import { effect as createReactiveEffect, stop as stopReactiveEffect, ReactiveEffect, immutable, ReactiveEffectOptions } from '@vue/observer' import { queueJob, handleSchedulerError, nextTick, queuePostEffect, flushEffects, queueNodeOp } from '@vue/scheduler' import { VNodeFlags, ChildrenFlags } from './flags' import { EMPTY_OBJ, reservedPropRE, isString } from '@vue/shared' import { VNode, MountedVNode, RenderNode, createTextVNode, cloneVNode, VNodeChildren } from './vdom' import { ComponentInstance } from './component' import { createComponentInstance, teardownComponentInstance } from './componentInstance' import { renderInstanceRoot, renderFunctionalRoot, shouldUpdateComponent, getReasonForComponentUpdate } from './componentRenderUtils' import { KeepAliveSymbol } from './optional/keepAlive' import { pushWarningContext, popWarningContext, warn } from './warning' import { resolveProps } from './componentProps' import { handleError, ErrorTypes, callLifecycleHookWithHandler } from './errorHandling' export interface NodeOps { createElement: (tag: string, isSVG?: boolean) => any createText: (text: string) => any setText: (node: any, text: string) => void appendChild: (parent: any, child: any) => void insertBefore: (parent: any, child: any, ref: any) => void removeChild: (parent: any, child: any) => void clearContent: (node: any) => void parentNode: (node: any) => any nextSibling: (node: any) => any querySelector: (selector: string) => any } export interface PatchDataFunction { ( el: any, key: string, prevValue: any, nextValue: any, preVNode: VNode | null, nextVNode: VNode, isSVG: boolean, // passed for DOM operations that removes child content // e.g. innerHTML & textContent unmountChildren: (children: VNode[], childFlags: ChildrenFlags) => void ): void } export interface RendererOptions { nodeOps: NodeOps patchData: PatchDataFunction } export interface FunctionalHandle { prev: VNode next: VNode update: ReactiveEffect container: RenderNode | null } handleSchedulerError(err => handleError(err, null, ErrorTypes.SCHEDULER)) // The whole mounting / patching / unmouting logic is placed inside this // single function so that we can create multiple renderes with different // platform definitions. This allows for use cases like creating a test // renderer alongside an actual renderer. export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) { const { nodeOps: { createElement: platformCreateElement, createText: platformCreateText, setText: platformSetText, appendChild: platformAppendChild, insertBefore: platformInsertBefore, removeChild: platformRemoveChild, clearContent: platformClearContent, parentNode: platformParentNode, nextSibling: platformNextSibling, querySelector: platformQuerySelector }, patchData: platformPatchData } = options function queueInsertOrAppend( container: RenderNode, newNode: RenderNode, refNode: RenderNode | null ) { if (refNode === null) { queueNodeOp([platformAppendChild, container, newNode]) } else { queueNodeOp([platformInsertBefore, container, newNode, refNode]) } } // mounting ------------------------------------------------------------------ function mount( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null, ownerArray?: VNode[], index?: number ) { const { flags } = vnode if (flags & VNodeFlags.ELEMENT) { mountElement(vnode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) { mountComponent(vnode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.TEXT) { mountText(vnode, container, endNode) } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT) { mountFragment(vnode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.PORTAL) { mountPortal(vnode, container, contextVNode) } } function mountArrayChildren( children: VNode[], container: RenderNode | null, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = getNextVNode(children, i) mount(child, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) } } function mountElement( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { const { flags, tag, data, children, childFlags, ref } = vnode isSVG = isSVG || (flags & VNodeFlags.ELEMENT_SVG) > 0 // element creation is not deferred since it doesn't produce // user-affecting side effects until inserted into the DOM const el = (vnode.el = platformCreateElement(tag as string, isSVG)) if (data != null) { for (const key in data) { if (!reservedPropRE.test(key)) { platformPatchData( el, key, null, data[key], null, vnode, isSVG, unmountChildren ) } } if (data.vnodeBeforeMount) { data.vnodeBeforeMount(vnode) } } if (childFlags !== ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN) { const hasSVGChildren = isSVG && tag !