import { computed, ref } from '@vue/reactivity' import { toDisplayString } from '../src' describe('toDisplayString', () => { test('nullish values', () => { expect(toDisplayString(null)).toBe('') expect(toDisplayString(undefined)).toBe('') }) test('primitive values', () => { expect(toDisplayString(1)).toBe('1') expect(toDisplayString(true)).toBe('true') expect(toDisplayString(false)).toBe('false') expect(toDisplayString('hello')).toBe('hello') }) test('Object and Arrays', () => { const obj = { foo: 123 } expect(toDisplayString(obj)).toBe(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)) const arr = [obj] expect(toDisplayString(arr)).toBe(JSON.stringify(arr, null, 2)) const objWithToStringOverride = { foo: 555, toString() { return 'override' } } expect(toDisplayString(objWithToStringOverride)).toBe('override') const objWithNonInvokeableToString = { foo: 555, toString: null } expect(toDisplayString(objWithNonInvokeableToString)).toBe( `{ "foo": 555, "toString": null }` ) // object created from null does not have .toString in its prototype const nullObjectWithoutToString = Object.create(null) = 1 expect(toDisplayString(nullObjectWithoutToString)).toBe( `{ "bar": 1 }` ) // array toString override is ignored const arrWithToStringOverride = [1, 2, 3] arrWithToStringOverride.toString = () => 'override for array is not supported' expect(toDisplayString(arrWithToStringOverride)).toBe( `[ 1, 2, 3 ]` ) }) test('refs', () => { const n = ref(1) const np = computed(() => n.value + 1) expect( toDisplayString({ n, np }) ).toBe(JSON.stringify({ n: 1, np: 2 }, null, 2)) }) test('objects with custom toString', () => { class TestClass { toString() { return 'foo' } } const instance = new TestClass() expect(toDisplayString(instance)).toBe('foo') const obj = { toString: () => 'bar' } expect(toDisplayString(obj)).toBe('bar') }) test('native objects', () => { const div = document.createElement('div') expect(toDisplayString(div)).toBe('[object HTMLDivElement]') expect(toDisplayString({ div })).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ \\"div\\": \\"[object HTMLDivElement]\\" }" `) }) test('Map and Set', () => { const m = new Map([ [1, 'foo'], [{ baz: 1 }, { foo: 'bar', qux: 2 }] ]) const s = new Set([1, { foo: 'bar' }, m]) expect(toDisplayString(m)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ \\"Map(2)\\": { \\"1 =>\\": \\"foo\\", \\"[object Object] =>\\": { \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\", \\"qux\\": 2 } } }" `) expect(toDisplayString(s)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ \\"Set(3)\\": [ 1, { \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\" }, { \\"Map(2)\\": { \\"1 =>\\": \\"foo\\", \\"[object Object] =>\\": { \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\", \\"qux\\": 2 } } } ] }" `) expect( toDisplayString({ m, s }) ).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ \\"m\\": { \\"Map(2)\\": { \\"1 =>\\": \\"foo\\", \\"[object Object] =>\\": { \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\", \\"qux\\": 2 } } }, \\"s\\": { \\"Set(3)\\": [ 1, { \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\" }, { \\"Map(2)\\": { \\"1 =>\\": \\"foo\\", \\"[object Object] =>\\": { \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\", \\"qux\\": 2 } } } ] } }" `) }) })