode.el.nodeType).toBe(8) // comment }) test('static', () => { const html = '
' const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration(html, () => createStaticVNode('', 1) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(vnode.el.outerHTML).toBe(html) expect(vnode.anchor).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(vnode.children).toBe(html) }) test('static (multiple elements)', () => { const staticContent = '
hello' const html = `
` + staticContent + `
` const n1 = h('div', 'hi') const s = createStaticVNode('', 2) const n2 = h('div', 'ho') const { container } = mountWithHydration(html, () => h('div', [n1, s, n2])) const div = container.firstChild! expect(n1.el).toBe(div.firstChild) expect(n2.el).toBe(div.lastChild) expect(s.el).toBe(div.childNodes[1]) expect(s.anchor).toBe(div.childNodes[2]) expect(s.children).toBe(staticContent) }) test('element with text children', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration( '
', () => h('div', { class: msg.value }, msg.value) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(container.firstChild!.textContent).toBe('foo') msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(container.innerHTML).toBe(`
`) }) test('element with elements children', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const fn = jest.fn() const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration( '
', () => h('div', [ h('span', msg.value), h('span', { class: msg.value, onClick: fn }) ]) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect((vnode.children as VNode[])[0].el).toBe( container.firstChild!.childNodes[0] ) expect((vnode.children as VNode[])[1].el).toBe( container.firstChild!.childNodes[1] ) // event handler triggerEvent('click', vnode.el.querySelector('.foo')!) expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalled() msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(vnode.el.innerHTML).toBe(`bar`) }) test('element with ref', () => { const el = ref() const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration('
', () => h('div', { ref: el }) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(el.value).toBe(vnode.el) }) test('Fragment', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const fn = jest.fn() const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration( '
', () => h('div', [ [h('span', msg.value), [h('span', { class: msg.value, onClick: fn })]] ]) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(vnode.el.innerHTML).toBe( `foo` ) // start fragment 1 const fragment1 = (vnode.children as VNode[])[0] expect(fragment1.el).toBe(vnode.el.childNodes[0]) const fragment1Children = fragment1.children as VNode[] // first expect(fragment1Children[0].el!.tagName).toBe('SPAN') expect(fragment1Children[0].el).toBe(vnode.el.childNodes[1]) // start fragment 2 const fragment2 = fragment1Children[1] expect(fragment2.el).toBe(vnode.el.childNodes[2]) const fragment2Children = fragment2.children as VNode[] // second expect(fragment2Children[0].el!.tagName).toBe('SPAN') expect(fragment2Children[0].el).toBe(vnode.el.childNodes[3]) // end fragment 2 expect(fragment2.anchor).toBe(vnode.el.childNodes[4]) // end fragment 1 expect(fragment1.anchor).toBe(vnode.el.childNodes[5]) // event handler triggerEvent('click', vnode.el.querySelector('.foo')!) expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalled() msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(vnode.el.innerHTML).toBe( `bar` ) }) test('Teleport', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const fn = jest.fn() const teleportContainer = document.createElement('div') = 'teleport' teleportContainer.innerHTML = `foo` document.body.appendChild(teleportContainer) const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration( '', () => h(Teleport, { to: '#teleport' }, [ h('span', msg.value), h('span', { class: msg.value, onClick: fn }) ]) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(vnode.anchor).toBe(container.lastChild) expect( expect((vnode.children as VNode[])[0].el).toBe( teleportContainer.childNodes[0] ) expect((vnode.children as VNode[])[1].el).toBe( teleportContainer.childNodes[1] ) expect(vnode.targetAnchor).toBe(teleportContainer.childNodes[2]) // event handler triggerEvent('click', teleportContainer.querySelector('.foo')!) expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalled() msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(teleportContainer.innerHTML).toBe( `bar` ) }) test('Teleport (multiple + integration)', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const fn1 = jest.fn() const fn2 = jest.fn() const Comp = () => [ h(Teleport, { to: '#teleport2' }, [ h('span', msg.value), h('span', { class: msg.value, onClick: fn1 }) ]), h(Teleport, { to: '#teleport2' }, [ h('span', msg.value + '2'), h('span', { class: msg.value + '2', onClick: fn2 }) ]) ] const teleportContainer = document.createElement('div') = 'teleport2' const ctx: SSRContext = {} const mainHtml = await renderToString(h(Comp), ctx) expect(mainHtml).