// Core API ------------------------------------------------------------------ export const version = __VERSION__ export { // core reactive, ref, readonly, // utilities unref, proxyRefs, isRef, toRef, toRefs, isProxy, isReactive, isReadonly, // advanced customRef, triggerRef, shallowRef, shallowReactive, shallowReadonly, markRaw, toRaw } from '@vue/reactivity' export { computed } from './apiComputed' export { watch, watchEffect } from './apiWatch' export { onBeforeMount, onMounted, onBeforeUpdate, onUpdated, onBeforeUnmount, onUnmounted, onActivated, onDeactivated, onRenderTracked, onRenderTriggered, onErrorCaptured } from './apiLifecycle' export { provide, inject } from './apiInject' export { nextTick } from './scheduler' export { defineComponent } from './apiDefineComponent' export { defineAsyncComponent } from './apiAsyncComponent' // Advanced API ---------------------------------------------------------------- // For getting a hold of the internal instance in setup() - useful for advanced // plugins export { getCurrentInstance } from './component' // For raw render function users export { h } from './h' // Advanced render function utilities export { createVNode, cloneVNode, mergeProps, isVNode } from './vnode' // VNode types export { Fragment, Text, Comment, Static } from './vnode' // Built-in components export { Teleport, TeleportProps } from './components/Teleport' export { Suspense, SuspenseProps } from './components/Suspense' export { KeepAlive, KeepAliveProps } from './components/KeepAlive' export { BaseTransition, BaseTransitionProps } from './components/BaseTransition' // For using custom directives export { withDirectives } from './directives' // SSR context export { useSSRContext, ssrContextKey } from './helpers/useSsrContext' // Custom Renderer API --------------------------------------------------------- export { createRenderer, createHydrationRenderer } from './renderer' export { queuePostFlushCb } from './scheduler' export { warn } from './warning' export { handleError, callWithErrorHandling, callWithAsyncErrorHandling, ErrorCodes } from './errorHandling' export { resolveComponent, resolveDirective, resolveDynamicComponent } from './helpers/resolveAssets' // For integration with runtime compiler export { registerRuntimeCompiler } from './component' export { useTransitionState, resolveTransitionHooks, setTransitionHooks, getTransitionRawChildren } from './components/BaseTransition' // For devtools export { devtools, setDevtoolsHook } from './devtools' // Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------- import { VNode } from './vnode' import { ComponentInternalInstance } from './component' // Augment Ref unwrap bail types. // Note: if updating this, also update `types/refBail.d.ts`. declare module '@vue/reactivity' { export interface RefUnwrapBailTypes { runtimeCoreBailTypes: | VNode | { // directly bailing on ComponentPublicInstance results in recursion // so we use this as a bail hint $: ComponentInternalInstance } } } export { ReactiveEffect, ReactiveEffectOptions, DebuggerEvent, TrackOpTypes, TriggerOpTypes, Ref, ComputedRef, WritableComputedRef, UnwrapRef, ShallowUnwrapRef, WritableComputedOptions, ToRefs, DeepReadonly } from '@vue/reactivity' export { // types WatchEffect, WatchOptions, WatchOptionsBase, WatchCallback, WatchSource, WatchStopHandle } from './apiWatch' export { InjectionKey } from './apiInject' export { App, AppConfig, AppContext, Plugin, CreateAppFunction, OptionMergeFunction } from './apiCreateApp' export { VNode, VNodeChild, VNodeTypes, VNodeProps, VNodeArrayChildren, VNodeNormalizedChildren } from './vnode' export { Component, ConcreteComponent, FunctionalComponent, ComponentInternalInstance, SetupContext, ComponentCustomProps, AllowedComponentProps } from './component' export { DefineComponent } from './apiDefineComponent' export { ComponentOptions, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsWithoutProps, ComponentOptionsWithObjectProps, ComponentOptionsWithArrayProps, ComponentCustomOptions, ComponentOptionsBase, RenderFunction, MethodOptions, ComputedOptions } from './componentOptions' export { EmitsOptions, ObjectEmitsOptions } from './componentEmits' export { ComponentPublicInstance, ComponentCustomProperties } from './componentPublicInstance' export { Renderer, RendererNode, RendererElement, HydrationRenderer, RendererOptions, RootRenderFunction } from './renderer' export { RootHydrateFunction } from './hydration' export { Slot, Slots } from './componentSlots' export { Prop, PropType, ComponentPropsOptions, ComponentObjectPropsOptions, ExtractPropTypes, ExtractDefaultPropTypes } from './componentProps' export { Directive, DirectiveBinding, DirectiveHook, ObjectDirective, FunctionDirective, DirectiveArguments } from './directives' export { SuspenseBoundary } from './components/Suspense' export { TransitionState, TransitionHooks } from './components/BaseTransition' export { AsyncComponentOptions, AsyncComponentLoader } from './apiAsyncComponent' export { HMRRuntime } from './hmr' // Internal API ---------------------------------------------------------------- // **IMPORTANT** Internal APIs may change without notice between versions and // user code should avoid relying on them. // For compiler generated code // should sync with '@vue/compiler-core/src/runtimeConstants.ts' export { withCtx } from './helpers/withRenderContext' export { renderList } from './helpers/renderList' export { toHandlers } from './helpers/toHandlers' export { renderSlot } from './helpers/renderSlot' export { createSlots } from './helpers/createSlots' export { pushScopeId, popScopeId, withScopeId } from './helpers/scopeId' export { openBlock, createBlock, setBlockTracking, createTextVNode, createCommentVNode, createStaticVNode } from './vnode' export { toDisplayString, camelize, capitalize } from '@vue/shared' // For test-utils export { transformVNodeArgs } from './vnode' // SSR ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // **IMPORTANT** These APIs are exposed solely for @vue/server-renderer and may // change without notice between versions. User code should never rely on them. import { createComponentInstance, setupComponent } from './component' import { renderComponentRoot, setCurrentRenderingInstance } from './componentRenderUtils' import { isVNode, normalizeVNode } from './vnode' const _ssrUtils = { createComponentInstance, setupComponent, renderComponentRoot, setCurrentRenderingInstance, isVNode, normalizeVNode } /** * SSR utils for \@vue/server-renderer. Only exposed in cjs builds. * @internal */ export const ssrUtils = (__NODE_JS__ ? _ssrUtils : null) as typeof _ssrUtils