import { generate, NodeTypes, RootNode, SourceLocation, createSimpleExpression, Namespaces, ElementTypes, CallExpression, createObjectExpression, createObjectProperty, createArrayExpression, ElementNode, createCompoundExpression, createInterpolation } from '../src' import { CREATE_VNODE, COMMENT, TO_STRING, RENDER_LIST } from '../src/runtimeConstants' const mockLoc: SourceLocation = { source: ``, start: { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }, end: { offset: 3, line: 1, column: 4 } } function createRoot(options: Partial = {}): RootNode { return { type: NodeTypes.ROOT, children: [], imports: [], statements: [], hoists: [], loc: mockLoc, ...options } } describe('compiler: codegen', () => { test('module mode preamble', () => { const root = createRoot({ imports: [`helperOne`, `helperTwo`] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'module' }) expect(code).toMatch(`import { helperOne, helperTwo } from "vue"`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('function mode preamble', () => { const root = createRoot({ imports: [`helperOne`, `helperTwo`] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'function' }) expect(code).toMatch(`const _Vue = Vue`) expect(code).toMatch( `const { helperOne: _helperOne, helperTwo: _helperTwo } = _Vue` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('function mode preamble w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const root = createRoot({ imports: [`helperOne`, `helperTwo`] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'function', prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(code).not.toMatch(`const _Vue = Vue`) expect(code).toMatch(`const { helperOne, helperTwo } = Vue`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('statements', () => { const root = createRoot({ statements: [`const a = 1`, `const b = 2`] }) const { code } = generate(root, { mode: 'function' }) expect(code).toMatch(`const a = 1\n`) expect(code).toMatch(`const b = 2\n`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('hoists', () => { const root = createRoot({ hoists: [ createSimpleExpression(`hello`, false, mockLoc), createObjectExpression( [ createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`id`, true, mockLoc), createSimpleExpression(`foo`, true, mockLoc), mockLoc ) ], mockLoc ) ] }) const { code } = generate(root) expect(code).toMatch(`const _hoisted_1 = hello`) expect(code).toMatch(`const _hoisted_2 = { id: "foo" }`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('prefixIdentifiers: true should inject _ctx statement', () => { const { code } = generate(createRoot(), { prefixIdentifiers: true }) expect(code).toMatch(`const _ctx = this\n`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('static text', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.TEXT, content: 'hello', isEmpty: false, loc: mockLoc } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return "hello"`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('interpolation', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [createInterpolation(`hello`, mockLoc)] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return _${TO_STRING}(hello)`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('comment', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.COMMENT, content: 'foo', loc: mockLoc } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return _${CREATE_VNODE}(_${COMMENT}, 0, "foo")`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('text + comment + interpolation', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.TEXT, content: 'foo', isEmpty: false, loc: mockLoc }, createInterpolation(`hello`, mockLoc), { type: NodeTypes.COMMENT, content: 'foo', loc: mockLoc } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(` return [ "foo", _${TO_STRING}(hello), _${CREATE_VNODE}(_${COMMENT}, 0, "foo") ]`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('text + comment + interpolation w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.TEXT, content: 'foo', isEmpty: false, loc: mockLoc }, createInterpolation(`hello`, mockLoc), { type: NodeTypes.COMMENT, content: 'foo', loc: mockLoc } ] }), { prefixIdentifiers: true } ) expect(code).toMatch(` return [ "foo", ${TO_STRING}(hello), ${CREATE_VNODE}(${COMMENT}, 0, "foo") ]`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('compound expression', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ createInterpolation( createCompoundExpression( [`_ctx.`, createSimpleExpression(`foo`, false, mockLoc)], mockLoc ), mockLoc ) ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(`return _${TO_STRING}(`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('ifNode', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.IF, loc: mockLoc, branches: [ { type: NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH, condition: createSimpleExpression('foo', false, mockLoc), loc: mockLoc, children: [ { type: NodeTypes.TEXT, content: 'foo', isEmpty: false, loc: mockLoc } ] }, { type: NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH, condition: createSimpleExpression('a + b', false, mockLoc), loc: mockLoc, children: [createInterpolation(`bye`, mockLoc)] }, { type: NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH, condition: undefined, loc: mockLoc, children: [ { type: