import { h, withDirectives, ref, render, nodeOps, DirectiveHook, VNode, DirectiveBinding, nextTick } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { currentInstance, ComponentInternalInstance } from '../src/component' describe('directives', () => { it('should work', async () => { const count = ref(0) function assertBindings(binding: DirectiveBinding) { expect(binding.value).toBe(count.value) expect(binding.arg).toBe('foo') expect(binding.instance).toBe(_instance && _instance.proxy) expect(binding.modifiers && binding.modifiers.ok).toBe(true) } const beforeMount = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') // should not be inserted yet expect(el.parentNode).toBe(null) expect(root.children.length).toBe(0) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(null) }) as DirectiveHook) const mounted = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') // should be inserted now expect(el.parentNode).toBe(root) expect(root.children[0]).toBe(el) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(null) }) as DirectiveHook) const beforeUpdate = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') expect(el.parentNode).toBe(root) expect(root.children[0]).toBe(el) // node should not have been updated yet expect(el.children[0].text).toBe(`${count.value - 1}`) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(_prevVnode) }) as DirectiveHook) const updated = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') expect(el.parentNode).toBe(root) expect(root.children[0]).toBe(el) // node should have been updated expect(el.children[0].text).toBe(`${count.value}`) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(_prevVnode) }) as DirectiveHook) const beforeUnmount = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') // should be removed now expect(el.parentNode).toBe(root) expect(root.children[0]).toBe(el) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(null) }) as DirectiveHook) const unmounted = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') // should have been removed expect(el.parentNode).toBe(null) expect(root.children.length).toBe(0) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(null) }) as DirectiveHook) let _instance: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null let _vnode: VNode | null = null let _prevVnode: VNode | null = null const Comp = { setup() { _instance = currentInstance }, render() { _prevVnode = _vnode _vnode = withDirectives(h('div', count.value), [ [ { beforeMount, mounted, beforeUpdate, updated, beforeUnmount, unmounted }, // value count.value, // argument 'foo', // modifiers { ok: true } ] ]) return _vnode } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(beforeMount).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(mounted).toHaveBeenCalled() count.value++ await nextTick() expect(beforeUpdate).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(updated).toHaveBeenCalled() render(null, root) expect(beforeUnmount).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(unmounted).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should work with a function directive', async () => { const count = ref(0) function assertBindings(binding: DirectiveBinding) { expect(binding.value).toBe(count.value) expect(binding.arg).toBe('foo') expect(binding.instance).toBe(_instance && _instance.proxy) expect(binding.modifiers && binding.modifiers.ok).toBe(true) } const fn = jest.fn(((el, binding, vnode, prevVNode) => { expect(el.tag).toBe('div') expect(el.parentNode).toBe(root) assertBindings(binding) expect(vnode).toBe(_vnode) expect(prevVNode).toBe(_prevVnode) }) as DirectiveHook) let _instance: ComponentInternalInstance | null = null let _vnode: VNode | null = null let _prevVnode: VNode | null = null const Comp = { setup() { _instance = currentInstance }, render() { _prevVnode = _vnode _vnode = withDirectives(h('div', count.value), [ [ fn, // value count.value, // argument 'foo', // modifiers { ok: true } ] ]) return _vnode } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(fn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) })