import { ComponentInternalInstance, getCurrentInstance, render, h, nodeOps, FunctionalComponent, defineComponent, ref, serializeInner } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { render as domRender, nextTick } from 'vue' describe('component props', () => { test('stateful', () => { let props: any let attrs: any let proxy: any const Comp = defineComponent({ props: ['fooBar', 'barBaz'], render() { props = this.$props attrs = this.$attrs proxy = this } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp, { fooBar: 1, bar: 2 }), root) expect(proxy.fooBar).toBe(1) expect(props).toEqual({ fooBar: 1 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 2 }) // test passing kebab-case and resolving to camelCase render(h(Comp, { 'foo-bar': 2, bar: 3, baz: 4 }), root) expect(proxy.fooBar).toBe(2) expect(props).toEqual({ fooBar: 2 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 3, baz: 4 }) // test updating kebab-case should not delete it (#955) render(h(Comp, { 'foo-bar': 3, bar: 3, baz: 4, barBaz: 5 }), root) expect(proxy.fooBar).toBe(3) expect(proxy.barBaz).toBe(5) expect(props).toEqual({ fooBar: 3, barBaz: 5 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 3, baz: 4 }) render(h(Comp, { qux: 5 }), root) expect(proxy.fooBar).toBeUndefined() // remove the props with camelCase key (#1412) expect(proxy.barBaz).toBeUndefined() expect(props).toEqual({}) expect(attrs).toEqual({ qux: 5 }) }) test('stateful with setup', () => { let props: any let attrs: any const Comp = defineComponent({ props: ['foo'], setup(_props, { attrs: _attrs }) { return () => { props = _props attrs = _attrs } } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp, { foo: 1, bar: 2 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({ foo: 1 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 2 }) render(h(Comp, { foo: 2, bar: 3, baz: 4 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({ foo: 2 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 3, baz: 4 }) render(h(Comp, { qux: 5 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({}) expect(attrs).toEqual({ qux: 5 }) }) test('functional with declaration', () => { let props: any let attrs: any const Comp: FunctionalComponent = (_props, { attrs: _attrs }) => { props = _props attrs = _attrs } Comp.props = ['foo'] const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp, { foo: 1, bar: 2 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({ foo: 1 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 2 }) render(h(Comp, { foo: 2, bar: 3, baz: 4 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({ foo: 2 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 3, baz: 4 }) render(h(Comp, { qux: 5 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({}) expect(attrs).toEqual({ qux: 5 }) }) test('functional without declaration', () => { let props: any let attrs: any const Comp: FunctionalComponent = (_props, { attrs: _attrs }) => { props = _props attrs = _attrs } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp, { foo: 1 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({ foo: 1 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ foo: 1 }) expect(props).toBe(attrs) render(h(Comp, { bar: 2 }), root) expect(props).toEqual({ bar: 2 }) expect(attrs).toEqual({ bar: 2 }) expect(props).toBe(attrs) }) test('boolean casting', () => { let proxy: any const Comp = { props: { foo: Boolean, bar: Boolean, baz: Boolean, qux: Boolean }, render() { proxy = this } } render( h(Comp, { // absent should cast to false bar: '', // empty string should cast to true baz: 'baz', // same string should cast to true qux: 'ok' // other values should be left in-tact (but raise warning) }), nodeOps.createElement('div') ) expect( expect( expect(proxy.baz).toBe(true) expect(proxy.qux).toBe('ok') expect('type check failed for prop "qux"').toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('default value', () => { let proxy: any const defaultFn = jest.fn(() => ({ a: 1 })) const defaultBaz = jest.fn(() => ({ b: 1 })) const Comp = { props: { foo: { default: 1 }, bar: { default: defaultFn }, baz: { type: Function, default: defaultBaz } }, render() { proxy = this } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp, { foo: 2 }), root) expect( const prevBar = expect({ a: 1 }) expect(proxy.baz).toEqual(defaultBaz) expect(defaultFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(defaultBaz).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) // #999: updates should not cause default factory of unchanged prop to be // called again render(h(Comp, { foo: 3 }), root) expect( expect({ a: 1 }) expect( expect(defaultFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) render(h(Comp, { bar: { b: 2 } }), root) expect( expect({ b: 2 }) expect(defaultFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) render(h(Comp, { foo: 3, bar: { b: 3 } }), root) expect( expect({ b: 3 }) expect(defaultFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) render(h(Comp, { bar: { b: 4 } }), root) expect( expect({ b: 4 }) expect(defaultFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('optimized props updates', async () => { const Child = defineComponent({ props: ['foo'], template: `<div>{{ foo }}</div>` }) const foo = ref(1) const id = ref('a') const Comp = defineComponent({ setup() { return { foo, id } }, components: { Child }, template: `<Child :foo="foo" :id="id"/>` }) // Note this one is using the main Vue render so it can compile template // on the fly const root = document.createElement('div') domRender(h(Comp), root) expect(root.innerHTML).toBe('<div id="a">1</div>') foo.value++ await nextTick() expect(root.innerHTML).toBe('<div id="a">2</div>') id.value = 'b' await nextTick() expect(root.innerHTML).toBe('<div id="b">2</div>') }) test('warn props mutation', () => { let instance: ComponentInternalInstance let setupProps: any const Comp = { props: ['foo'], setup(props: any) { instance = getCurrentInstance()! setupProps = props return () => null } } render(h(Comp, { foo: 1 }), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( expect(instance! = 2 expect(`Set operation on key "foo" failed`).toHaveBeenWarned() expect(() => { ;(instance!.proxy as any).foo = 2 }).toThrow(TypeError) expect(`Attempting to mutate prop "foo"`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('merging props from mixins and extends', () => { let setupProps: any let renderProxy: any const E = { props: ['base'] } const M1 = { props: ['m1'] } const M2 = { props: { m2: null } } const Comp = { props: ['self'], mixins: [M1, M2], extends: E, setup(props: any) { setupProps = props }, render(this: any) { renderProxy = this return h('div', [this.self, this.base, this.m1, this.m2]) } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') const props = { self: 'from self, ', base: 'from base, ', m1: 'from mixin 1, ', m2: 'from mixin 2' } render(h(Comp, props), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch( `from self, from base, from mixin 1, from mixin 2` ) expect(setupProps).toMatchObject(props) expect(renderProxy.$props).toMatchObject(props) }) })