import { Node, Identifier, BlockStatement, CallExpression, ObjectPattern, VariableDeclaration, ArrayPattern, Program, VariableDeclarator } from '@babel/types' import MagicString, { SourceMap } from 'magic-string' import { walk } from 'estree-walker' import { extractIdentifiers, isFunctionType, isInDestructureAssignment, isReferencedIdentifier, isStaticProperty, walkFunctionParams } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { parse, ParserPlugin } from '@babel/parser' import { babelParserDefaultPlugins } from '@vue/shared' const TO_VAR_SYMBOL = '$' const TO_REF_SYMBOL = '$$' const shorthands = ['ref', 'computed', 'shallowRef'] const transformCheckRE = /[^\w]\$(?:\$|ref|computed|shallowRef)?\(/ export function shouldTransform(src: string): boolean { return transformCheckRE.test(src) } type Scope = Record export interface RefTransformOptions { filename?: string sourceMap?: boolean parserPlugins?: ParserPlugin[] importHelpersFrom?: string } export interface RefTransformResults { code: string map: SourceMap | null rootVars: string[] importedHelpers: string[] } export function transform( src: string, { filename, sourceMap, parserPlugins, importHelpersFrom = 'vue' }: RefTransformOptions = {} ): RefTransformResults { const plugins: ParserPlugin[] = parserPlugins || [] if (filename) { if (/\.tsx?$/.test(filename)) { plugins.push('typescript') } if (filename.endsWith('x')) { plugins.push('jsx') } } const ast = parse(src, { sourceType: 'module', plugins: [ Set([...babelParserDefaultPlugins, ...plugins])] }) const s = new MagicString(src) const res = transformAST(ast.program, s) // inject helper imports if (res.importedHelpers.length) { s.prepend( `import { ${res.importedHelpers .map(h => `${h} as _${h}`) .join(', ')} } from '${importHelpersFrom}'\n` ) } return { ...res, code: s.toString(), map: sourceMap ? s.generateMap({ source: filename, hires: true, includeContent: true }) : null } } export function transformAST( ast: Program, s: MagicString, offset = 0, knownRootVars?: string[] ): { rootVars: string[] importedHelpers: string[] } { const importedHelpers = new Set() const rootScope: Scope = {} const scopeStack: Scope[] = [rootScope] let currentScope: Scope = rootScope const excludedIds = new WeakSet() const parentStack: Node[] = [] if (knownRootVars) { for (const key of knownRootVars) { rootScope[key] = true } } function error(msg: string, node: Node) { const e = new Error(msg) ;(e as any).node = node throw e } function helper(msg: string) { importedHelpers.add(msg) return `_${msg}` } function registerBinding(id: Identifier, isRef = false) { excludedIds.add(id) if (currentScope) { currentScope[] = isRef } else { error( 'registerBinding called without active scope, something is wrong.', id ) } } const registerRefBinding = (id: Identifier) => registerBinding(id, true) function walkScope(node: Program | BlockStatement) { for (const stmt of node.body) { if (stmt.type === 'VariableDeclaration') { if (stmt.declare) continue for (const decl of stmt.declarations) { let toVarCall if (decl.init && (toVarCall = isToVarCall(decl.init))) { processRefDeclaration( toVarCall, decl.init as CallExpression,, stmt ) } else { for (const id of extractIdentifiers( { registerBinding(id) } } } } else if ( stmt.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || stmt.type === 'ClassDeclaration' ) { if (stmt.declare || ! continue registerBinding( } } } function processRefDeclaration( method: string, call: CallExpression, id: VariableDeclarator['id'], statement: VariableDeclaration ) { excludedIds.add(call.callee as Identifier) if (statement.kind !== 'let') { error(`${method}() bindings can only be declared with let`, call) } if (method === TO_VAR_SYMBOL) { // $ // remove macro s.remove(call.callee.start! + offset, call.callee.end! + offset) if (id.type === 'Identifier') { // single variable registerRefBinding(id) } else if (id.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(id, statement) } else if (id.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(id, statement) } } else { // shorthands if (id.type === 'Identifier') { registerRefBinding(id) // replace call s.overwrite( call.start! + offset, call.start! + method.length + offset, helper(method.slice(1)) ) } else { error(`${method}() cannot be used with destructure patterns.