== 'foreignObject' if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE) { mount(children as VNode, el, contextVNode, hasSVGChildren, null) } else if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.MULTIPLE_VNODES) { mountArrayChildren( children as VNode[], el, contextVNode, hasSVGChildren, null ) } } if (container != null) { queueInsertOrAppend(container, el, endNode) } if (ref) { queuePostEffect(() => { ref(el) }) } if (data != null && data.vnodeMounted) { queuePostEffect(() => { data.vnodeMounted(vnode) }) } } function mountComponent( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { vnode.contextVNode = contextVNode const { flags } = vnode if (flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL) { mountStatefulComponent(vnode, container, isSVG, endNode) } else { mountFunctionalComponent(vnode, container, isSVG, endNode) } } function mountStatefulComponent( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { if (vnode.flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL_KEPT_ALIVE) { // kept-alive activateComponentInstance(vnode, container, endNode) } else { if (__COMPAT__) { mountComponentInstance(vnode, container, isSVG, endNode) } else { queueJob(() => mountComponentInstance(vnode, container, isSVG, endNode)) } } } function mountFunctionalComponent( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { if (__DEV__ && vnode.ref) { warn( `cannot use ref on a functional component because there is no ` + `instance to reference to.` ) } const handle: FunctionalHandle = (vnode.handle = { prev: vnode, next: null as any, update: null as any, container }) const doMount = () => { handle.update = createReactiveEffect( () => { if (! { // initial mount if (__DEV__) { pushWarningContext(vnode) } const subTree = (vnode.children = renderFunctionalRoot(vnode)) queuePostEffect(() => { vnode.el = subTree.el as RenderNode }) mount(subTree, container, vnode as MountedVNode, isSVG, endNode) = vnode if (__DEV__) { popWarningContext() } } else { updateFunctionalComponent(handle, isSVG) } }, { scheduler: queueJob } ) } // we are using vnode.ref to store the functional component's update job if (__COMPAT__) { doMount() } else { queueJob(() => { doMount() // cleanup if mount is invalidated before committed return () => { stopReactiveEffect(handle.update) } }) } } function updateFunctionalComponent(handle: FunctionalHandle, isSVG: boolean) { const { prev, next } = handle if (__DEV__) { pushWarningContext(next) } const prevTree = prev.children as MountedVNode const nextTree = (next.children = renderFunctionalRoot(next)) queuePostEffect(() => { next.el = nextTree.el }) patch( prevTree, nextTree, handle.container as RenderNode, next as MountedVNode, isSVG ) if (__DEV__) { popWarningContext() } } function mountText( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { const el = (vnode.el = platformCreateText(vnode.children as string)) if (container != null) { queueInsertOrAppend(container, el, endNode) } } function mountFragment( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { const { children, childFlags } = vnode switch (childFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: queuePostEffect(() => { vnode.el = (children as MountedVNode).el }) mount(children as VNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: const placeholder = createTextVNode('') mountText(placeholder, container, null) vnode.el = placeholder.el break default: queuePostEffect(() => { vnode.el = (children as MountedVNode[])[0].el }) mountArrayChildren( children as VNode[], container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) } } function mountPortal( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null ) { const { tag, children, childFlags, ref } = vnode const target = isString(tag) ? platformQuerySelector(tag) : tag if (__DEV__ && !target) { // TODO warn poartal target not found } if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE) { mount(children as VNode, target as RenderNode, contextVNode, false, null) } else if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.MULTIPLE_VNODES) { mountArrayChildren( children as VNode[], target as RenderNode, contextVNode, false, null ) } if (ref) { queuePostEffect(() => { ref(target) }) } const placeholder = createTextVNode('') mountText(placeholder, container, null) vnode.el = placeholder.el } // patching ------------------------------------------------------------------ function queuePatchData( el: RenderNode | (() => RenderNode), key: string, prevValue: any, nextValue: any, preVNode: VNode | null, nextVNode: VNode, isSVG: boolean ) { if (!reservedPropRE.test(key)) { queueNodeOp([ platformPatchData, el, key, prevValue, nextValue, preVNode, nextVNode, isSVG, unmountChildren ]) } } function patch( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, container: RenderNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean ) { const nextFlags = nextVNode.flags const prevFlags = prevVNode.flags if (prevFlags !