import { VNode } from './vnode' import { ComponentInstance, LifecycleHooks } from './component' import { warn, pushWarningContext, popWarningContext } from './warning' // contexts where user provided function may be executed, in addition to // lifecycle hooks. export const enum UserExecutionContexts { SETUP_FUNCTION = 1, RENDER_FUNCTION, WATCH_GETTER, WATCH_CALLBACK, WATCH_CLEANUP, NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER, COMPONENT_EVENT_HANDLER, SCHEDULER } export const ErrorTypeStrings: Record = { [LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_CREATE]: 'beforeCreate hook', [LifecycleHooks.CREATED]: 'created hook', [LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_MOUNT]: 'beforeMount hook', [LifecycleHooks.MOUNTED]: 'mounted hook', [LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_UPDATE]: 'beforeUpdate hook', [LifecycleHooks.UPDATED]: 'updated', [LifecycleHooks.BEFORE_UNMOUNT]: 'beforeUnmount hook', [LifecycleHooks.UNMOUNTED]: 'unmounted hook', [LifecycleHooks.ACTIVATED]: 'activated hook', [LifecycleHooks.DEACTIVATED]: 'deactivated hook', [LifecycleHooks.ERROR_CAPTURED]: 'errorCaptured hook', [LifecycleHooks.RENDER_TRACKED]: 'renderTracked hook', [LifecycleHooks.RENDER_TRIGGERED]: 'renderTriggered hook', [UserExecutionContexts.SETUP_FUNCTION]: 'setup function', [UserExecutionContexts.RENDER_FUNCTION]: 'render function', [UserExecutionContexts.WATCH_GETTER]: 'watcher getter', [UserExecutionContexts.WATCH_CALLBACK]: 'watcher callback', [UserExecutionContexts.WATCH_CLEANUP]: 'watcher cleanup function', [UserExecutionContexts.NATIVE_EVENT_HANDLER]: 'native event handler', [UserExecutionContexts.COMPONENT_EVENT_HANDLER]: 'component event handler', [UserExecutionContexts.SCHEDULER]: 'scheduler flush. This may be a Vue internals bug. ' + 'Please open an issue at' } type ErrorTypes = LifecycleHooks | UserExecutionContexts export function callWithErrorHandling( fn: Function, instance: ComponentInstance | null, type: ErrorTypes, args?: any[] ) { let res: any try { res = args ? fn(...args) : fn() } catch (err) { handleError(err, instance, type) } return res } export function callWithAsyncErrorHandling( fn: Function, instance: ComponentInstance | null, type: ErrorTypes, args?: any[] ) { const res = callWithErrorHandling(fn, instance, type, args) if (res != null && !res._isVue && typeof res.then === 'function') { ;(res as Promise).catch(err => { handleError(err, instance, type) }) } return res } export function handleError( err: Error, instance: ComponentInstance | null, type: ErrorTypes ) { const contextVNode = instance ? instance.vnode : null let cur: ComponentInstance | null = instance && instance.parent while (cur) { const errorCapturedHooks = if (errorCapturedHooks !== null) { for (let i = 0; i < errorCapturedHooks.length; i++) { if ( errorCapturedHooks[i]( err, instance && instance.renderProxy, contextVNode ) ) { return } } } cur = cur.parent } logError(err, type, contextVNode) } function logError(err: Error, type: ErrorTypes, contextVNode: VNode | null) { if (__DEV__) { const info = ErrorTypeStrings[type] if (contextVNode) { pushWarningContext(contextVNode) } warn(`Unhandled error${info ? ` during execution of ${info}` : ``}`) console.error(err) if (contextVNode) { popWarningContext() } } else { throw err } }