import { ComponentInstance, ComponentClass, FunctionalComponent } from './component' import { VNodeFlags, ChildrenFlags } from './flags' import { createComponentClassFromOptions } from './componentUtils' import { EMPTY_OBJ, isObject, isArray, isFunction, isString } from '@vue/shared' import { RawChildrenType, RawSlots } from './h' const handlersRE = /^on|^vnode/ // Vue core is platform agnostic, so we are not using Element for "DOM" nodes. export interface RenderNode { vnode?: VNode | null // technically this doesn't exist on platform render nodes, // but we list it here so that TS can figure out union types $f: false } export interface VNode { _isVNode: true flags: VNodeFlags tag: string | FunctionalComponent | ComponentClass | RenderNode | null data: VNodeData | null children: VNodeChildren childFlags: ChildrenFlags key: Key | null ref: Ref | null slots: Slots | null // only on mounted nodes el: RenderNode | null // only on mounted component nodes that is also a root node (HOCs) // points to parent component's placeholder vnode // this is used to update vnode.el for nested HOCs. parentVNode: VNode | null // only on mounted component nodes // points to the parent stateful/functional component's placeholder node contextVNode: VNode | null } export interface MountedVNode extends VNode { el: RenderNode } export interface BuiltInProps { key?: Key | null ref?: Ref | null slots?: RawSlots | null } export type VNodeData = { [key: string]: any } & BuiltInProps export type VNodeChildren = | VNode[] // ELEMENT | PORTAL | ComponentInstance // COMPONENT_STATEFUL | VNode // COMPONENT_FUNCTIONAL | string // TEXT | null export type Key = string | number export type Ref = (t: RenderNode | ComponentInstance | null) => void export type Slot = (...args: any[]) => VNode[] export type Slots = Readonly<{ [name: string]: Slot }> export function createVNode( flags: VNodeFlags, tag: string | FunctionalComponent | ComponentClass | RenderNode | null, data: VNodeData | null, children: RawChildrenType | null, childFlags: ChildrenFlags, key: Key | null | undefined, ref: Ref | null | undefined, slots: Slots | null | undefined ): VNode { const vnode: VNode = { _isVNode: true, flags, tag, data, children: children as VNodeChildren, childFlags, key: key === void 0 ? null : key, ref: ref === void 0 ? null : ref, slots: slots === void 0 ? null : slots, el: null, parentVNode: null, contextVNode: null } if (childFlags === ChildrenFlags.UNKNOWN_CHILDREN) { normalizeChildren(vnode, children) } return vnode } export function createElementVNode( tag: string, data: VNodeData | null, children: RawChildrenType | null, childFlags: ChildrenFlags, key?: Key | null, ref?: Ref | null ) { const flags = tag === 'svg' ? VNodeFlags.ELEMENT_SVG : VNodeFlags.ELEMENT_HTML if (data !== null) { normalizeClassAndStyle(data) } return createVNode(flags, tag, data, children, childFlags, key, ref, null) } function normalizeClassAndStyle(data: VNodeData) { if (data.class != null) { data.class = normalizeClass(data.class) } if ( != null) { = normalizeStyle( } } function normalizeStyle(value: any): Record | void { if (isArray(value)) { const res: Record = {} for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { const normalized = normalizeStyle(value[i]) if (normalized) { for (const key in normalized) { res[key] = normalized[key] } } } return res } else if (isObject(value)) { return value } } function normalizeClass(value: any): string { let res = '' if (isString(value)) { res = value } else if (isArray(value)) { for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { res += normalizeClass(value[i]) + ' ' } } else if (isObject(value)) { for (const name in value) { if (value[name]) { res += name + ' ' } } } return res.trim() } export function createComponentVNode( comp: any, data: VNodeData | null, children: RawChildrenType | Slots, childFlags: ChildrenFlags, key?: Key | null, ref?: Ref | null ) { // resolve type let flags: VNodeFlags // flags if (isObject(comp)) { if (comp.functional) { // object literal functional flags = VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_FUNCTIONAL const { render } = comp if (!comp._normalized) { render.pure = comp.pure render.props = comp.props comp._normalized = true } comp = render } else { // object literal stateful flags = VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL_NORMAL comp = comp._normalized || (comp._normalized = createComponentClassFromOptions(comp)) } } else { // assumes comp is function here now if (__DEV__ && !isFunction(comp)) { // TODO warn invalid comp value in dev } if (comp.prototype && comp.prototype.render) { flags = VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_STATEFUL_NORMAL } else { flags = VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_FUNCTIONAL } } if (__DEV__ && flags === VNodeFlags.COMPONENT_FUNCTIONAL && ref) { // TODO warn functional component cannot have ref } // slots let slots: any if (childFlags === ChildrenFlags.STABLE_SLOTS) { slots = children } else if (childFlags === ChildrenFlags.UNKNOWN_CHILDREN) { childFlags = children ? ChildrenFlags.DYNAMIC_SLOTS : ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN if (children != null) { if (isFunction(children)) { // function as children slots = { default: children } } else if (isArray(children) || (children as any)._isVNode) { // direct vnode children slots = { default: () => children } } else if (isObject(children)) { // slot object as children slots = children } slots = normalizeSlots(slots) } } // class & style if (data !== null) { normalizeClassAndStyle(data) } return createVNode( flags, comp, data, null, // to be set during mount childFlags, key, ref, slots ) } export function createTextVNode(text: string): VNode { return createVNode( VNodeFlags.TEXT, null, null, text == null ? '' : text, ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN, null, null, null ) } export function createFragment( children: RawChildrenType, childFlags?: ChildrenFlags, key?: Key | null ) { return createVNode( VNodeFlags.FRAGMENT, null, null, children, childFlags === void 0 ? ChildrenFlags.UNKNOWN_CHILDREN : childFlags, key, null, null ) } export function createPortal( target: RenderNode | string, children: RawChildrenType, childFlags?: ChildrenFlags, key?: Key | null, ref?: Ref | null ): VNode { return createVNode( VNodeFlags.PORTAL, target, null, children, childFlags === void 0 ? ChildrenFlags.UNKNOWN_CHILDREN : childFlags, key, ref, null ) } export function cloneVNode(vnode: VNode, extraData?: VNodeData): VNode { const { flags, data } = vnode if (flags & VNodeFlags.ELEMENT || flags & VNodeFlags.COMPONENT) { let clonedData = data if (extraData != null) { clonedData = {} if (data != null) { for (const key in data) { clonedData[key] = data[key] } } if (extraData !== EMPTY_OBJ) { for (const key in extraData) { if (key === 'class') { clonedData.class = normalizeClass([ clonedData.class, extraData.class ]) } else if (key === 'style') { = normalizeStyle([, ]) } else if (handlersRE.test(key)) { // on*, vnode* const existing = clonedData[key] clonedData[key] = existing ? [].concat(existing, extraData[key]) : extraData[key] } else { clonedData[key] = extraData[key] } } } } return createVNode( flags, vnode.tag, clonedData, vnode.children as RawChildrenType, vnode.childFlags, vnode.key, vnode.ref, vnode.slots ) } else if (flags & VNodeFlags.TEXT) { return createTextVNode(vnode.children as string) } else { return vnode } } function normalizeChildren(vnode: VNode, children: any) { let childFlags if (isArray(children)) { const { length } = children if (length === 0) { childFlags = ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN children = null } else if (length === 1) { childFlags = ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE children = children[0] if (children.el) { children = cloneVNode(children) } } else { childFlags = ChildrenFlags.KEYED_VNODES children = normalizeVNodes(children) } } else if (children == null) { childFlags = ChildrenFlags.NO_CHILDREN } else if (children._isVNode) { childFlags = ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE if (children.el) { children = cloneVNode(children) } } else { // primitives or invalid values, cast to string childFlags = ChildrenFlags.SINGLE_VNODE children = createTextVNode(children + '') } vnode.children = children vnode.childFlags = childFlags } export function normalizeVNodes( children: any[], newChildren: VNode[] = [], currentPrefix: string = '' ): VNode[] { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i] let newChild if (child == null) { newChild = createTextVNode('') } else if (child._isVNode) { newChild = child.el ? cloneVNode(child) : child } else if (isArray(child)) { normalizeVNodes(child, newChildren, currentPrefix + i + '|') } else { newChild = createTextVNode(child + '') } if (newChild) { if (newChild.key == null) { newChild.key = currentPrefix + i } newChildren.push(newChild) } } return newChildren } // ensure all slot functions return Arrays function normalizeSlots(slots: { [name: string]: any }): Slots { if (slots._normalized) { return slots } const normalized = { _normalized: true } as any for (const name in slots) { normalized[name] = (...args: any[]) => normalizeSlot(slots[name](...args)) } return normalized } function normalizeSlot(value: any): VNode[] { if (value == null) { return [createTextVNode('')] } else if (isArray(value)) { return normalizeVNodes(value) } else if (value._isVNode) { return [value] } else { return [createTextVNode(value + '')] } }