import { locStub, generate, NodeTypes, RootNode, createSimpleExpression, createObjectExpression, createObjectProperty, createArrayExpression, createCompoundExpression, createInterpolation, createCallExpression, createConditionalExpression, ForCodegenNode, createCacheExpression, createTemplateLiteral, createBlockStatement, createIfStatement, createAssignmentExpression, IfConditionalExpression, createVNodeCall, VNodeCall, DirectiveArguments } from '../src' import { CREATE_VNODE, TO_DISPLAY_STRING, RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE, helperNameMap, RESOLVE_COMPONENT, CREATE_COMMENT, FRAGMENT, RENDER_LIST } from '../src/runtimeHelpers' import { createElementWithCodegen, genFlagText } from './testUtils' import { PatchFlags } from '@vue/shared' function createRoot(options: Partial<RootNode> = {}): RootNode { return { type: NodeTypes.ROOT, children: [], helpers: [], components: [], directives: [], imports: [], hoists: [], cached: 0, temps: 0, codegenNode: createSimpleExpression(`null`, false), loc: locStub, ...options } } describe('compiler: codegen', () => { test('module mode preamble', () => { const root = createRoot({ helpers: [CREATE_VNODE, RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'module' }) expect(code).toMatch( `import { ${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]} as _${ helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE] }, ${helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE]} as _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] } } from "vue"` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('module mode preamble w/ optimizeImports: true', () => { const root = createRoot({ helpers: [CREATE_VNODE, RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'module', optimizeImports: true }) expect(code).toMatch( `import { ${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]}, ${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] } } from "vue"` ) expect(code).toMatch( `const _${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]} = ${ helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE] }, _${helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE]} = ${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('function mode preamble', () => { const root = createRoot({ helpers: [CREATE_VNODE, RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'function' }) expect(code).toMatch(`const _Vue = Vue`) expect(code).toMatch( `const { ${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]}: _${ helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE] }, ${helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE]}: _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] } } = _Vue` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('function mode preamble w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const root = createRoot({ helpers: [CREATE_VNODE, RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'function', prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(code).not.toMatch(`const _Vue = Vue`) expect(code).toMatch( `const { ${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]}: _${ helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE] }, ${helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE]}: _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] } } = Vue` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('assets + temps', () => { const root = createRoot({ components: [`Foo`, `bar-baz`, `barbaz`], directives: [`my_dir_0`, `my_dir_1`], temps: 3 }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'function' }) expect(code).toMatch( `const _component_Foo = _${helperNameMap[RESOLVE_COMPONENT]}("Foo")\n` ) expect(code).toMatch( `const _component_bar_baz = _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_COMPONENT] }("bar-baz")\n` ) expect(code).toMatch( `const _component_barbaz = _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_COMPONENT] }("barbaz")\n` ) expect(code).toMatch( `const _directive_my_dir_0 = _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }("my_dir_0")\n` ) expect(code).toMatch( `const _directive_my_dir_1 = _${ helperNameMap[RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE] }("my_dir_1")\n` ) expect(code).toMatch(`let _temp0, _temp1, _temp2`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('hoists', () => { const root = createRoot({ hoists: [ createSimpleExpression(`hello`, false, locStub), createObjectExpression( [ createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`id`, true, locStub), createSimpleExpression(`foo`, true, locStub) ) ], locStub ) ] }) const { code } = generate(root) expect(code).toMatch(`const _hoisted_1 = hello`) expect(code).toMatch(`const _hoisted_2 = { id: "foo" }`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('temps', () => { const root = createRoot({ temps: 3 }) const { code } = generate(root) expect(code).toMatch(`let _temp0, _temp1, _temp2`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('static text', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.TEXT, content: 'hello', loc: locStub } }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return "hello"`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('interpolation', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createInterpolation(`hello`, locStub) }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return _${helperNameMap[TO_DISPLAY_STRING]}(hello)`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('comment', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.COMMENT, content: 'foo', loc: locStub } }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return _${helperNameMap[CREATE_COMMENT]}("foo")`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('compound expression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createCompoundExpression([ `_ctx.