const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)) const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const chalk = require('chalk') const semver = require('semver') const currentVersion = require('../package.json').version const { prompt } = require('enquirer') const execa = require('execa') const preId = args.preid || semver.prerelease(currentVersion)[0] || 'alpha' const isDryRun = args.dry const skipTests = args.skipTests const skipBuild = args.skipBuild const packages = fs .readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages')) .filter(p => !p.endsWith('.ts') && !p.startsWith('.')) const skippedPackages = ['server-renderer'] const versionIncrements = [ 'patch', 'minor', 'major', 'prepatch', 'preminor', 'premajor', 'prerelease' ] const inc = i =>, i, preId) const bin = name => path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin/' + name) const run = (bin, args, opts = {}) => execa(bin, args, { stdio: 'inherit', ...opts }) const dryRun = (bin, args, opts = {}) => console.log(`[dryrun] ${bin} ${args.join(' ')}`), opts) const runIfNotDry = isDryRun ? dryRun : run const getPkgRoot = pkg => path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/' + pkg) const step = msg => console.log(chalk.cyan(msg)) async function main() { let targetVersion = args._[0] if (!targetVersion) { // no explicit version, offer suggestions const { release } = await prompt({ type: 'select', name: 'release', message: 'Select release type', choices: => `${i} (${inc(i)})`).concat(['custom']) }) if (release === 'custom') { targetVersion = (await prompt({ type: 'input', name: 'version', message: 'Input custom version', initial: currentVersion })).version } else { targetVersion = release.match(/\((.*)\)/)[1] } } if (!semver.valid(targetVersion)) { throw new Error(`invalid target version: ${targetVersion}`) } const { yes } = await prompt({ type: 'confirm', name: 'yes', message: `Releasing v${targetVersion}. Confirm?` }) if (!yes) { return } // run tests before release step('\nRunning tests...') if (!skipTests && !isDryRun) { await run(bin('jest'), ['--clearCache']) await run('yarn', ['test']) } else { console.log(`(skipped)`) } // update all package versions and inter-dependencies step('\nUpdating cross dependencies...') updateVersions(targetVersion) // build all packages with types step('\nBuilding all packages...') if (!skipBuild && !isDryRun) { await run('yarn', ['build', '--release']) // test generated dts files step('\nVerifying type declarations...') await run(bin('tsd')) } else { console.log(`(skipped)`) } // generate changelog await run(`yarn`, ['changelog']) const { stdout } = await run('git', ['diff'], { stdio: 'pipe' }) if (stdout) { step('\nCommitting changes...') await runIfNotDry('git', ['add', '-A']) await runIfNotDry('git', ['commit', '-m', `release: v${targetVersion}`]) } else { console.log('No changes to commit.') } // publish packages step('\nPublishing packages...') for (const pkg of packages) { await publishPackage(pkg, targetVersion, runIfNotDry) } // push to GitHub step('\nPushing to GitHub...') await runIfNotDry('git', ['tag', `v${targetVersion}`]) await runIfNotDry('git', ['push', 'origin', `refs/tags/v${targetVersion}`]) await runIfNotDry('git', ['push']) if (isDryRun) { console.log(`\nDry run finished - run git diff to see package changes.`) } if (skippedPackages.length) { console.log( chalk.yellow( `The following packages are skipped and NOT published:\n- ${skippedPackages.join( '\n- ' )}` ) ) } console.log() } function updateVersions(version) { // 1. update root package.json updatePackage(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'), version) // 2. update all packages packages.forEach(p => updatePackage(getPkgRoot(p), version)) } function updatePackage(pkgRoot, version) { const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkgRoot, 'package.json') const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf-8')) pkg.version = version updateDeps(pkg, 'dependencies', version) updateDeps(pkg, 'peerDependencies', version) fs.writeFileSync(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + '\n') } function updateDeps(pkg, depType, version) { const deps = pkg[depType] if (!deps) return Object.keys(deps).forEach(dep => { if ( dep === 'vue' || (dep.startsWith('@vue') && packages.includes(dep.replace(/^@vue\//, ''))) ) { console.log( chalk.yellow(`${} -> ${depType} -> ${dep}@${version}`) ) deps[dep] = version } }) } async function publishPackage(pkgName, version, runIfNotDry) { if (skippedPackages.includes(pkgName)) { return } const pkgRoot = getPkgRoot(pkgName) const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkgRoot, 'package.json') const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf-8')) if (pkg.private) { return } // for now (alpha/beta phase), every package except "vue" can be published as // `latest`, whereas "vue" will be published under the "next" tag. const releaseTag = pkgName === 'vue' ? 'next' : semver.prerelease(version)[0] || 'latest' // TODO use inferred release channel after official 3.0 release // const releaseTag = semver.prerelease(version)[0] || 'latest' step(`Publishing ${pkg}...`) try { await runIfNotDry( 'yarn', [ 'publish', '--new-version', version, '--tag', releaseTag, '--access', 'public' ], { cwd: pkgRoot, stdio: 'pipe' } ) console.log(`Successfully published ${pkgName}@${version}`)) } catch (e) { if (e.stderr.match(/previously published/)) { console.log(`Skipping already published: ${pkgName}`)) } else { throw e } } } main().catch(err => { console.error(err) })