import { baseCompile } from '../src/compile' import { SET_SCOPE_ID } from '../src/runtimeHelpers' import { PatchFlags } from '@vue/shared' import { genFlagText } from './testUtils' /** * Ensure all slot functions are wrapped with _withCtx * which sets the currentRenderingInstance and currentScopeId when rendering * the slot. */ describe('scopeId compiler support', () => { test('should only work in module mode', () => { expect(() => { baseCompile(``, { scopeId: 'test' }) }).toThrow(`"scopeId" option is only supported in module mode`) }) test('should wrap default slot', () => { const { code } = baseCompile(`<Child><div/></Child>`, { mode: 'module', scopeId: 'test' }) expect(code).toMatch(`default: _withCtx(() => [`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('should wrap named slots', () => { const { code } = baseCompile( `<Child> <template #foo="{ msg }">{{ msg }}</template> <template #bar><div/></template> </Child> `, { mode: 'module', scopeId: 'test' } ) expect(code).toMatch(`foo: _withCtx(({ msg }) => [`) expect(code).toMatch(`bar: _withCtx(() => [`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('should wrap dynamic slots', () => { const { code } = baseCompile( `<Child> <template #foo v-if="ok"><div/></template> <template v-for="i in list" #[i]><div/></template> </Child> `, { mode: 'module', scopeId: 'test' } ) expect(code).toMatch(/name: "foo",\s+fn: _withCtx\(/) expect(code).toMatch(/name: i,\s+fn: _withCtx\(/) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('should push scopeId for hoisted nodes', () => { const { ast, code } = baseCompile( `<div><div>hello</div>{{ foo }}<div>world</div></div>`, { mode: 'module', scopeId: 'test', hoistStatic: true } ) expect(ast.helpers).toContain(SET_SCOPE_ID) expect(ast.hoists.length).toBe(2) expect(code).toMatch( [ `_setScopeId("test")`, `const _hoisted_1 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("div", null, "hello", ${genFlagText( PatchFlags.HOISTED )})`, `const _hoisted_2 = /*#__PURE__*/_createVNode("div", null, "world", ${genFlagText( PatchFlags.HOISTED )})`, `_setScopeId(null)` ].join('\n') ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) })