`, createSimpleExpression(`foo`, false, locStub), ` + `, { type: NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION, loc: locStub, content: createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, locStub) }, // nested compound createCompoundExpression([` + `, `nested`]) ]) }) ) expect(code).toMatch( `return + _${helperNameMap[TO_DISPLAY_STRING]}(bar) + nested` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('ifNode', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.IF, loc: locStub, branches: [], codegenNode: createConditionalExpression( createSimpleExpression('foo', false), createSimpleExpression('bar', false), createSimpleExpression('baz', false) ) as IfConditionalExpression } }) ) expect(code).toMatch(/return foo\s+\? bar\s+: baz/) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: locStub, source: createSimpleExpression('foo', false), valueAlias: undefined, keyAlias: undefined, objectIndexAlias: undefined, children: [], parseResult: {} as any, codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.VNODE_CALL, tag: FRAGMENT, isBlock: true, disableTracking: true, props: undefined, children: createCallExpression(RENDER_LIST), patchFlag: '1', dynamicProps: undefined, directives: undefined, loc: locStub } as ForCodegenNode } }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`openBlock(true)`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode with constant expression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: locStub, source: createSimpleExpression('1 + 2', false, locStub, true), valueAlias: undefined, keyAlias: undefined, objectIndexAlias: undefined, children: [], parseResult: {} as any, codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.VNODE_CALL, tag: FRAGMENT, isBlock: true, disableTracking: false, props: undefined, children: createCallExpression(RENDER_LIST), patchFlag: genFlagText(PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT), dynamicProps: undefined, directives: undefined, loc: locStub } as ForCodegenNode } }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`openBlock()`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('Element (callExpression + objectExpression + TemplateChildNode[])', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createElementWithCodegen( // string `"div"`, // ObjectExpression createObjectExpression( [ createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`id`, true, locStub), createSimpleExpression(`foo`, true, locStub) ), createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`prop`, false, locStub), createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, locStub) ), // compound expression as computed key createObjectProperty( { type: NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION, loc: locStub, children: [ `foo + `, createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, locStub) ] }, createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, locStub) ) ], locStub ), // ChildNode[] [ createElementWithCodegen( `"p"`, createObjectExpression( [ createObjectProperty( // should quote the key! createSimpleExpression(`some-key`, true, locStub), createSimpleExpression(`foo`, true, locStub) ) ], locStub ) ) ], // flag PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS + '' ) }) ) expect(code).toMatch(` return _${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]}("div", { id: "foo", [prop]: bar, [foo + bar]: bar }, [ _${helperNameMap[CREATE_VNODE]}("p", { "some-key": "foo" }) ], ${PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS})`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('ArrayExpression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createArrayExpression([ createSimpleExpression(`foo`, false), createCallExpression(`bar`, [`baz`]) ]) }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return [ foo, bar(baz) ]`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('ConditionalExpression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createConditionalExpression( createSimpleExpression(`ok`, false), createCallExpression(`foo`), createConditionalExpression( createSimpleExpression(`orNot`, false), createCallExpression(`bar`), createCallExpression(`baz`) ) ) }) ) expect(code).toMatch( `return ok ? foo() : orNot ? bar() : baz()` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('CacheExpression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ cached: 1, codegenNode: createCacheExpression( 1, createSimpleExpression(`foo`, false) ) }), { mode: 'module', prefixIdentifiers: true } ) expect(code).toMatch(`_cache[1] || (_cache[1] = foo)`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('CacheExpression w/ isVNode: true', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ cached: 1, codegenNode: createCacheExpression( 1, createSimpleExpression(`foo`, false), true ) }), { mode: 'module', prefixIdentifiers: true } ) expect(code).toMatch( ` _cache[1] || ( _setBlockTracking(-1), _cache[1] = foo, _setBlockTracking(1), _cache[1] ) `.trim() ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('TemplateLiteral', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createCallExpression(`_push`, [ createTemplateLiteral([ `foo`, createCallExpression(`_renderAttr`, ['id', 'foo']), `bar` ]) ]) }), { ssr: