import { baseParse as parse, transform, CompilerOptions, ElementNode, NodeTypes, VNodeCall } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { transformBind } from '../../../compiler-core/src/transforms/vBind' import { transformElement } from '../../../compiler-core/src/transforms/transformElement' import { transformStyle } from '../../src/transforms/transformStyle' function transformWithStyleTransform( template: string, options: CompilerOptions = {} ) { const ast = parse(template) transform(ast, { nodeTransforms: [transformStyle], ...options }) return { root: ast, node: ast.children[0] as ElementNode } } describe('compiler: style transform', () => { test('should transform into directive node', () => { const { node } = transformWithStyleTransform(`<div style="color: red"/>`) expect(node.props[0]).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE, name: `bind`, arg: { type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, content: `style`, isStatic: true }, exp: { type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, content: `{"color":"red"}`, isStatic: false } }) }) test('working with v-bind transform', () => { const { node } = transformWithStyleTransform(`<div style="color: red"/>`, { nodeTransforms: [transformStyle, transformElement], directiveTransforms: { bind: transformBind } }) expect((node.codegenNode as VNodeCall).props).toMatchObject({ type: NodeTypes.JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION, properties: [ { key: { type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, content: `style`, isStatic: true }, value: { type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, content: `{"color":"red"}`, isStatic: false } } ] }) // should not cause the STYLE patchFlag to be attached expect((node.codegenNode as VNodeCall).patchFlag).toBeUndefined() }) })