== nextFlags) { replaceVNode(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) } else if (nextFlags & VNodeFlags.ELEMENT) { patchElement(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) } else if (nextFlags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) { patchComponent(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) } else if (nextFlags & VNodeFlags.TEXT) { patchText(prevVNode, nextVNode) } else if (nextFlags & VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT) { patchFragment(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) } else if (nextFlags & VNodeFlags.PORTAL) { patchPortal(prevVNode, nextVNode, contextVNode) } } function patchElement( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, container: RenderNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean ) { const { flags, tag, clonedFrom } = nextVNode // cloned vnodes pointing to the same original. // these are hoisted static trees so just skip entirely if ( clonedFrom !== null && (clonedFrom === prevVNode || clonedFrom === prevVNode.clonedFrom) ) { nextVNode.el = prevVNode.el return } isSVG = isSVG || (flags & VNodeFlags.ELEMENT_SVG) > 0 if (prevVNode.tag !== tag) { replaceVNode(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) return } const el = (nextVNode.el = prevVNode.el) const prevData = const nextData = if (nextData != null && nextData.vnodeBeforeUpdate) { nextData.vnodeBeforeUpdate(nextVNode, prevVNode) } // patch data if (prevData !== nextData) { const prevDataOrEmpty = prevData || EMPTY_OBJ const nextDataOrEmpty = nextData || EMPTY_OBJ if (nextDataOrEmpty !== EMPTY_OBJ) { for (const key in nextDataOrEmpty) { const prevValue = prevDataOrEmpty[key] const nextValue = nextDataOrEmpty[key] if (prevValue !== nextValue) { queuePatchData( el, key, prevValue, nextValue, prevVNode, nextVNode, isSVG ) } } } if (prevDataOrEmpty !== EMPTY_OBJ) { for (const key in prevDataOrEmpty) { const prevValue = prevDataOrEmpty[key] if (prevValue != null && !nextDataOrEmpty.hasOwnProperty(key)) { queuePatchData( el, key, prevValue, null, prevVNode, nextVNode, isSVG ) } } } } // children patchChildren( prevVNode.childFlags, nextVNode.childFlags, prevVNode.children, nextVNode.children, el, contextVNode, isSVG && nextVNode.tag !== 'foreignObject', null ) if (nextData != null && nextData.vnodeUpdated) { // TODO fix me // vnodeUpdatedHooks.push(() => { // nextData.vnodeUpdated(nextVNode, prevVNode) // }) } } function patchComponent( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, container: RenderNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean ) { nextVNode.contextVNode = contextVNode const { tag, flags } = nextVNode if (tag !== prevVNode.tag) { replaceVNode(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL) { patchStatefulComponent(prevVNode, nextVNode) } else { patchFunctionalComponent(prevVNode, nextVNode, container) } } function patchStatefulComponent(prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode) { const { data: prevData } = prevVNode const { data: nextData, slots: nextSlots } = nextVNode const instance = (nextVNode.children = prevVNode.children) as ComponentInstance if (nextData !== prevData) { const { 0: props, 1: attrs } = resolveProps( nextData, instance.$options.props ) instance.$props = __DEV__ ? immutable(props) : props instance.$attrs = __DEV__ ? immutable(attrs) : attrs } instance.$slots = nextSlots || EMPTY_OBJ instance.$parentVNode = nextVNode as MountedVNode if (shouldUpdateComponent(prevVNode, nextVNode)) { if (__DEV__ && instance.$options.renderTriggered) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( instance.$options.renderTriggered, instance.$proxy, ErrorTypes.RENDER_TRIGGERED, getReasonForComponentUpdate(prevVNode, nextVNode) ) } instance.$forceUpdate() } else if (instance.$vnode.flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) { instance.$vnode.contextVNode = nextVNode } nextVNode.el = instance.