true, mode: 'module' } ) expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " export function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) { _push(\`foo\${_renderAttr(id, foo)}bar\`) }" `) }) describe('IfStatement', () => { test('if', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createBlockStatement([ createIfStatement( createSimpleExpression('foo', false), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression(`ok`)]) ) ]) }), { ssr: true, mode: 'module' } ) expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " export function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) { if (foo) { ok() } }" `) }) test('if/else', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createBlockStatement([ createIfStatement( createSimpleExpression('foo', false), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression(`foo`)]), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression('bar')]) ) ]) }), { ssr: true, mode: 'module' } ) expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " export function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) { if (foo) { foo() } else { bar() } }" `) }) test('if/else-if', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createBlockStatement([ createIfStatement( createSimpleExpression('foo', false), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression(`foo`)]), createIfStatement( createSimpleExpression('bar', false), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression(`bar`)]) ) ) ]) }), { ssr: true, mode: 'module' } ) expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " export function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) { if (foo) { foo() } else if (bar) { bar() } }" `) }) test('if/else-if/else', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createBlockStatement([ createIfStatement( createSimpleExpression('foo', false), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression(`foo`)]), createIfStatement( createSimpleExpression('bar', false), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression(`bar`)]), createBlockStatement([createCallExpression('baz')]) ) ) ]) }), { ssr: true, mode: 'module' } ) expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " export function ssrRender(_ctx, _push, _parent, _attrs) { if (foo) { foo() } else if (bar) { bar() } else { baz() } }" `) }) }) test('AssignmentExpression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: createAssignmentExpression( createSimpleExpression(`foo`, false), createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false) ) }) ) expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` " return function render(_ctx, _cache) { with (_ctx) { return foo = bar } }" `) }) describe('VNodeCall', () => { function genCode(node: VNodeCall) { return generate( createRoot({ codegenNode: node }) ).code.match(/with \(_ctx\) \{\s+([^]+)\s+\}\s+\}$/)![1] } const mockProps = createObjectExpression([ createObjectProperty(`foo`, createSimpleExpression(`bar`, true)) ]) const mockChildren = createCompoundExpression(['children']) const mockDirs = createArrayExpression([ createArrayExpression([`foo`, createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false)]) ]) as DirectiveArguments test('tag only', () => { expect(genCode(createVNodeCall(null, `"div"`))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _createVNode(\\"div\\") " `) expect(genCode(createVNodeCall(null, FRAGMENT))).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _createVNode(_Fragment) " `) }) test('with props', () => { expect(genCode(createVNodeCall(null, `"div"`, mockProps))) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _createVNode(\\"div\\", { foo: \\"bar\\" }) " `) }) test('with children, no props', () => { expect(genCode(createVNodeCall(null, `"div"`, undefined, mockChildren))) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _createVNode(\\"div\\", null, children) " `) }) test('with children + props', () => { expect(genCode(createVNodeCall(null, `"div"`, mockProps, mockChildren))) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _createVNode(\\"div\\", { foo: \\"bar\\" }, children) " `) }) test('with patchFlag and no children/props', () => { expect(genCode(createVNodeCall(null, `"div"`, undefined, undefined, '1'))) .toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _createVNode(\\"div\\", null, null, 1) " `) }) test('as block', () => { expect( genCode( createVNodeCall( null, `"div"`, mockProps, mockChildren, undefined, undefined, undefined, true ) ) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(\\"div\\", { foo: \\"bar\\" }, children)) " `) }) test('as for block', () => { expect( genCode( createVNodeCall( null, `"div"`, mockProps, mockChildren, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, true ) ) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return (_openBlock(true), _createBlock(\\"div\\", { foo: \\"bar\\" }, children)) " `) }) test('with directives', () => { expect( genCode( createVNodeCall( null, `"div"`, mockProps, mockChildren, undefined, undefined, mockDirs ) ) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _withDirectives(_createVNode(\\"div\\", { foo: \\"bar\\" }, children), [ [foo, bar] ]) " `) }) test('block + directives', () => { expect( genCode( createVNodeCall( null, `"div"`, mockProps, mockChildren, undefined, undefined, mockDirs, true ) ) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "return _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(\\"div\\", { foo: \\"bar\\" }, children)), [ [foo, bar] ]) " `) }) }) })