import { EMPTY_OBJ, NOOP, isFunction, isArray, isString, isObject } from '@vue/shared' import { ComponentInstance } from './component' import { ComponentWatchOptions, WatchOptions } from './componentOptions' import { autorun, stop } from '@vue/observer' import { queueJob } from '@vue/scheduler' import { handleError, ErrorTypes } from './errorHandling' import { warn } from './warning' export function initializeWatch( instance: ComponentInstance, options: ComponentWatchOptions | undefined ) { if (options !== void 0) { for (const key in options) { const opt = options[key] if (isArray(opt)) { opt.forEach(o => setupWatcher(instance, key, o)) } else if (isFunction(opt)) { setupWatcher(instance, key, opt) } else if (isString(opt)) { setupWatcher(instance, key, (instance as any)[opt]) } else if (opt.handler) { setupWatcher(instance, key, opt.handler, opt) } } } } export function setupWatcher( instance: ComponentInstance, keyOrFn: string | Function, cb: (newValue: any, oldValue: any) => void, options: WatchOptions = EMPTY_OBJ as WatchOptions ): () => void { const handles = instance._watchHandles || (instance._watchHandles = new Set()) const proxy = instance.$proxy const rawGetter = isString(keyOrFn) ? parseDotPath(keyOrFn, proxy) : () => if (__DEV__ && rawGetter === NOOP) { warn( `Failed watching expression: "${keyOrFn}". ` + `Watch expressions can only be dot-delimited paths. ` + `For more complex expressions, use $watch with a function instead.` ) } const getter = options.deep ? () => traverse(rawGetter()) : rawGetter let oldValue: any const applyCb = () => { const newValue = runner() if (options.deep || newValue !== oldValue) { oldValue = newValue try {$proxy, newValue, oldValue) } catch (e) { handleError(e, instance, ErrorTypes.WATCH_CALLBACK) } } } const runner = autorun(getter, { lazy: true, scheduler: options.sync ? applyCb : () => { // defer watch callback using the scheduler so that multiple mutations // result in one call only. queueJob(applyCb) } }) oldValue = runner() handles.add(runner) if (options.immediate) {$proxy, oldValue, undefined) } return () => { stop(runner) handles.delete(runner) } } export function teardownWatch(instance: ComponentInstance) { if (instance._watchHandles !== null) { instance._watchHandles.forEach(stop) } } const bailRE = /[^\w.$]/ function parseDotPath(path: string, ctx: any): Function { if (bailRE.test(path)) { return NOOP } const segments = path.split('.') if (segments.length === 1) { return () => ctx[path] } else { return () => { let obj = ctx for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { if (!obj) return obj = obj[segments[i]] } return obj } } } function traverse(value: any, seen: Set = new Set()) { if (!isObject(value) || seen.has(value)) { return } seen.add(value) if (isArray(value)) { for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { traverse(value[i], seen) } } else if (value instanceof Map || value instanceof Set) { ;(value as any).forEach((v: any) => { traverse(v, seen) }) } else { for (const key in value) { traverse(value[key], seen) } } return value }