$vnode.el } function patchFunctionalComponent( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, container: RenderNode ) { const prevTree = prevVNode.children as VNode const handle = (nextVNode.handle = prevVNode.handle as FunctionalHandle) handle.prev = prevVNode = nextVNode handle.container = container if (shouldUpdateComponent(prevVNode, nextVNode)) { queueJob(handle.update) } else if (prevTree.flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) { // functional component returned another component prevTree.contextVNode = nextVNode } } function patchFragment( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, container: RenderNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean ) { // determine the tail node of the previous fragment, // then retrieve its next sibling to use as the end node for patchChildren. const endNode = platformNextSibling(getVNodeLastEl(prevVNode)) const { childFlags, children } = nextVNode queuePostEffect(() => { switch (childFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: nextVNode.el = (children as MountedVNode).el break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: nextVNode.el = prevVNode.el break default: nextVNode.el = (children as MountedVNode[])[0].el } }) patchChildren( prevVNode.childFlags, childFlags, prevVNode.children, children, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) } function getVNodeLastEl(vnode: MountedVNode): RenderNode { const { el, flags, children, childFlags } = vnode if (flags & VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT) { if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE) { return getVNodeLastEl(children as MountedVNode) } else if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.MULTIPLE_VNODES) { return getVNodeLastEl( (children as MountedVNode[])[(children as MountedVNode[]).length - 1] ) } else { return el } } else { return el } } function patchText(prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode) { const el = (nextVNode.el = prevVNode.el) as RenderNode const nextText = nextVNode.children if (nextText !== prevVNode.children) { queueNodeOp([platformSetText, el, nextText]) } } function patchPortal( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null ) { const prevContainer = prevVNode.tag as RenderNode const nextContainer = nextVNode.tag as RenderNode const nextChildren = nextVNode.children patchChildren( prevVNode.childFlags, nextVNode.childFlags, prevVNode.children, nextChildren, prevContainer, contextVNode, false, null ) nextVNode.el = prevVNode.el if (nextContainer !== prevContainer) { switch (nextVNode.childFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: insertVNode(nextChildren as MountedVNode, nextContainer, null) break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: break default: for (let i = 0; i < (nextChildren as MountedVNode[]).length; i++) { insertVNode( (nextChildren as MountedVNode[])[i], nextContainer, null ) } break } } } function replaceVNode( prevVNode: MountedVNode, nextVNode: VNode, container: RenderNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean ) { const refNode = platformNextSibling(getVNodeLastEl(prevVNode)) queueRemoveVNode(prevVNode, container) mount(nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, refNode) } function patchChildren( prevChildFlags: ChildrenFlags, nextChildFlags: ChildrenFlags, prevChildren: VNodeChildren, nextChildren: VNodeChildren, container: RenderNode, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { switch (prevChildFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: switch (nextChildFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: patch( prevChildren as MountedVNode, nextChildren as VNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG ) break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: queueRemoveVNode(prevChildren as MountedVNode, container) break default: queueRemoveVNode(prevChildren as MountedVNode, container) mountArrayChildren( nextChildren as VNode[], container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) break } break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: switch (nextChildFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: mount( nextChildren as VNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: break default: mountArrayChildren( nextChildren as VNode[], container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) break } break default: // MULTIPLE_CHILDREN if (nextChildFlags === ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE) { queueRemoveChildren( prevChildren as MountedVNode[], container, endNode ) mount(nextChildren as VNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) } else if (nextChildFlags === ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN) { queueRemoveChildren( prevChildren as MountedVNode[], container, endNode ) } else { const prevLength = (prevChildren