import { h, Fragment, Teleport, createVNode, createCommentVNode, openBlock, createBlock, render, nodeOps, TestElement, serialize, serializeInner as inner, VNode, ref, nextTick, defineComponent, withCtx, renderSlot, onBeforeUnmount, createTextVNode, SetupContext, createApp } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { PatchFlags, SlotFlags } from '@vue/shared' import { SuspenseImpl } from '../src/components/Suspense' describe('renderer: optimized mode', () => { let root: TestElement let block: VNode | null = null beforeEach(() => { root = nodeOps.createElement('div') block = null }) const renderWithBlock = (renderChildren: () => VNode[]) => { render( (openBlock(), (block = createBlock('div', null, renderChildren()))), root ) } test('basic use of block', () => { render((openBlock(), (block = createBlock('p', null, 'foo'))), root) expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>foo</p>') }) test('block can appear anywhere in the vdom tree', () => { render( h('div', (openBlock(), (block = createBlock('p', null, 'foo')))), root ) expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p>foo</p></div>') }) test('block should collect dynamic vnodes', () => { renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', null, 'foo', PatchFlags.TEXT), createVNode('i') ]) expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>foo</p>' ) }) test('block can disable tracking', () => { render( // disable tracking (openBlock(true), (block = createBlock('div', null, [ createVNode('p', null, 'foo', PatchFlags.TEXT) ]))), root ) expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) }) test('block as dynamic children', () => { renderWithBlock(() => [ (openBlock(), createBlock('div', { key: 0 }, [h('p')])) ]) expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(block!.dynamicChildren![0].dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<div><p></p></div>' ) renderWithBlock(() => [ (openBlock(), createBlock('div', { key: 1 }, [h('i')])) ]) expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(block!.dynamicChildren![0].dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<div><i></i></div>' ) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.TEXT', async () => { renderWithBlock(() => [createVNode('p', null, 'foo', PatchFlags.TEXT)]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p>foo</p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>foo</p>' ) renderWithBlock(() => [createVNode('p', null, 'bar', PatchFlags.TEXT)]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p>bar</p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>bar</p>' ) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.CLASS', async () => { renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { class: 'foo' }, '', PatchFlags.CLASS) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p class="foo"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p class="foo"></p>' ) renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { class: 'bar' }, '', PatchFlags.CLASS) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p class="bar"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p class="bar"></p>' ) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.STYLE', async () => { renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { style: 'color: red' }, '', PatchFlags.STYLE) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p style="color: red"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p style="color: red"></p>' ) renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { style: 'color: green' }, '', PatchFlags.STYLE) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p style="color: green"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p style="color: green"></p>' ) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.PROPS', async () => { renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { id: 'foo' }, '', PatchFlags.PROPS, ['id']) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p id="foo"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p id="foo"></p>' ) renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { id: 'bar' }, '', PatchFlags.PROPS, ['id']) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p id="bar"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p id="bar"></p>' ) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS', async () => { let propName = 'foo' renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { [propName]: 'dynamic' }, '', PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p foo="dynamic"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p foo="dynamic"></p>' ) propName = 'bar' renderWithBlock(() => [ createVNode('p', { [propName]: 'dynamic' }, '', PatchFlags.FULL_PROPS) ]) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p bar="dynamic"></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p bar="dynamic"></p>' ) }) // the order and length of the list will not change test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT', async () => { let list = ['foo', 'bar'] render( (openBlock(), (block = createBlock( Fragment, null, => { return createVNode('p', null, item, PatchFlags.TEXT) }), PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT ))), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>') expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(2) expect(serialize(block.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>foo</p>' ) expect(serialize(block.dynamicChildren![1].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>bar</p>' ) list = => item.repeat(2)) render( (openBlock(), createBlock( Fragment, null, => { return createVNode('p', null, item, PatchFlags.TEXT) }), PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT )), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>foofoo</p><p>barbar</p>') expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(2) expect(serialize(block.