import { createApp, h, nodeOps, serializeInner, provide, inject, resolveComponent, resolveDirective, withDirectives, Plugin, ref, getCurrentInstance, defineComponent } from '@vue/runtime-test' describe('api: createApp', () => { test('mount', () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ props: { count: { default: 0 } }, setup(props) { return () => props.count } }) const root1 = nodeOps.createElement('div') createApp(Comp).mount(root1) expect(serializeInner(root1)).toBe(`0`) // mount with props const root2 = nodeOps.createElement('div') const app2 = createApp(Comp, { count: 1 }) app2.mount(root2) expect(serializeInner(root2)).toBe(`1`) // remount warning const root3 = nodeOps.createElement('div') app2.mount(root3) expect(serializeInner(root3)).toBe(``) expect(`already been mounted`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('unmount', () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ props: { count: { default: 0 } }, setup(props) { return () => props.count } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') const app = createApp(Comp) app.mount(root) app.unmount(root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(``) }) test('provide', () => { const Root = { setup() { // test override provide('foo', 3) return () => h(Child) } } const Child = { setup() { const foo = inject('foo') const bar = inject('bar') try { inject('__proto__') } catch (e) {} return () => `${foo},${bar}` } } const app = createApp(Root) app.provide('foo', 1) app.provide('bar', 2) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') app.mount(root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`3,2`) expect('[Vue warn]: injection "__proto__" not found.').toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('component', () => { const Root = { // local override components: { BarBaz: () => 'barbaz-local!' }, setup() { // resolve in setup const FooBar = resolveComponent('foo-bar') as any return () => { // resolve in render const BarBaz = resolveComponent('bar-baz') as any return h('div', [h(FooBar), h(BarBaz)]) } } } const app = createApp(Root) const FooBar = () => 'foobar!' app.component('FooBar', FooBar) expect(app.component('FooBar')).toBe(FooBar) app.component('BarBaz', () => 'barbaz!') app.component('BarBaz', () => 'barbaz!') expect( 'Component "BarBaz" has already been registered in target app.' ).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(1) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') app.mount(root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`<div>foobar!barbaz-local!</div>`) }) test('directive', () => { const spy1 = jest.fn() const spy2 = jest.fn() const spy3 = jest.fn() const Root = { // local override directives: { BarBaz: { mounted: spy3 } }, setup() { // resolve in setup const FooBar = resolveDirective('foo-bar')! return () => { // resolve in render const BarBaz = resolveDirective('bar-baz')! return withDirectives(h('div'), [[FooBar], [BarBaz]]) } } } const app = createApp(Root) const FooBar = { mounted: spy1 } app.directive('FooBar', FooBar) expect(app.directive('FooBar')).toBe(FooBar) app.directive('BarBaz', { mounted: spy2 }) app.directive('BarBaz', { mounted: spy2 }) expect( 'Directive "BarBaz" has already been registered in target app.' ).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(1) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') app.mount(root) expect(spy1).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy2).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy3).toHaveBeenCalled() app.directive('bind', FooBar) expect( `Do not use built-in directive ids as custom directive id: bind` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('mixin', () => { const calls: string[] = [] const mixinA = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, created(this: any) { calls.push('mixinA created') expect(this.a).toBe(1) expect(this.b).toBe(2) expect(this.c).toBe(3) }, mounted() { calls.push('mixinA mounted') } } const mixinB = { name: 'mixinB', data() { return { b: 2 } }, created(this: any) { calls.push('mixinB created') expect(this.a).toBe(1) expect(this.b).toBe(2) expect(this.c).toBe(3) }, mounted() { calls.push('mixinB mounted') } } const Comp = { data() { return { c: 3 } }, created(this: any) { calls.push('comp created') expect(this.a).toBe(1) expect(this.b).toBe(2) expect(this.c).toBe(3) }, mounted() { calls.push('comp mounted') }, render(this: any) { return `${this.a}${this.b}${this.c}` } } const app = createApp(Comp) app.mixin(mixinA) app.mixin(mixinB) app.mixin(mixinA) app.mixin(mixinB) expect( 'Mixin has already been applied to target app' ).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(2) expect( 'Mixin has already been applied to target app: mixinB' ).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(1) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') app.mount(root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`123`) expect(calls).toEqual([ 'mixinA created', 'mixinB created', 'comp created', 'mixinA mounted', 'mixinB mounted', 'comp mounted' ]) }) test('use', () => { const PluginA: Plugin = app => app.provide('foo', 1) const PluginB: Plugin = { install: (app, arg1, arg2) => app.provide('bar', arg1 + arg2) } class PluginC { someProperty = {} static install() { app.provide('baz', 2) } } const PluginD: any = undefined const Root = { setup() { const foo = inject('foo') const bar = inject('bar') return () => `${foo},${bar}` } } const app = createApp(Root) app.use(PluginA) app.use(PluginB, 1, 1) app.use(PluginC) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') app.mount(root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`1,2`) app.use(PluginA) expect( `Plugin has already been applied to target app` ).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(1) app.use(PluginD) expect( `A plugin must either be a function or an object with an "install" ` + `function.` ).toHaveBeenWarnedTimes(1) }) test('config.errorHandler', () => { const error = new Error() const count = ref(0) const handler = jest.fn((err, instance, info) => { expect(err).toBe(error) expect((instance as any).count).toBe(count.value) expect(info).toBe(`render function`) }) const Root = { setup() { const count = ref(0) return { count } }, render() { throw error } } const app = createApp(Root) app.config.errorHandler = handler app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(handler).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('config.warnHandler', () => { let ctx: any const handler = jest.fn((msg, instance, trace) => { expect(msg).toMatch(`Component is missing template or render function`) expect(instance).toBe(ctx.proxy) expect(trace).toMatch(`Hello`) }) const Root = { name: 'Hello', setup() { ctx = getCurrentInstance() } } const app = createApp(Root) app.config.warnHandler = handler app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(handler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) describe('config.isNativeTag', () => { const isNativeTag = jest.fn(tag => tag === 'div') test('', () => { const Root = { name: 'div', render() { return null } } const app = createApp(Root) Object.defineProperty(app.config, 'isNativeTag', { value: isNativeTag, writable: false }) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: div` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('Component.components', () => { const Root = { components: { div: () => 'div' }, render() { return null } } const app = createApp(Root) Object.defineProperty(app.config, 'isNativeTag', { value: isNativeTag, writable: false }) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: div` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('Component.directives', () => { const Root = { directives: { bind: () => {} }, render() { return null } } const app = createApp(Root) Object.defineProperty(app.config, 'isNativeTag', { value: isNativeTag, writable: false }) app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Do not use built-in directive ids as custom directive id: bind` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('register using app.component', () => { const app = createApp({ render() {} }) Object.defineProperty(app.config, 'isNativeTag', { value: isNativeTag, writable: false }) app.component('div', () => 'div') app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect( `Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: div` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) }) test('config.optionMergeStrategies', () => { let merged: string const App = defineComponent({ render() {}, mixins: [{ foo: 'mixin' }], extends: { foo: 'extends' }, foo: 'local', beforeCreate() { merged = this.$ } }) const app = createApp(App) app.mixin({ foo: 'global' }) = (a, b) => (a ? `${a},` : ``) + b app.mount(nodeOps.createElement('div')) expect(merged!).toBe('global,extends,mixin,local') }) test('config.globalProperties', () => { const app = createApp({ render() { return } }) = 'hello' const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') app.mount(root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe('hello') }) })