import { Component, ComponentClass, mixins } from '@vue/runtime-core' import { createInstance } from '@vue/runtime-test' const calls: string[] = [] beforeEach(() => { calls.length = 0 }) class ClassMixinA extends Component<{ p1: string }, { d11: number }> { // props static props = { p1: String } // data d1 = 1 data() { return { d11: 2 } } // computed get c1() { return this.d1 + this.d11 } // lifecycle created() { calls.push('created from mixin A') } // methods foo() { return this.d1 } } class ClassMixinB extends Component<{ p2: string }, { d21: number }> { // props static props = { p2: String } // data d2 = 1 data() { return { d21: 2 } } get c2() { return this.d2 + this.d21 } // lifecycle created() { calls.push('created from mixin B') } // methods bar() { return this.d2 } } const ObjectMixinA = { props: { p1: String }, data() { return { d1: 1, d11: 2 } }, computed: { c1() { return this.d1 + this.d11 } }, created() { calls.push('created from mixin A') }, methods: { foo() { return this.d1 } } } const ObjectMixinB = { props: { p2: String }, data() { return { d2: 1, d21: 2 } }, computed: { c2() { return this.d2 + this.d21 } }, created() { calls.push('created from mixin B') }, methods: { bar() { return this.d2 } } } function assertMixins(Test: any) { const instance = createInstance(Test, { p1: '1', p2: '2', p3: '3' }) as any // data expect(instance.d1).toBe(1) expect(instance.d11).toBe(2) expect(instance.d2).toBe(1) expect(instance.d21).toBe(2) expect(instance.d3).toBe(1) expect(instance.d31).toBe(2) // props expect(instance.p1).toBe('1') expect(instance.p2).toBe('2') expect(instance.p3).toBe('3') expect(instance.$props.p1).toBe('1') expect(instance.$props.p2).toBe('2') expect(instance.$props.p3).toBe('3') // computed expect(instance.c1).toBe(3) expect(instance.c2).toBe(3) expect(instance.c3).toBe(3) // lifecycle expect(calls).toEqual([ 'created from mixin A', 'created from mixin B', 'created from Test' ]) // methods expect( expect( expect(instance.baz()).toBe(1) } describe('mixins', () => { it('should work with classes', () => { class Test extends mixins(ClassMixinA, ClassMixinB)< { p3: string }, { d31: number } > { static props = { p3: String } d3 = 1 data(): any { return { d31: 2 } } get c3() { return this.d3 + this.d31 } created() { calls.push('created from Test') } baz() { return this.d3 } } const instance = createInstance(Test, { p1: '1', p2: '2', p3: '3' }) // we duplicate the assertions because they serve as type tests as well // data expect(instance.d1).toBe(1) expect(instance.d11).toBe(2) expect(instance.d2).toBe(1) expect(instance.d21).toBe(2) expect(instance.d3).toBe(1) expect(instance.d31).toBe(2) // props expect(instance.p1).toBe('1') expect(instance.p2).toBe('2') expect(instance.p3).toBe('3') expect(instance.$props.p1).toBe('1') expect(instance.$props.p2).toBe('2') expect(instance.$props.p3).toBe('3') // computed expect(instance.c1).toBe(3) expect(instance.c2).toBe(3) expect(instance.c3).toBe(3) // lifecycle expect(calls).toEqual([ 'created from mixin A', 'created from mixin B', 'created from Test' ]) // methods expect( expect( expect(instance.baz()).toBe(1) }) it('should work with objects', () => { class Test extends ((mixins as any)( ObjectMixinA, ObjectMixinB ) as ComponentClass)<{ p3: string }, { d31: number }> { static props = { p3: String } d3 = 1 data(): any { return { d31: 2 } } get c3() { return this.d3 + this.d31 } created() { calls.push('created from Test') } baz() { return this.d3 } } assertMixins(Test) }) it('should work with a mix of objects and classes', () => { class Test extends ((mixins as any)( ClassMixinA, ObjectMixinB ) as ComponentClass)<{ p3: string }, { d31: number }> { static props = { p3: String } d3 = 1 data(): any { return { d31: 2 } } get c3() { return this.d3 + this.d31 } created() { calls.push('created from Test') } baz() { return this.d3 } } assertMixins(Test) }) })