import { ref, reactive } from '@vue/reactivity' import { renderToString, h, nodeOps, render, serializeInner, nextTick, watchEffect, defineComponent, triggerEvent, TestElement } from '@vue/runtime-test' // reference: describe('api: setup context', () => { it('should expose return values to template render context', () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ setup() { return { // ref should auto-unwrap ref: ref('foo'), // object exposed as-is object: reactive({ msg: 'bar' }), // primitive value exposed as-is value: 'baz' } }, render() { return `${this.ref} ${this.object.msg} ${this.value}` } }) expect(renderToString(h(Comp))).toMatch(`foo bar baz`) }) it('should support returning render function', () => { const Comp = { setup() { return () => { return h('div', 'hello') } } } expect(renderToString(h(Comp))).toMatch(`hello`) }) it('props', async () => { const count = ref(0) let dummy const Parent = { render: () => h(Child, { count: count.value }) } const Child = defineComponent({ props: { count: Number }, setup(props) { watchEffect(() => { dummy = props.count }) return () => h('div', props.count) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Parent), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>0</div>`) expect(dummy).toBe(0) // props should be reactive count.value++ await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>1</div>`) expect(dummy).toBe(1) }) it('setup props should resolve the correct types from props object', async () => { const count = ref(0) let dummy const Parent = { render: () => h(Child, { count: count.value }) } const Child = defineComponent({ props: { count: Number }, setup(props) { watchEffect(() => { dummy = props.count }) return () => h('div', props.count) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Parent), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>0</div>`) expect(dummy).toBe(0) // props should be reactive count.value++ await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>1</div>`) expect(dummy).toBe(1) }) it('context.attrs', async () => { const toggle = ref(true) const Parent = { render: () => h(Child, toggle.value ? { id: 'foo' } : { class: 'baz' }) } const Child = { // explicit empty props declaration // puts everything received in attrs // disable implicit fallthrough inheritAttrs: false, setup(props: any, { attrs }: any) { return () => h('div', attrs) } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Parent), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div id="foo"></div>`) // should update even though it's not reactive toggle.value = false await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div class="baz"></div>`) }) it('context.slots', async () => { const id = ref('foo') const Parent = { render: () => h(Child, null, { foo: () => id.value, bar: () => 'bar' }) } const Child = { setup(props: any, { slots }: any) { return () => h('div', [,]) } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Parent), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>foobar</div>`) // should update even though it's not reactive id.value = 'baz' await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>bazbar</div>`) }) it('context.emit', async () => { const count = ref(0) const spy = jest.fn() const Parent = { render: () => h(Child, { count: count.value, onInc: (newVal: number) => { spy() count.value = newVal } }) } const Child = defineComponent({ props: { count: { type: Number, default: 1 } }, setup(props, { emit }) { return () => h( 'div', { onClick: () => emit('inc', props.count + 1) }, props.count ) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Parent), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>0</div>`) // emit should trigger parent handler triggerEvent(root.children[0] as TestElement, 'click') expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toMatch(`<div>1</div>`) }) })