import { isString } from '@vue/shared' import { ForParseResult } from './transforms/vFor' // Vue template is a platform-agnostic superset of HTML (syntax only). // More namespaces like SVG and MathML are declared by platform specific // compilers. export type Namespace = number export const enum Namespaces { HTML } export const enum NodeTypes { ROOT, ELEMENT, TEXT, COMMENT, SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, INTERPOLATION, ATTRIBUTE, DIRECTIVE, // containers COMPOUND_EXPRESSION, IF, IF_BRANCH, FOR, // codegen JS_CALL_EXPRESSION, JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION, JS_PROPERTY, JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION, JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION, JS_SEQUENCE_EXPRESSION, JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION } export const enum ElementTypes { ELEMENT, COMPONENT, SLOT, TEMPLATE } export interface Node { type: NodeTypes loc: SourceLocation } // The node's range. The `start` is inclusive and `end` is exclusive. // [start, end) export interface SourceLocation { start: Position end: Position source: string } export interface Position { offset: number // from start of file line: number column: number } export type ParentNode = RootNode | ElementNode | IfBranchNode | ForNode export type ExpressionNode = SimpleExpressionNode | CompoundExpressionNode export type TemplateChildNode = | ElementNode | InterpolationNode | CompoundExpressionNode | TextNode | CommentNode | IfNode | ForNode export interface RootNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.ROOT children: TemplateChildNode[] imports: string[] statements: string[] hoists: JSChildNode[] codegenNode: TemplateChildNode | JSChildNode | undefined } export interface ElementNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.ELEMENT ns: Namespace tag: string tagType: ElementTypes isSelfClosing: boolean props: Array children: TemplateChildNode[] codegenNode: CallExpression | SimpleExpressionNode | undefined } export interface TextNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.TEXT content: string isEmpty: boolean } export interface CommentNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.COMMENT content: string } export interface AttributeNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.ATTRIBUTE name: string value: TextNode | undefined } export interface DirectiveNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE name: string exp: ExpressionNode | undefined arg: ExpressionNode | undefined modifiers: string[] // optional property to cache the expression parse result for v-for parseResult?: ForParseResult } export interface SimpleExpressionNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION content: string isStatic: boolean // an expression parsed as the params of a function will track // the identifiers declared inside the function body. identifiers?: string[] } export interface InterpolationNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION content: ExpressionNode } // always dynamic export interface CompoundExpressionNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION children: (SimpleExpressionNode | InterpolationNode | TextNode | string)[] // an expression parsed as the params of a function will track // the identifiers declared inside the function body. identifiers?: string[] } export interface IfNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.IF branches: IfBranchNode[] codegenNode: SequenceExpression } export interface IfBranchNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH condition: ExpressionNode | undefined // else children: TemplateChildNode[] } export interface ForNode extends Node { type: NodeTypes.FOR source: ExpressionNode valueAlias: ExpressionNode | undefined keyAlias: ExpressionNode | undefined objectIndexAlias: ExpressionNode | undefined children: TemplateChildNode[] codegenNode: SequenceExpression } // We also include a number of JavaScript AST nodes for code generation. // The AST is an intentioanlly minimal subset just to meet the exact needs of // Vue render function generation. export type JSChildNode = | CallExpression | ObjectExpression | ArrayExpression | ExpressionNode | FunctionExpression | ConditionalExpression | SequenceExpression export interface CallExpression extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_CALL_EXPRESSION callee: string arguments: (string | JSChildNode | TemplateChildNode | TemplateChildNode[])[] } export interface ObjectExpression extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION properties: Array } export interface Property extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY key: ExpressionNode value: JSChildNode } export interface ArrayExpression extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION elements: Array } export interface FunctionExpression extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION params: ExpressionNode | ExpressionNode[] | undefined returns: TemplateChildNode | TemplateChildNode[] | JSChildNode newline: boolean } export interface SequenceExpression extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_SEQUENCE_EXPRESSION expressions: JSChildNode[] } export interface ConditionalExpression extends Node { type: NodeTypes.JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION test: ExpressionNode consequent: JSChildNode alternate: JSChildNode } // AST Utilities --------------------------------------------------------------- // Some expressions, e.g. sequence and conditional expressions, are never // associated with template nodes, so their source locations are just a stub. // Container types like CompoundExpression also don't need a real location. export const locStub: SourceLocation = { source: '', start: { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }, end: { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 } } export function createArrayExpression( elements: ArrayExpression['elements'], loc: SourceLocation = locStub ): ArrayExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION, loc, elements } } export function createObjectExpression( properties: ObjectExpression['properties'], loc: SourceLocation = locStub ): ObjectExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION, loc, properties } } export function createObjectProperty( key: Property['key'] | string, value: Property['value'] ): Property { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_PROPERTY, loc: locStub, key: isString(key) ? createSimpleExpression(key, true) : key, value } } export function createSimpleExpression( content: SimpleExpressionNode['content'], isStatic: SimpleExpressionNode['isStatic'], loc: SourceLocation = locStub ): SimpleExpressionNode { return { type: NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION, loc, content, isStatic } } export function createInterpolation( content: InterpolationNode['content'] | string, loc: SourceLocation ): InterpolationNode { return { type: NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION, loc, content: isString(content) ? createSimpleExpression(content, false, loc) : content } } export function createCompoundExpression( children: CompoundExpressionNode['children'] ): CompoundExpressionNode { return { type: NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION, loc: locStub, children } } export function createCallExpression( callee: CallExpression['callee'], args: CallExpression['arguments'] = [], loc: SourceLocation = locStub ): CallExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_CALL_EXPRESSION, loc, callee, arguments: args } } export function createFunctionExpression( params: FunctionExpression['params'], returns: FunctionExpression['returns'], newline: boolean = false, loc: SourceLocation = locStub ): FunctionExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION, params, returns, newline, loc } } export function createSequenceExpression( expressions: SequenceExpression['expressions'] ): SequenceExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_SEQUENCE_EXPRESSION, expressions, loc: locStub } } export function createConditionalExpression( test: ConditionalExpression['test'], consequent: ConditionalExpression['consequent'], alternate: ConditionalExpression['alternate'] ): ConditionalExpression { return { type: NodeTypes.JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION, test, consequent, alternate, loc: locStub } }