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `""` ) const teleportHtml = ctx.teleports!['#teleport2'] expect(teleportHtml).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"foofoo2"` ) teleportContainer.innerHTML = teleportHtml document.body.appendChild(teleportContainer) const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration(mainHtml, Comp) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) const teleportVnode1 = (vnode.children as VNode[])[0] const teleportVnode2 = (vnode.children as VNode[])[1] expect(teleportVnode1.el).toBe(container.childNodes[1]) expect(teleportVnode1.anchor).toBe(container.childNodes[2]) expect(teleportVnode2.el).toBe(container.childNodes[3]) expect(teleportVnode2.anchor).toBe(container.childNodes[4]) expect( expect((teleportVnode1 as any).children[0].el).toBe( teleportContainer.childNodes[0] ) expect(teleportVnode1.targetAnchor).toBe(teleportContainer.childNodes[2]) expect( expect((teleportVnode2 as any).children[0].el).toBe( teleportContainer.childNodes[3] ) expect(teleportVnode2.targetAnchor).toBe(teleportContainer.childNodes[5]) // // event handler triggerEvent('click', teleportContainer.querySelector('.foo')!) expect(fn1).toHaveBeenCalled() triggerEvent('click', teleportContainer.querySelector('.foo2')!) expect(fn2).toHaveBeenCalled() msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(teleportContainer.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"barbar2"` ) }) test('Teleport (disabled)', async () => { const msg = ref('foo') const fn1 = jest.fn() const fn2 = jest.fn() const Comp = () => [ h('div', 'foo'), h(Teleport, { to: '#teleport3', disabled: true }, [ h('span', msg.value), h('span', { class: msg.value, onClick: fn1 }) ]), h('div', { class: msg.value + '2', onClick: fn2 }, 'bar') ] const teleportContainer = document.createElement('div') = 'teleport3' const ctx: SSRContext = {} const mainHtml = await renderToString(h(Comp), ctx) expect(mainHtml).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"
"` ) const teleportHtml = ctx.teleports!['#teleport3'] expect(teleportHtml).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`""`) teleportContainer.innerHTML = teleportHtml document.body.appendChild(teleportContainer) const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration(mainHtml, Comp) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) const children = vnode.children as VNode[] expect(children[0].el).toBe(container.childNodes[1]) const teleportVnode = children[1] expect(teleportVnode.el).toBe(container.childNodes[2]) expect((teleportVnode.children as VNode[])[0].el).toBe( container.childNodes[3] ) expect((teleportVnode.children as VNode[])[1].el).toBe( container.childNodes[4] ) expect(teleportVnode.anchor).toBe(container.childNodes[5]) expect(children[2].el).toBe(container.childNodes[6]) expect( expect(teleportVnode.targetAnchor).toBe(teleportContainer.childNodes[0]) // // event handler triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('.foo')!) expect(fn1).toHaveBeenCalled() triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('.foo2')!) expect(fn2).toHaveBeenCalled() msg.value = 'bar' await nextTick() expect(container.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"
"` ) }) // compile SSR + client render fn from the same template & hydrate test('full compiler integration', async () => { const mounted: string[] = [] const log = jest.fn() const toggle = ref(true) const Child = { data() { return { count: 0, text: 'hello', style: { color: 'red' } } }, mounted() { mounted.push('child') }, template: `
{{ count }} {{ text }}
` } const App = { setup() { return { toggle } }, mounted() { mounted.push('parent') }, template: `
hello hello
`, components: { Child }, methods: { log } } const container = document.createElement('div') // server render container.innerHTML = await renderToString(h(App)) // hydrate createSSRApp(App).mount(container) // assert interactions // 1. parent button click triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('.parent-click')!) expect(log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('click') // 2. child inc click + text interpolation const count = container.querySelector('.count') as HTMLElement expect(count.textContent).toBe(`0`) triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('.inc')!) await nextTick() expect(count.textContent).toBe(`1`) // 3. child color click + style binding expect('red') triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('.change')!) await nextTick() expect('green') // 4. child event emit triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('.emit')!) expect(log).toHaveBeenCalledWith('child') // 