import { DirectiveTransform, TransformContext } from '../transform' import { createSimpleExpression, createObjectProperty, createCompoundExpression, NodeTypes, Property, CompoundExpressionNode, createInterpolation } from '../ast' import { createCompilerError, ErrorCodes } from '../errors' import { isMemberExpression, isSimpleIdentifier } from '../utils' import { isObject } from '@vue/shared' export const transformModel: DirectiveTransform = (dir, node, context) => { const { exp, arg } = dir if (!exp) { context.onError( createCompilerError(ErrorCodes.X_V_MODEL_NO_EXPRESSION, dir.loc) ) return createTransformProps() } const expString = exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION ? exp.content : exp.loc.source if (!isMemberExpression(expString)) { context.onError( createCompilerError(ErrorCodes.X_V_MODEL_MALFORMED_EXPRESSION, exp.loc) ) return createTransformProps() } if ( !__BROWSER__ && context.prefixIdentifiers && isSimpleIdentifier(expString) && context.identifiers[expString] ) { context.onError( createCompilerError(ErrorCodes.X_V_MODEL_ON_SCOPE_VARIABLE, exp.loc) ) return createTransformProps() } const propName = arg ? arg : createSimpleExpression('modelValue', true) const eventName = arg ? arg.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION && arg.isStatic ? createSimpleExpression('onUpdate:' + arg.content, true) : createCompoundExpression([ createSimpleExpression('onUpdate:', true), '+', ...(arg.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION ? [arg] : arg.children) ]) : createSimpleExpression('onUpdate:modelValue', true) let assignmentChildren = exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION ? [exp] : exp.children // For a member expression used in assignment, it only needs to be updated // if the expression involves scope variables. Otherwise we can mark the // expression as constant to avoid it being included in `dynamicPropNames` // of the element. This optimization relies on `prefixIdentifiers: true`. if (!__BROWSER__ && context.prefixIdentifiers) { assignmentChildren = => toConstant(c, context)) } const props = [ createObjectProperty(propName, dir.exp!), createObjectProperty( eventName, createCompoundExpression([ `$event => (`, ...assignmentChildren, ` = $event)` ]) ) ] if (dir.modifiers.length) { // TODO add modelModifiers prop } return createTransformProps(props) } function toConstant( exp: CompoundExpressionNode | CompoundExpressionNode['children'][0], context: TransformContext ): any { if (!isObject(exp) || exp.type === NodeTypes.TEXT) { return exp } if (exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) { if (exp.isStatic || context.identifiers[exp.content]) { return exp } return { ...exp, isConstant: true } } else if (exp.type === NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION) { return createCompoundExpression( => toConstant(c, context)) ) } else if (exp.type === NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION) { return createInterpolation(toConstant(exp.content, context), exp.loc) } } function createTransformProps(props: Property[] = []) { return { props, needRuntime: false } }