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>foofoo</p>' ) expect(serialize(block.dynamicChildren![1].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p>barbar</p>' ) }) // A Fragment with `UNKEYED_FRAGMENT` flag will always patch its children, // so there's no need for tracking dynamicChildren. test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.UNKEYED_FRAGMENT', async () => { const list = [{ tag: 'p', text: 'foo' }] render( (openBlock(true), (block = createBlock( Fragment, null, => { return createVNode(item.tag, null, item.text) }), PatchFlags.UNKEYED_FRAGMENT ))), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>foo</p>') expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) list.unshift({ tag: 'i', text: 'bar' }) render( (openBlock(true), createBlock( Fragment, null, => { return createVNode(item.tag, null, item.text) }), PatchFlags.UNKEYED_FRAGMENT )), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<i>bar</i><p>foo</p>') expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) }) // A Fragment with `KEYED_FRAGMENT` will always patch its children, // so there's no need for tracking dynamicChildren. test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.KEYED_FRAGMENT', async () => { const list = [{ tag: 'p', text: 'foo' }] render( (openBlock(true), (block = createBlock( Fragment, null, => { return createVNode(item.tag, { key: item.tag }, item.text) }), PatchFlags.KEYED_FRAGMENT ))), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>foo</p>') expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) list.unshift({ tag: 'i', text: 'bar' }) render( (openBlock(true), createBlock( Fragment, null, => { return createVNode(item.tag, { key: item.tag }, item.text) }), PatchFlags.KEYED_FRAGMENT )), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<i>bar</i><p>foo</p>') expect(block.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.NEED_PATCH', async () => { const spyMounted = jest.fn() const spyUpdated = jest.fn() const count = ref(0) const Comp = { setup() { return () => { count.value return ( openBlock(), (block = createBlock('div', null, [ createVNode( 'p', { onVnodeMounted: spyMounted, onVnodeBeforeUpdate: spyUpdated }, '', PatchFlags.NEED_PATCH ) ])) ) } } } render(h(Comp), root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p></p>' ) expect(spyMounted).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(spyUpdated).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p></p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].el as TestElement)).toBe( '<p></p>' ) expect(spyMounted).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(spyUpdated).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('PatchFlags: PatchFlags.BAIL', async () => { render( (openBlock(), (block = createBlock('div', null, [createVNode('p', null, 'foo')]))), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p>foo</p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(0) render( (openBlock(), (block = createBlock( 'div', null, [createVNode('i', null, 'bar')], PatchFlags.BAIL ))), root ) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><i>bar</i></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren).toBe(null) }) // #1980 test('dynamicChildren should be tracked correctly when normalizing slots to plain children', async () => { let block: VNode const Comp = defineComponent({ setup(_props, { slots }) { return () => { const vnode = (openBlock(), (block = createBlock('div', null, { default: withCtx(() => [renderSlot(slots, 'default')]), _: SlotFlags.FORWARDED }))) return vnode } } }) const foo = ref(0) const App = { setup() { return () => { return createVNode(Comp, null, { default: withCtx(() => [ createVNode('p', null, foo.value, PatchFlags.TEXT) ]), // Indicates that this is a stable slot to avoid bail out _: SlotFlags.STABLE }) } } } render(h(App), root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p>0</p></div>') expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(block!.dynamicChildren![0].type).toBe(Fragment) expect(block!.dynamicChildren![0].dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect( serialize(block!.dynamicChildren![0].dynamicChildren![0] .el as TestElement) ).toBe('<p>0</p>') foo.value++ await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><p>1</p></div>') }) // #2169 // block // - dynamic child (1) // - component (2) // When unmounting (1), we know we are in optimized mode so no need to further // traverse unmount its children test('should not perform unnecessary unmount traversals', () => { const spy = jest.fn() const Child = { setup() { onBeforeUnmount(spy) return () => 'child' } } const Parent = () => ( openBlock(), createBlock('div', null, [ createVNode('div', { style: {} }, [createVNode(Child)], 4 /* STYLE */) ]) ) render(h(Parent), root) render(null, root) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) // #2444 // `KEYED_FRAGMENT` and `UNKEYED_FRAGMENT` always need to diff its children test('non-stable Fragment always need to diff its children', () => { const spyA = jest.fn() const spyB = jest.fn() const ChildA = { setup() { onBeforeUnmount(spyA) return () => 'child' } } const ChildB = { setup() { onBeforeUnmount(spyB) return () => 'child' } } const Parent = () => ( openBlock(), createBlock('div', null, [ (openBlock(true), createBlock( Fragment, null, [createVNode(ChildA, { key: 0 })], 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */ )), (openBlock(true), createBlock( Fragment, null, [createVNode(ChildB)], 256 /* UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */ )) ]) ) render(h(Parent), root) render(null, root) expect(spyA).