`, call) } } } function processRefObjectPattern( pattern: ObjectPattern, statement: VariableDeclaration ) { for (const p of { let nameId: Identifier | undefined if (p.type === 'ObjectProperty') { if (p.key.start! === p.value.start!) { // shorthand { foo } --> { foo: __foo } nameId = p.key as Identifier s.appendLeft(nameId.end! + offset, `: __${}`) if (p.value.type === 'Identifier') { // avoid shorthand value identifier from being processed excludedIds.add(p.value) } else if ( p.value.type === 'AssignmentPattern' && p.value.left.type === 'Identifier' ) { // { foo = 1 } excludedIds.add(p.value.left) } } else { if (p.value.type === 'Identifier') { // { foo: bar } --> { foo: __bar } nameId = p.value s.prependRight(nameId.start! + offset, `__`) } else if (p.value.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(p.value, statement) } else if (p.value.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(p.value, statement) } else if (p.value.type === 'AssignmentPattern') { // { foo: bar = 1 } --> { foo: __bar = 1 } nameId = p.value.left as Identifier s.prependRight(nameId.start! + offset, `__`) } } } else { // rest element { } --> { ...__foo } nameId = p.argument as Identifier s.prependRight(nameId.start! + offset, `__`) } if (nameId) { registerRefBinding(nameId) // append binding declarations after the parent statement s.appendLeft( statement.end! + offset, `\nconst ${} = ${helper('ref')}(__${});` ) } } } function processRefArrayPattern( pattern: ArrayPattern, statement: VariableDeclaration ) { for (const e of pattern.elements) { if (!e) continue let nameId: Identifier | undefined if (e.type === 'Identifier') { // [a] --> [__a] nameId = e } else if (e.type === 'AssignmentPattern') { // [a = 1] --> [__a = 1] nameId = e.left as Identifier } else if (e.type === 'RestElement') { // [...a] --> [...__a] nameId = e.argument as Identifier } else if (e.type === 'ObjectPattern') { processRefObjectPattern(e, statement) } else if (e.type === 'ArrayPattern') { processRefArrayPattern(e, statement) } if (nameId) { registerRefBinding(nameId) // prefix original s.prependRight(nameId.start! + offset, `__`) // append binding declarations after the parent statement s.appendLeft( statement.end! + offset, `\nconst ${} = ${helper('ref')}(__${});` ) } } } function checkRefId( scope: Scope, id: Identifier, parent: Node, parentStack: Node[] ): boolean { if ( in scope) { if (scope[]) { if (isStaticProperty(parent) && parent.shorthand) { // let binding used in a property shorthand // { foo } -> { foo: foo.value } // skip for destructure patterns if ( !(parent as any).inPattern || isInDestructureAssignment(parent, parentStack) ) { s.appendLeft(id.end! + offset, `: ${}.value`) } } else { s.appendLeft(id.end! + offset, '.value') } } return true } return false } // check root scope first walkScope(ast) ;(walk as any)(ast, { enter(node: Node, parent?: Node) { parent && parentStack.push(parent) // function scopes if (isFunctionType(node)) { scopeStack.push((currentScope = {})) walkFunctionParams(node, registerBinding) if (node.body.type === 'BlockStatement') { walkScope(node.body) } return } // non-function block scopes if (node.type === 'BlockStatement' && !isFunctionType(parent!)) { scopeStack.push((currentScope = {})) walkScope(node) return } if ( parent && parent.type.startsWith('TS') && parent.type !== 'TSAsExpression' && parent.type !== 'TSNonNullExpression' && parent.type !== 'TSTypeAssertion' ) { return this.skip() } if ( node.type === 'Identifier' && isReferencedIdentifier(node, parent!, parentStack) && !excludedIds.has(node) ) { // walk up the scope chain to check if id should be appended .value let i = scopeStack.length while (i--) { if (checkRefId(scopeStack[i], node, parent!, parentStack)) { return } } } const toVarCall = isToVarCall(node) if (toVarCall && (!parent || parent.type !== 'VariableDeclarator')) { return error( `${toVarCall} can only be used as the initializer of ` + `a variable declaration.`, node ) } if (isToRefCall(node)) { s.remove(node.callee.start! + offset, node.callee.end! + offset) return this.skip() } }, leave(node: Node, parent?: Node) { parent && parentStack.pop() if ( (node.type === 'BlockStatement' && !isFunctionType(parent!)) || isFunctionType(node) ) { scopeStack.pop() currentScope = scopeStack[scopeStack.length - 1] || null } } }) return { rootVars: Object.keys(rootScope).filter(key => rootScope[key]), importedHelpers: [...importedHelpers] } } function isToVarCall(node: Node): string | false { if (node.type !== 'CallExpression' || node.callee.type !== 'Identifier') { return false } const callee = if (callee === TO_VAR_SYMBOL) { return TO_VAR_SYMBOL } if (callee[0] === TO_VAR_SYMBOL && shorthands.includes(callee.slice(1))) { return callee } return false } function isToRefCall(node: Node): node is CallExpression { return ( node.type === 'CallExpression' && (node.callee as Identifier).name === TO_REF_SYMBOL ) }