NodeTypes.COMMENT, content: 'foo', loc: mockLoc } ] } ] } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(` return foo ? "foo" : (a + b) ? _${TO_STRING}(bye) : _${CREATE_VNODE}(_${COMMENT}, 0, "foo")`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('ifNode with no v-else', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.IF, loc: mockLoc, branches: [ { type: NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH, condition: createSimpleExpression('foo', false, mockLoc), loc: mockLoc, children: [ { type: NodeTypes.TEXT, content: 'foo', isEmpty: false, loc: mockLoc } ] }, { type: NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH, condition: createSimpleExpression('a + b', false, mockLoc), loc: mockLoc, children: [createInterpolation(`bye`, mockLoc)] } ] } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(` return foo ? "foo" : (a + b) ? _${TO_STRING}(bye) : null`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: mockLoc, source: createSimpleExpression(`list`, false, mockLoc), valueAlias: createSimpleExpression(`v`, false, mockLoc), keyAlias: createSimpleExpression(`k`, false, mockLoc), objectIndexAlias: createSimpleExpression(`i`, false, mockLoc), children: [createInterpolation(`v`, mockLoc)] } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch( `return _${RENDER_LIST}(list, (v, k, i) => { return _${TO_STRING}(v) })` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: mockLoc, source: createSimpleExpression(`list`, false, mockLoc), valueAlias: createSimpleExpression(`v`, false, mockLoc), keyAlias: createSimpleExpression(`k`, false, mockLoc), objectIndexAlias: createSimpleExpression(`i`, false, mockLoc), children: [createInterpolation(`v`, mockLoc)] } ] }), { prefixIdentifiers: true } ) expect(code).toMatch( `return ${RENDER_LIST}(list, (v, k, i) => { return ${TO_STRING}(v) })` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode w/ skipped value alias', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: mockLoc, source: createSimpleExpression(`list`, false, mockLoc), valueAlias: undefined, keyAlias: createSimpleExpression(`k`, false, mockLoc), objectIndexAlias: createSimpleExpression(`i`, false, mockLoc), children: [createInterpolation(`v`, mockLoc)] } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch( `return _${RENDER_LIST}(list, (__value, k, i) => { return _${TO_STRING}(v) })` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode w/ skipped key alias', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: mockLoc, source: createSimpleExpression(`list`, false, mockLoc), valueAlias: createSimpleExpression(`v`, false, mockLoc), keyAlias: undefined, objectIndexAlias: createSimpleExpression(`i`, false, mockLoc), children: [createInterpolation(`v`, mockLoc)] } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch( `return _${RENDER_LIST}(list, (v, __key, i) => { return _${TO_STRING}(v) })` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('forNode w/ skipped value and key aliases', () => { const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ { type: NodeTypes.FOR, loc: mockLoc, source: createSimpleExpression(`list`, false, mockLoc), valueAlias: undefined, keyAlias: undefined, objectIndexAlias: createSimpleExpression(`i`, false, mockLoc), children: [createInterpolation(`v`, mockLoc)] } ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch( `return _${RENDER_LIST}(list, (__value, __key, i) => { return _${TO_STRING}(v) })` ) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('callExpression + objectExpression + arrayExpression', () => { function createElementWithCodegen( args: CallExpression['arguments'] ): ElementNode { return { type: NodeTypes.ELEMENT, loc: mockLoc, ns: Namespaces.HTML, tag: 'div', tagType: ElementTypes.ELEMENT, isSelfClosing: false, props: [], children: [], codegenNode: { type: NodeTypes.JS_CALL_EXPRESSION, loc: mockLoc, callee: CREATE_VNODE, arguments: args } } } const { code } = generate( createRoot({ children: [ createElementWithCodegen([ // string `"div"`, // ObjectExpression createObjectExpression( [ createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`id`, true, mockLoc), createSimpleExpression(`foo`, true, mockLoc), mockLoc ), createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`prop`, false, mockLoc), createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, mockLoc), mockLoc ), // compound expression as computed key createObjectProperty( { type: NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION, loc: mockLoc, children: [ `foo + `, createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, mockLoc) ] }, createSimpleExpression(`bar`, false, mockLoc), mockLoc ) ], mockLoc ), // ChildNode[] [ createElementWithCodegen([ `"p"`, createObjectExpression( [ createObjectProperty( // should quote the key! createSimpleExpression(`some-key`, true, mockLoc), createSimpleExpression(`foo`, true, mockLoc), mockLoc ) ], mockLoc ) ]) ], // ArrayExpression createArrayExpression( [ 'foo', { type: NodeTypes.JS_CALL_EXPRESSION, loc: mockLoc, callee: CREATE_VNODE, arguments: [`"p"`] } ], mockLoc ) ]) ] }) ) expect(code).toMatch(` return ${CREATE_VNODE}("div", { id: "foo", [prop]: bar, [foo + bar]: bar }, [${CREATE_VNODE}("p", { "some-key": "foo" })], [ foo, ${CREATE_VNODE}("p") ])`) expect(code).toMatchSnapshot() }) })