as VNode[]).length const nextLength = (nextChildren as VNode[]).length if (prevLength === 0) { if (nextLength > 0) { mountArrayChildren( nextChildren as VNode[], container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) } } else if (nextLength === 0) { queueRemoveChildren( prevChildren as MountedVNode[], container, endNode ) } else if ( prevChildFlags === ChildrenFlags.KEYED_VNODES && nextChildFlags === ChildrenFlags.KEYED_VNODES ) { patchKeyedChildren( prevChildren as MountedVNode[], nextChildren as VNode[], container, prevLength, nextLength, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) } else { patchNonKeyedChildren( prevChildren as MountedVNode[], nextChildren as VNode[], container, prevLength, nextLength, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) } } break } } function patchNonKeyedChildren( prevChildren: MountedVNode[], nextChildren: VNode[], container: RenderNode, prevLength: number, nextLength: number, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { const commonLength = prevLength > nextLength ? nextLength : prevLength let i = 0 let nextChild let prevChild for (i; i < commonLength; i++) { nextChild = getNextVNode(nextChildren, i) prevChild = prevChildren[i] patch(prevChild, nextChild, container, contextVNode, isSVG) prevChildren[i] = nextChild as MountedVNode } if (prevLength < nextLength) { for (i = commonLength; i < nextLength; i++) { nextChild = getNextVNode(nextChildren, i) mount(nextChild, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode) } } else if (prevLength > nextLength) { for (i = commonLength; i < prevLength; i++) { queueRemoveVNode(prevChildren[i], container) } } } function patchKeyedChildren( prevChildren: MountedVNode[], nextChildren: VNode[], container: RenderNode, prevLength: number, nextLength: number, contextVNode: MountedVNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { let prevEnd = prevLength - 1 let nextEnd = nextLength - 1 let i let j = 0 let prevVNode = prevChildren[j] let nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, j) let nextPos outer: { // Sync nodes with the same key at the beginning. while (prevVNode.key === nextVNode.key) { patch(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) prevChildren[j] = nextVNode as MountedVNode j++ if (j > prevEnd || j > nextEnd) { break outer } prevVNode = prevChildren[j] nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, j) } prevVNode = prevChildren[prevEnd] nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, nextEnd) // Sync nodes with the same key at the end. while (prevVNode.key === nextVNode.key) { patch(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) prevChildren[prevEnd] = nextVNode as MountedVNode prevEnd-- nextEnd-- if (j > prevEnd || j > nextEnd) { break outer } prevVNode = prevChildren[prevEnd] nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, nextEnd) } } if (j > prevEnd) { if (j <= nextEnd) { nextPos = nextEnd + 1 const nextNode = nextPos < nextLength ? nextChildren[nextPos].el : endNode while (j <= nextEnd) { nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, j) j++ mount(nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, nextNode) } } } else if (j > nextEnd) { while (j <= prevEnd) { queueRemoveVNode(prevChildren[j++], container) } } else { let prevStart = j const nextStart = j const prevLeft = prevEnd - j + 1 const nextLeft = nextEnd - j + 1 const sources: number[] = [] for (i = 0; i < nextLeft; i++) { sources.push(0) } // Keep track if its possible to remove whole DOM using textContent = '' let canRemoveWholeContent = prevLeft === prevLength let moved = false let pos = 0 let patched = 0 // When sizes are small, just loop them through if (nextLength < 4 || (prevLeft | nextLeft) < 32) { for (i = prevStart; i <= prevEnd; i++) { prevVNode = prevChildren[i] if (patched < nextLeft) { for (j = nextStart; j <= nextEnd; j++) { nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, j) if (prevVNode.key === nextVNode.key) { sources[j - nextStart] = i + 1 if (canRemoveWholeContent) { canRemoveWholeContent = false while (i > prevStart) { queueRemoveVNode(prevChildren[prevStart++], container) } } if (pos > j) { moved = true } else { pos = j } patch(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) patched++ break } } if (!canRemoveWholeContent && j > nextEnd) { queueRemoveVNode(prevVNode, container) } } else if (!canRemoveWholeContent) { queueRemoveVNode(prevVNode, container) } } } else { const keyIndex: Record = {} // Map keys by their index for (i = nextStart; i <= nextEnd; i++) { keyIndex[nextChildren[i].key as string] = i } // Try to patch same keys for (i = prevStart; i <= prevEnd; i++) { prevVNode = prevChildren[i] if (patched < nextLeft) { j = keyIndex[prevVNode.key as string] if (j !