import { isArray, isFunction, isObject, isPromise } from '@vue/shared' import { defineAsyncComponent } from '../apiAsyncComponent' import { Component, ComponentInternalInstance, ComponentOptions, FunctionalComponent, getCurrentInstance } from '../component' import { resolveInjections } from '../componentOptions' import { InternalSlots } from '../componentSlots' import { isVNode } from '../vnode' import { checkCompatEnabled, softAssertCompatEnabled } from './compatConfig' import { DeprecationTypes } from './deprecations' import { getCompatListeners } from './instanceListeners' import { compatH } from './renderFn' export function convertLegacyComponent( comp: any, instance: ComponentInternalInstance | null ): Component { if (comp.__isBuiltIn) { return comp } // 2.x async component // since after disabling this, plain functions are still valid usage, do not // use softAssert here. if ( isFunction(comp) && checkCompatEnabled(DeprecationTypes.COMPONENT_ASYNC, instance, comp) ) { return convertLegacyAsyncComponent(comp) } // 2.x functional component if ( isObject(comp) && comp.functional && softAssertCompatEnabled( DeprecationTypes.COMPONENT_FUNCTIONAL, instance, comp ) ) { return convertLegacyFunctionalComponent(comp) } return comp } interface LegacyAsyncOptions { component: Promise loading?: Component error?: Component delay?: number timeout?: number } type LegacyAsyncReturnValue = Promise | LegacyAsyncOptions type LegacyAsyncComponent = ( resolve?: (res: LegacyAsyncReturnValue) => void, reject?: (reason?: any) => void ) => LegacyAsyncReturnValue | undefined const normalizedAsyncComponentMap = new Map() function convertLegacyAsyncComponent(comp: LegacyAsyncComponent) { if (normalizedAsyncComponentMap.has(comp)) { return normalizedAsyncComponentMap.get(comp)! } // we have to call the function here due to how v2's API won't expose the // options until we call it let resolve: (res: LegacyAsyncReturnValue) => void let reject: (reason?: any) => void const fallbackPromise = new Promise((r, rj) => { ;(resolve = r), (reject = rj) }) const res = comp(resolve!, reject!) let converted: Component if (isPromise(res)) { converted = defineAsyncComponent(() => res) } else if (isObject(res) && !isVNode(res) && !isArray(res)) { converted = defineAsyncComponent({ loader: () => res.component, loadingComponent: res.loading, errorComponent: res.error, delay: res.delay, timeout: res.timeout }) } else if (res == null) { converted = defineAsyncComponent(() => fallbackPromise) } else { converted = comp as any // probably a v3 functional comp } normalizedAsyncComponentMap.set(comp, converted) return converted } const normalizedFunctionalComponentMap = new Map< ComponentOptions, FunctionalComponent >() export const legacySlotProxyHandlers: ProxyHandler = { get(target, key: string) { const slot = target[key] return slot && slot() } } function convertLegacyFunctionalComponent(comp: ComponentOptions) { if (normalizedFunctionalComponentMap.has(comp)) { return normalizedFunctionalComponentMap.get(comp)! } const legacyFn = comp.render as any const Func: FunctionalComponent = (props, ctx) => { const instance = getCurrentInstance()! const legacyCtx = { props, children: instance.vnode.children || [], data: instance.vnode.props || {}, scopedSlots: ctx.slots, parent: instance.parent && instance.parent.proxy, get slots() { return new Proxy(ctx.slots, legacySlotProxyHandlers) }, get listeners() { return getCompatListeners(instance) }, get injections() { if (comp.inject) { const injections = {} resolveInjections(comp.inject, {}) return injections } return {} } } return legacyFn(compatH, legacyCtx) } Func.props = comp.props Func.displayName = // v2 functional components do not inherit attrs Func.inheritAttrs = false normalizedFunctionalComponentMap.set(comp, Func) return Func }