// Note: emits and listener fallthrough is tested in // ./rendererAttrsFallthrough.spec.ts. import { mockWarn } from '@vue/shared' import { render, defineComponent, h, nodeOps } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { isEmitListener } from '../src/componentEmits' describe('component: emit', () => { mockWarn() test('trigger handlers', () => { const Foo = defineComponent({ render() {}, created() { // the `emit` function is bound on component instances this.$emit('foo') this.$emit('bar') this.$emit('!baz') } }) const onfoo = jest.fn() const onBar = jest.fn() const onBaz = jest.fn() const Comp = () => h(Foo, { onfoo, onBar, ['on!baz']: onBaz }) render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(onfoo).not.toHaveBeenCalled() // only capitalized or special chars are considered event listeners expect(onBar).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(onBaz).toHaveBeenCalled() }) // for v-model:foo-bar usage in DOM templates test('trigger hyphenated events for update:xxx events', () => { const Foo = defineComponent({ render() {}, created() { this.$emit('update:fooProp') this.$emit('update:barProp') } }) const fooSpy = jest.fn() const barSpy = jest.fn() const Comp = () => h(Foo, { 'onUpdate:fooProp': fooSpy, 'onUpdate:bar-prop': barSpy }) render(h(Comp), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(fooSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(barSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('should trigger array of listeners', async () => { const Child = defineComponent({ setup(_, { emit }) { emit('foo', 1) return () => h('div') } }) const fn1 = jest.fn() const fn2 = jest.fn() const App = { setup() { return () => h(Child, { onFoo: [fn1, fn2] }) } } render(h(App), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(fn1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(fn1).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1) expect(fn2).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(fn1).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1) }) test('warning for undeclared event (array)', () => { const Foo = defineComponent({ emits: ['foo'], render() {}, created() { // @ts-ignore this.$emit('bar') } }) render(h(Foo), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Component emitted event "bar" but it is neither declared` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('warning for undeclared event (object)', () => { const Foo = defineComponent({ emits: { foo: null }, render() {}, created() { // @ts-ignore this.$emit('bar') } }) render(h(Foo), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Component emitted event "bar" but it is neither declared` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('should not warn if has equivalent onXXX prop', () => { const Foo = defineComponent({ props: ['onFoo'], emits: [], render() {}, created() { // @ts-ignore this.$emit('foo') } }) render(h(Foo), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Component emitted event "bar" but it is neither declared` ).not.toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('validator warning', () => { const Foo = defineComponent({ emits: { foo: (arg: number) => arg > 0 }, render() {}, created() { this.$emit('foo', -1) } }) render(h(Foo), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(`event validation failed for event "foo"`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('merging from mixins', () => { const mixin = { emits: { foo: (arg: number) => arg > 0 } } const Foo = defineComponent({ mixins: [mixin], render() {}, created() { this.$emit('foo', -1) } }) render(h(Foo), nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(`event validation failed for event "foo"`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('isEmitListener', () => { const def1 = { emits: ['click'] } expect(isEmitListener(def1, 'onClick')).toBe(true) expect(isEmitListener(def1, 'onclick')).toBe(false) expect(isEmitListener(def1, 'onBlick')).toBe(false) const def2 = { emits: { click: null } } expect(isEmitListener(def2, 'onClick')).toBe(true) expect(isEmitListener(def2, 'onclick')).toBe(false) expect(isEmitListener(def2, 'onBlick')).toBe(false) const mixin1 = { emits: ['foo'] } const mixin2 = { emits: ['bar'] } const extend = { emits: ['baz'] } const def3 = { emits: { click: null }, mixins: [mixin1, mixin2], extends: extend } expect(isEmitListener(def3, 'onClick')).toBe(true) expect(isEmitListener(def3, 'onFoo')).toBe(true) expect(isEmitListener(def3, 'onBar')).toBe(true) expect(isEmitListener(def3, 'onBaz')).toBe(true) expect(isEmitListener(def3, 'onclick')).toBe(false) expect(isEmitListener(def3, 'onBlick')).toBe(false) }) })