5. child v-model const text = container.querySelector('.text')! const input = container.querySelector('input')! expect(text.textContent).toBe('hello') input.value = 'bye' triggerEvent('input', input) await nextTick() expect(text.textContent).toBe('bye') }) test('Suspense', async () => { const AsyncChild = { async setup() { const count = ref(0) return () => h( 'span', { onClick: () => { count.value++ } }, count.value ) } } const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration('0', () => h(Suspense, () => h(AsyncChild)) ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) // wait for hydration to finish await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r)) triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('span')!) await nextTick() expect(container.innerHTML).toBe(`1`) }) test('Suspense (full integration)', async () => { const mountedCalls: number[] = [] const asyncDeps: Promise[] = [] const AsyncChild = defineComponent({ props: ['n'], async setup(props) { const count = ref(props.n) onMounted(() => { mountedCalls.push(props.n) }) const p = new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, props.n * 10)) asyncDeps.push(p) await p return () => h( 'span', { onClick: () => { count.value++ } }, count.value ) } }) const done = jest.fn() const App = { template: `
`, components: { AsyncChild }, methods: { done } } const container = document.createElement('div') // server render container.innerHTML = await renderToString(h(App)) expect(container.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"
"` ) // reset asyncDeps from ssr asyncDeps.length = 0 // hydrate createSSRApp(App).mount(container) expect(mountedCalls.length).toBe(0) expect(asyncDeps.length).toBe(2) // wait for hydration to complete await Promise.all(asyncDeps) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r)) // should flush buffered effects expect(mountedCalls).toMatchObject([1, 2]) expect(container.innerHTML).toMatch( `
` ) const span1 = container.querySelector('span')! triggerEvent('click', span1) await nextTick() expect(container.innerHTML).toMatch( `
` ) const span2 = span1.nextSibling as Element triggerEvent('click', span2) await nextTick() expect(container.innerHTML).toMatch( `
` ) }) test('async component', async () => { const spy = jest.fn() const Comp = () => h( 'button', { onClick: spy }, 'hello!' ) let serverResolve: any let AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent( () => new Promise(r => { serverResolve = r }) ) const App = { render() { return ['hello', h(AsyncComp), 'world'] } } // server render const htmlPromise = renderToString(h(App)) serverResolve(Comp) const html = await htmlPromise expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"helloworld"` ) // hydration let clientResolve: any AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent( () => new Promise(r => { clientResolve = r }) ) const container = document.createElement('div') container.innerHTML = html createSSRApp(App).mount(container) // hydration not complete yet triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('button')!) expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() // resolve clientResolve(Comp) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r)) // should be hydrated now triggerEvent('click', container.querySelector('button')!) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('update async wrapper before resolve', async () => { const Comp = { render() { return h('h1', 'Async component') } } let serverResolve: any let AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent( () => new Promise(r => { serverResolve = r }) ) const bol = ref(true) const App = { setup() { onMounted(() => { // change state, this makes updateComponent(AsyncComp) execute before // the async component is resolved bol.value = false }) return () => { return [bol.value ? 'hello' : 'world', h(AsyncComp)] } } } // server render const htmlPromise = renderToString(h(App)) serverResolve(Comp) const html = await htmlPromise expect(html).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"hello

Async component

"` ) // hydration let clientResolve: any AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent( () => new Promise(r => { clientResolve = r }) ) const container = document.createElement('div') container.innerHTML = html createSSRApp(App).mount(container) // resolve clientResolve(Comp) await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r)) // should be hydrated now expect(`Hydration node mismatch`).not.toHaveBeenWarned() expect(container.innerHTML).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"world

Async component

