import { BindingTypes } from '@vue/compiler-dom/src' import { compileSFCScript as compile, assertCode } from './utils' describe('SFC compile `) assertCode(content) expect(content).toMatch('return { a, b, c, d, x }') }) test('defineOptions()', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(` `) // should generate working code assertCode(content) // should anayze bindings expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.PROPS, bar: BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST, props: BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST, emit: BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST }) // should remove defineOptions import and call expect(content).not.toMatch('defineOptions') // should generate correct setup signature expect(content).toMatch(`setup(__props, { props, emit }) {`) // should include context options in default export expect(content).toMatch(`export default { expose: [], props: { foo: String }, emit: ['a', 'b'],`) }) describe('imports', () => { test('should hoist and expose imports', () => { assertCode( compile(``).content ) }) test('should extract comment for import or type declarations', () => { assertCode( compile(` `).content ) }) test('dedupe between user & helper', () => { const { content } = compile(` `) assertCode(content) expect(content).toMatch(`import { ref } from 'vue'`) }) test('import dedupe between `) assertCode(content) expect(content.indexOf(`import { x }`)).toEqual( content.lastIndexOf(`import { x }`) ) }) }) describe('inlineTemplate mode', () => { test('should work', () => { const { content } = compile( ` `, { inlineTemplate: true } ) // check snapshot and make sure helper imports and // hoists are placed correctly. assertCode(content) }) test('avoid unref() when necessary', () => { // function, const, component import const { content } = compile( ` `, { inlineTemplate: true } ) assertCode(content) // no need to unref vue component import expect(content).toMatch(`createVNode(Foo)`) // should unref other imports expect(content).toMatch(`unref(other)`) // no need to unref constant literals expect(content).not.toMatch(`unref(constant)`) // should unref const w/ call init (e.g. ref()) expect(content).toMatch(`unref(count)`) // no need to unref function declarations expect(content).toMatch(`{ onClick: fn }`) // no need to mark constant fns in patch flag expect(content).not.toMatch(`PROPS`) }) test('v-model codegen', () => { const { content } = compile( ` `, { inlineTemplate: true } ) // known const ref: set value expect(content).toMatch(`count.value = $event`) // const but maybe ref: only assign after check expect(content).toMatch(`_isRef(maybe) ? maybe.value = $event : null`) // let: handle both cases expect(content).toMatch( `_isRef(lett) ? lett.value = $event : lett = $event` ) assertCode(content) }) test('template assignment expression codegen', () => { const { content } = compile( ` `, { inlineTemplate: true } ) // known const ref: set value expect(content).toMatch(`count.value = 1`) // const but maybe ref: only assign after check expect(content).toMatch( `!_isRef(maybe) ? null : maybe.value = _unref(count)` ) // let: handle both cases expect(content).toMatch( `_isRef(lett) ? lett.value = _unref(count) : lett = _unref(count)` ) assertCode(content) }) test('template update expression codegen', () => { const { content } = compile( ` `, { inlineTemplate: true } ) // known const ref: set value expect(content).toMatch(`count.value++`) expect(content).toMatch(`--count.value`) // const but maybe ref: only assign after check expect(content).toMatch(`!_isRef(maybe) ? null : maybe.value++`) expect(content).toMatch(`!_isRef(maybe) ? null : --maybe.value`) // let: handle both cases expect(content).toMatch(`_isRef(lett) ? lett.value++ : lett++`) expect(content).toMatch(`_isRef(lett) ? --lett.value : --lett`) assertCode(content) }) }) describe('with TypeScript', () => { test('hoist type declarations', () => { const { content } = compile(` `) assertCode(content) }) test('defineOptions w/ runtime options', () => { const { content } = compile(` `) assertCode(content) expect(content).toMatch(`export default _defineComponent({ expose: [], props: { foo: String }, emits: ['a', 'b'], setup(__props, { props, emit }) {`) }) test('defineOptions w/ type / extract props', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(` `) assertCode(content) expect(content).toMatch(`string: { type: String, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`number: { type: Number, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`boolean: { type: Boolean, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`object: { type: Object, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`objectLiteral: { type: Object, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`fn: { type: Function, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`functionRef: { type: Function, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`objectRef: { type: Object, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`array: { type: Array, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`arrayRef: { type: Array, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`tuple: { type: Array, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`set: { type: Set, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`literal: { type: String, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`optional: { type: null, required: false }`) expect(content).toMatch(`recordRef: { type: Object, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`interface: { type: Object, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch(`alias: { type: Array, required: true }`) expect(content).toMatch( `union: { type: [String, Number], required: true }` ) expect(content).toMatch( `literalUnion: { type: [String, String], required: true }` ) expect(content).toMatch( `literalUnionMixed: { type: [String, Number, Boolean], required: true }` ) expect(content).toMatch(`intersection: { type: Object, required: true }`) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ string: BindingTypes.PROPS, number: BindingTypes.PROPS, boolean: BindingTypes.PROPS, object: BindingTypes.PROPS, objectLiteral: BindingTypes.PROPS, fn: BindingTypes.PROPS, functionRef: BindingTypes.PROPS, objectRef: BindingTypes.PROPS, array: BindingTypes.PROPS, arrayRef: BindingTypes.PROPS, tuple: BindingTypes.PROPS, set: BindingTypes.PROPS, literal: BindingTypes.PROPS, optional: BindingTypes.PROPS, recordRef: BindingTypes.PROPS, interface: BindingTypes.PROPS, alias: BindingTypes.PROPS, union: BindingTypes.PROPS, literalUnion: BindingTypes.PROPS, literalUnionMixed: BindingTypes.PROPS, intersection: BindingTypes.PROPS }) }) test('defineOptions w/ type / extract emits', () => { const { content } = compile(` `) assertCode(content) expect(content).toMatch(`props: {},\n emit: (e: 'foo' | 'bar') => void,`) expect(content).toMatch(`emits: ["foo", "bar"] as unknown as undefined`) }) test('defineOptions w/ type / extract emits (union)', () => { const { content } = compile(` `) assertCode(content) expect(content).toMatch( `props: {},\n emit: ((e: 'foo' | 'bar') => void) | ((e: 'baz', id: number) => void),` ) expect(content).toMatch( `emits: ["foo", "bar", "baz"] as unknown as undefined` ) }) }) describe('async/await detection', () => { function assertAwaitDetection(code: string, shouldAsync = true) { const { content } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`${shouldAsync ? `async ` : ``}setup(`) } test('expression statement', () => { assertAwaitDetection(`await foo`) }) test('variable', () => { assertAwaitDetection(`const a = 1 + (await foo)`) }) test('ref', () => { assertAwaitDetection(`ref: a = 1 + (await foo)`) }) test('nested statements', () => { assertAwaitDetection(`if (ok) { await foo } else { await bar }`) }) test('should ignore await inside functions', () => { // function declaration assertAwaitDetection(`async function foo() { await bar }`, false) // function expression assertAwaitDetection(`const foo = async () => { await bar }`, false) // object method assertAwaitDetection(`const obj = { async method() { await bar }}`, false) // class method assertAwaitDetection( `const cls = class Foo { async method() { await bar }}`, false ) }) }) describe('ref: syntax sugar', () => { test('convert ref declarations', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`import { ref as _ref } from 'vue'`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`ref: foo`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`ref: a`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`ref: b`) expect(content).toMatch(`const foo = _ref()`) expect(content).toMatch(`const a = _ref(1)`) expect(content).toMatch(` const b = _ref({ count: 0 }) `) // normal declarations left untouched expect(content).toMatch(`let c = () => {}`) expect(content).toMatch(`let d`) assertCode(content) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, a: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, b: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, c: BindingTypes.SETUP_LET, d: BindingTypes.SETUP_LET }) }) test('multi ref declarations', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(` const a = _ref(1), b = _ref(2), c = _ref({ count: 0 }) `) expect(content).toMatch(`return { a, b, c }`) assertCode(content) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ a: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, b: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, c: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF }) }) test('should not convert non ref labels', () => { const { content } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`foo: a = 1, b = 2`) assertCode(content) }) test('accessing ref binding', () => { const { content } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`console.log(a.value)`) expect(content).toMatch(`return a.value + 1`) assertCode(content) }) test('cases that should not append .value', () => { const { content } = compile(``) expect(content).not.toMatch(`a.value`) }) test('mutating ref binding', () => { const { content } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`a.value++`) expect(content).toMatch(`a.value = a.value + 1`) expect(content).toMatch(`b.value.count++`) expect(content).toMatch(`b.value.count = b.value.count + 1`) assertCode(content) }) test('using ref binding in property shorthand', () => { const { content } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`const b = { a: a.value }`) // should not convert destructure expect(content).toMatch(`const { a } = b`) assertCode(content) }) test('object destructure', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch( `const n = _ref(1), { a: __a, b: __c, d: __d = 1, e: __f = 2, ...