== void 0) { if (canRemoveWholeContent) { canRemoveWholeContent = false while (i > prevStart) { queueRemoveVNode(prevChildren[prevStart++], container) } } nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, j) sources[j - nextStart] = i + 1 if (pos > j) { moved = true } else { pos = j } patch(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG) patched++ } else if (!canRemoveWholeContent) { queueRemoveVNode(prevVNode, container) } } else if (!canRemoveWholeContent) { queueRemoveVNode(prevVNode, container) } } } // fast-path: if nothing patched remove all old and add all new if (canRemoveWholeContent) { queueRemoveChildren(prevChildren as MountedVNode[], container, endNode) mountArrayChildren( nextChildren, container, contextVNode, isSVG, endNode ) } else { if (moved) { const seq = lis(sources) j = seq.length - 1 for (i = nextLeft - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sources[i] === 0) { pos = i + nextStart nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, pos) nextPos = pos + 1 mount( nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, nextPos < nextLength ? nextChildren[nextPos].el : endNode ) } else if (j < 0 || i !== seq[j]) { pos = i + nextStart nextVNode = nextChildren[pos] nextPos = pos + 1 insertVNode( nextVNode as MountedVNode, container, nextPos < nextLength ? nextChildren[nextPos].el : endNode ) } else { j-- } } } else if (patched !== nextLeft) { // when patched count doesn't match b length we need to insert those // new ones loop backwards so we can use insertBefore for (i = nextLeft - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sources[i] === 0) { pos = i + nextStart nextVNode = getNextVNode(nextChildren, pos) nextPos = pos + 1 mount( nextVNode, container, contextVNode, isSVG, nextPos < nextLength ? nextChildren[nextPos].el : endNode ) } } } } } } function insertVNode( vnode: MountedVNode, container: RenderNode, refNode: RenderNode | null ) { const { flags, childFlags, children } = vnode if (flags & VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT) { switch (childFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: insertVNode(children as MountedVNode, container, refNode) break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: break default: for (let i = 0; i < (children as MountedVNode[]).length; i++) { insertVNode((children as MountedVNode[])[i], container, refNode) } } } else { queueInsertOrAppend(container, vnode.el as RenderNode, refNode) } } // unmounting ---------------------------------------------------------------- function unmount(vnode: MountedVNode) { const { flags, data, children, childFlags, ref, handle } = vnode const isElement = flags & VNodeFlags.ELEMENT if (isElement || flags & VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT) { if (isElement && data != null && data.vnodeBeforeUnmount) { data.vnodeBeforeUnmount(vnode) } unmountChildren(children as VNodeChildren, childFlags) if (isElement && data != null && data.vnodeUnmounted) { data.vnodeUnmounted(vnode) } } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) { if (flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL) { if (flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL_SHOULD_KEEP_ALIVE) { deactivateComponentInstance(children as ComponentInstance) } else { unmountComponentInstance(children as ComponentInstance) } } else { // functional stopReactiveEffect((handle as FunctionalHandle).update) unmount(children as MountedVNode) } } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.PORTAL) { if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.MULTIPLE_VNODES) { queueRemoveChildren( children as MountedVNode[], vnode.tag as RenderNode, null ) } else if (childFlags === ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE) { queueRemoveVNode(children as MountedVNode, vnode.tag as RenderNode) } } if (ref) { ref(null) } } function unmountChildren(children: VNodeChildren, childFlags: ChildrenFlags) { if (childFlags & ChildrenFlags.MULTIPLE_VNODES) { unmountArrayChildren(children as MountedVNode[]) } else if (childFlags === ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE) { unmount(children as MountedVNode) } } function unmountArrayChildren(children: MountedVNode[]) { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { unmount(children[i]) } } function queueRemoveVNode(vnode: MountedVNode, container: RenderNode) { queueNodeOp([removeVNode, vnode, container]) } function removeVNode(vnode: MountedVNode, container: RenderNode) { unmount(vnode) const { el, flags, children, childFlags } = vnode if (container && el) { if (flags & VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT) { switch (childFlags) { case ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE: removeVNode(children as MountedVNode, container) break case ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN: platformRemoveChild(container, el) break default: for (let i = 0; i < (children as MountedVNode[]).length; i++) { removeVNode((children as MountedVNode[])[i], container) } } } else { platformRemoveChild(container, el) } ;(vnode as any).el = null } } function queueRemoveChildren( children: MountedVNode[], container: RenderNode, refNode: RenderNode | null ) { queueNodeOp([removeChildren, children, container, refNode]) } function removeChildren( children: MountedVNode[], container: RenderNode, refNode: RenderNode | null ) { unmountArrayChildren(children) if (refNode === null) { platformClearContent(container) } else { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { removeVNode(children[i], container) } } } // Component lifecycle ------------------------------------------------------- function mountComponentInstance( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, isSVG: boolean, endNode: RenderNode | null ): Function { if (__DEV__) { pushWarningContext(vnode) } // a vnode may already have an instance if this is a compat call with // new Vue() const instance = ((__COMPAT__ && vnode.children) || createComponentInstance(vnode as any)) as ComponentInstance // inject platform-specific unmount to keep-alive container if ((vnode.tag as any)[KeepAliveSymbol] === true) { ;(instance as any).$unmount = unmountComponentInstance } const { $proxy, $options: { beforeMount, renderTracked, renderTriggered } } = instance instance.$forceUpdate = () => { queueJob(instance._update) } const effectOptions: ReactiveEffectOptions = { scheduler: queueJob } if (__DEV__) { if (renderTracked) { effectOptions.onTrack = event => { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( renderTracked, $proxy, ErrorTypes.RENDER_TRACKED, event ) } } if (renderTriggered) { effectOptions.onTrigger = event => { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( renderTriggered, $proxy, ErrorTypes.RENDER_TRIGGERED, event ) } } } instance._update = createReactiveEffect(() => { if (instance._unmounted) { return } if (instance._mounted) { updateComponentInstance(instance, isSVG) } else { if (beforeMount) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( beforeMount, $proxy, ErrorTypes.BEFORE_MOUNT ) } instance.$vnode = renderInstanceRoot(instance) as MountedVNode queuePostEffect(() => { vnode.el = instance.$vnode.el if (__COMPAT__) { // expose __vue__ for devtools ;(vnode.el as any).__vue__ = instance } if (vnode.ref) { vnode.ref($proxy) } // retrieve mounted value after initial render so that we get // to inject effects in hooks const { mounted } = instance.$options if (mounted) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler(mounted, $proxy, ErrorTypes.MOUNTED) } instance._mounted = true }) mount(instance.$vnode, container, vnode as MountedVNode, isSVG, endNode) } }, effectOptions) if (__DEV__) { popWarningContext() } // cleanup if mount is invalidated before committed return () => { teardownComponentInstance(instance) } } function updateComponentInstance( instance: ComponentInstance, isSVG: boolean ) { if (__DEV__ && instance.$parentVNode) { pushWarningContext(instance.$parentVNode as VNode) } const { $vnode: prevVNode, $parentVNode, $proxy, $options: { beforeUpdate } } = instance if (beforeUpdate) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( beforeUpdate, $proxy, ErrorTypes.BEFORE_UPDATE, prevVNode ) } const nextVNode = renderInstanceRoot(instance) as MountedVNode queuePostEffect(() => { instance.$vnode = nextVNode const el = nextVNode.el as RenderNode if (__COMPAT__) { // expose __vue__ for devtools ;(el as any).__vue__ = instance } // recursively update contextVNode el for nested HOCs if ((nextVNode.flags & VNodeFlags.PORTAL) === 0) { let vnode = $parentVNode while (vnode !== null) { if ((vnode.flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) > 0) { vnode.el = el } vnode = vnode.contextVNode } } const { updated } = instance.$options if (updated) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( updated, $proxy, ErrorTypes.UPDATED, nextVNode ) } // TODO fix me // if (vnodeUpdatedHooks.length > 0) { // const vnodeUpdatedHooksForCurrentInstance = vnodeUpdatedHooks.slice() // vnodeUpdatedHooks.length = 0 // for (let i = 0; i < vnodeUpdatedHooksForCurrentInstance.length; i++) { // vnodeUpdatedHooksForCurrentInstance[i]() // } // } }) const container = platformParentNode(prevVNode.el) as RenderNode patch(prevVNode, nextVNode, container, $parentVNode as MountedVNode, isSVG) if (__DEV__ && instance.