"` ) }) // #3787 test('unmount async wrapper before load', async () => { let resolve: any const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent( () => new Promise(r => { resolve = r }) ) const show = ref(true) const root = document.createElement('div') root.innerHTML = '
' createSSRApp({ render() { return h('div', [show.value ? h(AsyncComp) : h('div', 'hi')]) } }).mount(root) show.value = false await nextTick() expect(root.innerHTML).toBe('
') resolve({}) }) test('unmount async wrapper before load (fragment)', async () => { let resolve: any const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent( () => new Promise(r => { resolve = r }) ) const show = ref(true) const root = document.createElement('div') root.innerHTML = '
' createSSRApp({ render() { return h('div', [show.value ? h(AsyncComp) : h('div', 'hi')]) } }).mount(root) show.value = false await nextTick() expect(root.innerHTML).toBe('
') resolve({}) }) test('elements with camel-case in svg ', () => { const { vnode, container } = mountWithHydration( '', () => h('animateTransform') ) expect(vnode.el).toBe(container.firstChild) expect(`Hydration node mismatch`).not.toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('SVG as a mount container', () => { const svgContainer = document.createElement('svg') svgContainer.innerHTML = '' const app = createSSRApp({ render: () => h('g') }) expect( ( app.mount(svgContainer).$.subTree as VNode & { el: Element } ).el instanceof SVGElement ) }) test('force hydrate input v-model with non-string value bindings', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( '', () => withDirectives( createVNode( 'input', { type: 'checkbox', 'true-value': true }, null, PatchFlags.PROPS, ['true-value'] ), [[vModelCheckbox, true]] ) ) expect((container.firstChild as any)._trueValue).toBe(true) }) test('force hydrate select option with non-string value bindings', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( '', () => h('select', [ // hoisted because bound value is a constant... createVNode('option', { value: true }, null, -1 /* HOISTED */) ]) ) expect((container.firstChild!.firstChild as any)._value).toBe(true) }) describe('mismatch handling', () => { test('text node', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration(`foo`, () => 'bar') expect(container.textContent).toBe('bar') expect(`Hydration text mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('element text content', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration(`
`, () => h('div', 'bar') ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe('
') expect(`Hydration text content mismatch in
`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('not enough children', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration(`
`, () => h('div', [h('span', 'foo'), h('span', 'bar')]) ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe( '
' ) expect(`Hydration children mismatch in
`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('too many children', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( `
`, () => h('div', [h('span', 'foo')]) ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe('
') expect(`Hydration children mismatch in
`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('complete mismatch', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( `
`, () => h('div', [h('div', 'foo'), h('p', 'bar')]) ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe('


') expect(`Hydration node mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(2) }) test('fragment mismatch removal', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( `
`, () => h('div', [h('span', 'replaced')]) ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe('
') expect(`Hydration node mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('fragment not enough children', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( `
`, () => h('div', [[h('div', 'foo'), h('div', 'bar')], h('div', 'baz')]) ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe( '
' ) expect(`Hydration node mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('fragment too many children', () => { const { container } = mountWithHydration( `
`, () => h('div', [[h('div', 'foo')], h('div', 'baz')]) ) expect(container.innerHTML).toBe( '
' ) // fragment ends early and attempts to hydrate the extra
// as 2nd fragment child. expect(`Hydration text content mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarned() // excessive children removal expect(`Hydration children mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('Teleport target has empty children', () => { const teleportContainer = document.createElement('div') = 'teleport' document.body.appendChild(teleportContainer) mountWithHydration('', () => h(Teleport, { to: '#teleport' }, [h('span', 'value')]) ) expect(teleportContainer.innerHTML).toBe(`value`) expect(`Hydration children mismatch`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) }) })