import { parse } from '../src' import { mockWarn } from '@vue/shared' import { baseParse, baseCompile } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { SourceMapConsumer } from 'source-map' describe('compiler:sfc', () => { mockWarn() describe('source map', () => { test('style block', () => { // Padding determines how many blank lines will there be before the style block const padding = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) const style = parse( `${'\n'.repeat(padding)}<style>\n.color {\n color: red;\n }\n</style>\n` ).descriptor.styles[0] expect( const consumer = new SourceMapConsumer(!) consumer.eachMapping(mapping => { expect(mapping.originalLine - mapping.generatedLine).toBe(padding) }) }) test('script block', () => { // Padding determines how many blank lines will there be before the style block const padding = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) const script = parse( `${'\n'.repeat(padding)}<script>\nconsole.log(1)\n }\n</script>\n` ).descriptor.script expect(script!.map).not.toBeUndefined() const consumer = new SourceMapConsumer(script!.map!) consumer.eachMapping(mapping => { expect(mapping.originalLine - mapping.generatedLine).toBe(padding) }) }) }) test('pad content', () => { const content = ` <template> <div></div> </template> <script> export default {} </script> <style> h1 { color: red } </style>` const padFalse = parse(content.trim(), { pad: false }).descriptor expect(padFalse.template!.content).toBe('\n<div></div>\n') expect(padFalse.script!.content).toBe('\nexport default {}\n') expect(padFalse.styles[0].content).toBe('\nh1 { color: red }\n') const padTrue = parse(content.trim(), { pad: true }).descriptor expect(padTrue.script!.content).toBe( Array(3 + 1).join('//\n') + '\nexport default {}\n' ) expect(padTrue.styles[0].content).toBe( Array(6 + 1).join('\n') + '\nh1 { color: red }\n' ) const padLine = parse(content.trim(), { pad: 'line' }).descriptor expect(padLine.script!.content).toBe( Array(3 + 1).join('//\n') + '\nexport default {}\n' ) expect(padLine.styles[0].content).toBe( Array(6 + 1).join('\n') + '\nh1 { color: red }\n' ) const padSpace = parse(content.trim(), { pad: 'space' }).descriptor expect(padSpace.script!.content).toBe( `<template>\n<div></div>\n</template>\n<script>`.replace(/./g, ' ') + '\nexport default {}\n' ) expect(padSpace.styles[0].content).toBe( `<template>\n<div></div>\n</template>\n<script>\nexport default {}\n</script>\n<style>`.replace( /./g, ' ' ) + '\nh1 { color: red }\n' ) }) test('should ignore nodes with no content', () => { expect(parse(`<template/>`).descriptor.template).toBe(null) expect(parse(`<script/>`).descriptor.script).toBe(null) expect(parse(`<style/>`).descriptor.styles.length).toBe(0) expect(parse(`<custom/>`).descriptor.customBlocks.length).toBe(0) }) test('handle empty nodes with src attribute', () => { const { descriptor } = parse(`<script src="com"/>`) expect(descriptor.script).toBeTruthy() expect(descriptor.script!.content).toBeFalsy() expect(descriptor.script!.attrs['src']).toBe('com') }) test('nested templates', () => { const content = ` <template v-if="ok">ok</template> <div><div></div></div> ` const { descriptor } = parse(`<template>${content}</template>`) expect(descriptor.template!.content).toBe(content) }) // #1120 test('alternative template lang should be treated as plain text', () => { const content = `p(v-if="1 < 2") test` const { descriptor, errors } = parse( `<template lang="pug">` + content + `</template>` ) expect(errors.length).toBe(0) expect(descriptor.template!.content).toBe(content) }) test('error tolerance', () => { const { errors } = parse(`<template>`) expect(errors.length).toBe(1) }) test('should parse as DOM by default', () => { const { errors } = parse(`<template><input></template>`) expect(errors.length).toBe(0) }) test('custom compiler', () => { const { errors } = parse(`<template><input></template>`, { compiler: { parse: baseParse, compile: baseCompile } }) expect(errors.length).toBe(1) }) test('treat custom blocks as raw text', () => { const { errors, descriptor } = parse(`<foo> <-& </foo>`) expect(errors.length).toBe(0) expect(descriptor.customBlocks[0].content).toBe(` <-& `) }) describe('warnings', () => { test('should only allow single template element', () => { parse(`<template><div/></template><template><div/></template>`) expect( `Single file component can contain only one template element` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('should only allow single script element', () => { parse(`<script>console.log(1)</script><script>console.log(1)</script>`) expect( `Single file component can contain only one script element` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) }) })