$parentVNode) { popWarningContext() } } function unmountComponentInstance(instance: ComponentInstance) { if (instance._unmounted) { return } const { $vnode, $proxy, $options: { beforeUnmount, unmounted } } = instance if (beforeUnmount) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( beforeUnmount, $proxy, ErrorTypes.BEFORE_UNMOUNT ) } if ($vnode) { unmount($vnode) } teardownComponentInstance(instance) instance._unmounted = true if (unmounted) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler(unmounted, $proxy, ErrorTypes.UNMOUNTED) } } // Keep Alive ---------------------------------------------------------------- function activateComponentInstance( vnode: VNode, container: RenderNode | null, endNode: RenderNode | null ) { if (__DEV__) { pushWarningContext(vnode) } const instance = vnode.children as ComponentInstance vnode.el = instance.$el as RenderNode if (container != null) { insertVNode(instance.$vnode, container, endNode) } if (__DEV__) { popWarningContext() } queuePostEffect(() => { callActivatedHook(instance, true) }) } function callActivatedHook(instance: ComponentInstance, asRoot: boolean) { // 1. check if we are inside an inactive parent tree. if (asRoot) { instance._inactiveRoot = false if (isInInactiveTree(instance)) return } if (asRoot || !instance._inactiveRoot) { // 2. recursively call activated on child tree, depth-first const { $children, $proxy, $options: { activated } } = instance for (let i = 0; i < $children.length; i++) { callActivatedHook($children[i], false) } if (activated) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler(activated, $proxy, ErrorTypes.ACTIVATED) } } } function deactivateComponentInstance(instance: ComponentInstance) { callDeactivateHook(instance, true) } function callDeactivateHook(instance: ComponentInstance, asRoot: boolean) { if (asRoot) { instance._inactiveRoot = true if (isInInactiveTree(instance)) return } if (asRoot || !instance._inactiveRoot) { // 2. recursively call deactivated on child tree, depth-first const { $children, $proxy, $options: { deactivated } } = instance for (let i = 0; i < $children.length; i++) { callDeactivateHook($children[i], false) } if (deactivated) { callLifecycleHookWithHandler( deactivated, $proxy, ErrorTypes.DEACTIVATED ) } } } function isInInactiveTree(instance: ComponentInstance): boolean { while ((instance = instance.$parent as any) !== null) { if (instance._inactiveRoot) return true } return false } // TODO hydrating ------------------------------------------------------------ // API ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function render(vnode: VNode | null, container: any) { const prevVNode = container.vnode if (vnode && vnode.el) { vnode = cloneVNode(vnode) } if (prevVNode == null) { if (vnode) { mount(vnode, container, null, false, null) container.vnode = vnode } } else { if (vnode) { patch(prevVNode, vnode, container, null, false) container.vnode = vnode } else { queueRemoveVNode(prevVNode, container) container.vnode = null } } if (__COMPAT__) { flushEffects() return vnode && vnode.flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL ? (vnode.children as ComponentInstance).$proxy : null } else { return nextTick(() => { return vnode && vnode.flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL ? (vnode.children as ComponentInstance).$proxy : null }) } } return { render } } // Utils ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieves a vnode from a children array, making sure to clone it if the // vnode is already mounted. function getNextVNode(ownerArray: VNode[], index: number): VNode { const vnode = ownerArray[index] return vnode.el === null ? vnode : (ownerArray[index] = cloneVNode(vnode)) } // function lis(arr: number[]): number[] { const p = arr.slice() const result = [0] let i let j let u let v let c const len = arr.length for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { const arrI = arr[i] if (arrI !== 0) { j = result[result.length - 1] if (arr[j] < arrI) { p[i] = j result.push(i) continue } u = 0 v = result.length - 1 while (u < v) { c = ((u + v) / 2) | 0 if (arr[result[c]] < arrI) { u = c + 1 } else { v = c } } if (arrI < arr[result[u]]) { if (u > 0) { p[i] = result[u - 1] } result[u] = i } } } u = result.length v = result[u - 1] while (u-- > 0) { result[u] = v v = p[v] } return result }