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(spyB).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) // #2893 test('manually rendering the optimized slots should allow subsequent updates to exit the optimized mode correctly', async () => { const state = ref(0) const CompA = { setup(props: any, { slots }: SetupContext) { return () => { return ( openBlock(), createBlock('div', null, [renderSlot(slots, 'default')]) ) } } } const Wrapper = { setup(props: any, { slots }: SetupContext) { // use the manually written render function to rendering the optimized slots, // which should make subsequent updates exit the optimized mode correctly return () => { return slots.default!()[state.value] } } } const app = createApp({ setup() { return () => { return ( openBlock(), createBlock(Wrapper, null, { default: withCtx(() => [ createVNode(CompA, null, { default: withCtx(() => [createTextVNode('Hello')]), _: 1 /* STABLE */ }), createVNode(CompA, null, { default: withCtx(() => [createTextVNode('World')]), _: 1 /* STABLE */ }) ]), _: 1 /* STABLE */ }) ) } } }) app.mount(root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div>Hello</div>') state.value = 1 await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div>World</div>') }) //#3623 test('nested teleport unmount need exit the optimization mode', () => { const target = nodeOps.createElement('div') const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render( (openBlock(), createBlock('div', null, [ (openBlock(), createBlock( Teleport as any, { to: target }, [ createVNode('div', null, [ (openBlock(), createBlock( Teleport as any, { to: target }, [createVNode('div', null, 'foo')] )) ]) ] )) ])), root ) expect(inner(target)).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"<div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div><div>foo</div>"` ) expect(inner(root)).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"<div><!--teleport start--><!--teleport end--></div>"` ) render(null, root) expect(inner(target)).toBe('') }) // #3548 test('should not track dynamic children when the user calls a compiled slot inside template expression', () => { const Comp = { setup(props: any, { slots }: SetupContext) { return () => { return ( openBlock(), (block = createBlock('section', null, [ renderSlot(slots, 'default') ])) ) } } } let dynamicVNode: VNode const Wrapper = { setup(props: any, { slots }: SetupContext) { return () => { return ( openBlock(), createBlock(Comp, null, { default: withCtx(() => { return [ (dynamicVNode = createVNode( 'div', { class: { foo: !!slots.default!() } }, null, PatchFlags.CLASS )) ] }), _: 1 }) ) } } } const app = createApp({ render() { return ( openBlock(), createBlock(Wrapper, null, { default: withCtx(() => { return [createVNode({}) /* component */] }), _: 1 }) ) } }) app.mount(root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<section><div class="foo"></div></section>') /** * Block Tree: * - block(div) * - block(Fragment): renderSlots() * - dynamicVNode */ expect(block!.dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(block!.dynamicChildren![0].dynamicChildren!.length).toBe(1) expect(block!.dynamicChildren![0].dynamicChildren![0]).toEqual( dynamicVNode! ) }) // 3569 test('should force bailout when the user manually calls the slot function', async () => { const index = ref(0) const Foo = { setup(props: any, { slots }: SetupContext) { return () => { return slots.default!()[index.value] } } } const app = createApp({ setup() { return () => { return ( openBlock(), createBlock(Foo, null, { default: withCtx(() => [ true ? (openBlock(), createBlock('p', { key: 0 }, '1')) : createCommentVNode('v-if', true), true ? (openBlock(), createBlock('p', { key: 0 }, '2')) : createCommentVNode('v-if', true) ]), _: 1 /* STABLE */ }) ) } } }) app.mount(root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>1</p>') index.value = 1 await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>2</p>') index.value = 0 await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<p>1</p>') }) // #3779 test('treat slots manually written by the user as dynamic', async () => { const Middle = { setup(props: any, { slots }: any) { return slots.default! } } const Comp = { setup(props: any, { slots }: any) { return () => { return ( openBlock(), createBlock('div', null, [ createVNode(Middle, null, { default: withCtx( () => [ createVNode('div', null, [renderSlot(slots, 'default')]) ], undefined ), _: 3 /* FORWARDED */ }) ]) ) } } } const loading = ref(false) const app = createApp({ setup() { return () => { // important: write the slot content here const content = h('span', loading.value ? 'loading' : 'loaded') return h(Comp, null, { default: () => content }) } } }) app.mount(root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><div><span>loaded</span></div></div>') loading.value = true await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><div><span>loading</span></div></div>') }) // #3828 test('patch Suspense in optimized mode w/ nested dynamic nodes', async () => { const show = ref(false) const app = createApp({ render() { return ( openBlock(), createBlock( Fragment, null, [ (openBlock(), createBlock(SuspenseImpl, null, { default: withCtx(() => [ createVNode('div', null, [ createVNode('div', null, show.value, PatchFlags.TEXT) ]) ]), _: SlotFlags.STABLE })) ], PatchFlags.STABLE_FRAGMENT ) ) } }) app.mount(root) expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><div>false</div></div>') show.value = true await nextTick() expect(inner(root)).toBe('<div><div>true</div></div>') }) })