import { baseParse as parse, transform, PlainElementNode, CompilerOptions } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { transformVHtml } from '../../src/transforms/vHtml' import { transformElement } from '../../../compiler-core/src/transforms/transformElement' import { createObjectMatcher, genFlagText } from '../../../compiler-core/__tests__/testUtils' import { PatchFlags } from '@vue/shared' import { DOMErrorCodes } from '../../src/errors' function transformWithVHtml(template: string, options: CompilerOptions = {}) { const ast = parse(template) transform(ast, { nodeTransforms: [transformElement], directiveTransforms: { html: transformVHtml }, ...options }) return ast } describe('compiler: v-html transform', () => { it('should convert v-html to innerHTML', () => { const ast = transformWithVHtml(`
`) expect((ast.children[0] as PlainElementNode).codegenNode).toMatchObject({ arguments: [ `"div"`, createObjectMatcher({ innerHTML: `[test]` }), `null`, genFlagText(PatchFlags.PROPS), `["innerHTML"]` ] }) }) it('should raise error and ignore children when v-html is present', () => { const onError = jest.fn() const ast = transformWithVHtml(`