__g } = useFoo()` ) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst a = _ref(__a);`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst b = _ref(__b);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst c = _ref(__c);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst d = _ref(__d);`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst e = _ref(__e);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst f = _ref(__f);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst g = _ref(__g);`) expect(content).toMatch( `console.log(n.value, a.value, c.value, d.value, f.value, g.value)` ) expect(content).toMatch(`return { n, a, c, d, f, g }`) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ n: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, a: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, c: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, d: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, f: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, g: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF }) assertCode(content) }) test('array destructure', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch( `const n = _ref(1), [__a, __b = 1, ...__c] = useFoo()` ) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst a = _ref(__a);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst b = _ref(__b);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst c = _ref(__c);`) expect(content).toMatch(`console.log(n.value, a.value, b.value, c.value)`) expect(content).toMatch(`return { n, a, b, c }`) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ n: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, a: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, b: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, c: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF }) assertCode(content) }) test('nested destructure', () => { const { content, bindings } = compile(``) expect(content).toMatch(`const [{ a: { b: __b }}] = useFoo()`) expect(content).toMatch(`const { c: [__d, __e] } = useBar()`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst a = _ref(__a);`) expect(content).not.toMatch(`\nconst c = _ref(__c);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst b = _ref(__b);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst d = _ref(__d);`) expect(content).toMatch(`\nconst e = _ref(__e);`) expect(content).toMatch(`return { b, d, e }`) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ b: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, d: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, e: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF }) assertCode(content) }) }) describe('errors', () => { test('`) ).toThrow(``) ).toThrow(moduleErrorMsg) expect(() => compile(``) ).toThrow(moduleErrorMsg) expect(() => compile(``) ).toThrow(moduleErrorMsg) }) test('ref: non-assignment expressions', () => { expect(() => compile(``) ).toThrow(`ref: statements can only contain assignment expressions`) }) test('defineOptions() w/ both type and non-type args', () => { expect(() => { compile(``) }).toThrow(`cannot accept both type and non-type arguments`) }) test('defineOptions() referencing local var', () => { expect(() => compile(``) ).toThrow(`cannot reference locally declared variables`) }) test('defineOptions() referencing ref declarations', () => { expect(() => compile(``) ).toThrow(`cannot reference locally declared variables`) }) test('should allow defineOptions() referencing scope var', () => { assertCode( compile(``).content ) }) test('should allow defineOptions() referencing imported binding', () => { assertCode( compile(``).content ) }) }) }) describe('SFC analyze `) expect(scriptAst).toBeDefined() }) it('recognizes props array declaration', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.PROPS, bar: BindingTypes.PROPS }) }) it('recognizes props object declaration', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.PROPS, bar: BindingTypes.PROPS, baz: BindingTypes.PROPS, qux: BindingTypes.PROPS }) }) it('recognizes setup return', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF, bar: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF }) }) it('recognizes async setup return', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF, bar: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF }) }) it('recognizes data return', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.DATA, bar: BindingTypes.DATA }) }) it('recognizes methods', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.OPTIONS }) }) it('recognizes computeds', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.OPTIONS, bar: BindingTypes.OPTIONS }) }) it('recognizes injections array declaration', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.OPTIONS, bar: BindingTypes.OPTIONS }) }) it('recognizes injections object declaration', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.OPTIONS, bar: BindingTypes.OPTIONS }) }) it('works for mixed bindings', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ foo: BindingTypes.OPTIONS, bar: BindingTypes.PROPS, baz: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF, qux: BindingTypes.DATA, quux: BindingTypes.OPTIONS, quuz: BindingTypes.OPTIONS }) }) it('works for script setup', () => { const { bindings } = compile(` `) expect(bindings).toStrictEqual({ r: BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST, a: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, b: BindingTypes.SETUP_LET, c: BindingTypes.SETUP_CONST, d: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF, e: BindingTypes.SETUP_LET, foo: BindingTypes.PROPS }) }) })