import { SourceLocation, CompilerError, createCompilerError, DOMErrorCodes } from '@vue/compiler-dom' export interface SSRCompilerError extends CompilerError { code: SSRErrorCodes } export function createSSRCompilerError( code: SSRErrorCodes, loc?: SourceLocation ): SSRCompilerError { return createCompilerError(code, loc, SSRErrorMessages) } export const enum SSRErrorCodes { X_SSR_CUSTOM_DIRECTIVE_NO_TRANSFORM = DOMErrorCodes.__EXTEND_POINT__, X_SSR_UNSAFE_ATTR_NAME, X_SSR_NO_TELEPORT_TARGET, X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE } export const SSRErrorMessages: { [code: number]: string } = { [SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_CUSTOM_DIRECTIVE_NO_TRANSFORM]: `Custom directive is missing corresponding SSR transform and will be ignored.`, [SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_UNSAFE_ATTR_NAME]: `Unsafe attribute name for SSR.`, [SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_NO_TELEPORT_TARGET]: `No target prop on teleport element.`, [SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE]: `Invalid AST node during ssr transform` }