import path from 'path' import { setupPuppeteer, E2E_TIMEOUT } from './e2eUtils' import mocks from './commits.mock' describe('e2e: commits', () => { const { page, click, count, text, isChecked } = setupPuppeteer() async function testCommits(apiType: 'classic' | 'composition') { const baseUrl = `file://${path.resolve( __dirname, `../${apiType}/commits.html` )}` // intercept and mock the response to avoid hitting the actual API await page().setRequestInterception(true) page().on('request', req => { const match = req.url().match(/&sha=(.*)$/) if (!match) { req.continue() } else { req.respond({ status: 200, contentType: 'application/json', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }, body: JSON.stringify(mocks[match[1] as 'master' | 'sync']) }) } }) await page().goto(baseUrl) await page().waitFor('li') expect(await count('input')).toBe(2) expect(await count('label')).toBe(2) expect(await text('label[for="master"]')).toBe('master') expect(await text('label[for="sync"]')).toBe('sync') expect(await isChecked('#master')).toBe(true) expect(await isChecked('#sync')).toBe(false) expect(await text('p')).toBe('vuejs/vue@master') expect(await count('li')).toBe(3) expect(await count('li .commit')).toBe(3) expect(await count('li .message')).toBe(3) await click('#sync') expect(await text('p')).toBe('vuejs/vue@sync') expect(await count('li')).toBe(3) expect(await count('li .commit')).toBe(3) expect(await count('li .message')).toBe(3) } test( 'classic', async () => { await testCommits('classic') }, E2E_TIMEOUT ) test( 'composition', async () => { await testCommits('composition') }, E2E_TIMEOUT ) })