import { patchStyle } from '../../src/modules/style' describe(`module style`, () => { it('string', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, {}, 'color:red') expect(\s/g, '')).toBe('color:red;') }) it('plain object', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, {}, { color: 'red' }) expect(\s/g, '')).toBe('color:red;') }) it('camelCase', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, {}, { marginRight: '10px' }) expect(\s/g, '')).toBe('margin-right:10px;') }) it('remove if falsy value', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, { color: 'red' }, { color: undefined }) expect(\s/g, '')).toBe('') }) it('!important', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, {}, { color: 'red !important' }) expect(\s/g, '')).toBe('color:red!important;') }) it('camelCase with !important', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, {}, { marginRight: '10px !important' }) expect(\s/g, '')).toBe( 'margin-right:10px!important;' ) }) it('object with multiple entries', () => { const el = document.createElement('div') patchStyle(el, {}, { color: 'red', marginRight: '10px' }) expect('color')).toBe('red') expect('margin-right')).toBe('10px') }) // JSDOM doesn't support custom properties on style object so we have to // mock it here. function mockElementWithStyle() { const store: any = {} return { style: { WebkitTransition: '', setProperty(key: string, val: string) { store[key] = val }, getPropertyValue(key: string) { return store[key] } } } } it('CSS custom properties', () => { const el = mockElementWithStyle() patchStyle(el as any, {}, { '--theme': 'red' } as any) expect('--theme')).toBe('red') }) it('auto vendor prefixing', () => { const el = mockElementWithStyle() patchStyle(el as any, {}, { transition: 'all 1s' }) expect('all 1s') }) })