import { h, nodeOps, render, serializeInner, triggerEvent, TestElement, nextTick, renderToString, ref, defineComponent } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { mockWarn } from '@vue/shared' describe('api: options', () => { test('data', async () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ data() { return { foo: 1 } }, render() { return h( 'div', { onClick: () => { } }, ) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) triggerEvent(root.children[0] as TestElement, 'click') await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) }) test('computed', async () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ data() { return { foo: 1 } }, computed: { bar(): number { return + 1 }, baz(): number { return + 1 } }, render() { return h( 'div', { onClick: () => { } }, + this.baz ) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) triggerEvent(root.children[0] as TestElement, 'click') await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) }) test('methods', async () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ data() { return { foo: 1 } }, methods: { inc() { } }, render() { return h( 'div', { onClick: }, ) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) triggerEvent(root.children[0] as TestElement, 'click') await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) }) test('watch', async () => { function returnThis(this: any) { return this } const spyA = jest.fn(returnThis) const spyB = jest.fn(returnThis) const spyC = jest.fn(returnThis) let ctx: any const Comp = { data() { return { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: { qux: 3 } } }, watch: { // string method name foo: 'onFooChange', // direct function bar: spyB, baz: { handler: spyC, deep: true } }, methods: { onFooChange: spyA }, render() { ctx = this } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) function assertCall(spy: jest.Mock, callIndex: number, args: any[]) { expect(spy.mock.calls[callIndex].slice(0, 2)).toMatchObject(args) } assertCall(spyA, 0, [1, undefined]) assertCall(spyB, 0, [2, undefined]) assertCall(spyC, 0, [{ qux: 3 }, undefined]) expect(spyA).toHaveReturnedWith(ctx) expect(spyB).toHaveReturnedWith(ctx) expect(spyC).toHaveReturnedWith(ctx) await nextTick() expect(spyA).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) assertCall(spyA, 1, [2, 1]) await nextTick() expect(spyB).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) assertCall(spyB, 1, [3, 2]) ctx.baz.qux++ await nextTick() expect(spyC).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) // new and old objects have same identity assertCall(spyC, 1, [{ qux: 4 }, { qux: 4 }]) }) test('watch array', async () => { function returnThis(this: any) { return this } const spyA = jest.fn(returnThis) const spyB = jest.fn(returnThis) const spyC = jest.fn(returnThis) let ctx: any const Comp = { data() { return { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: { qux: 3 } } }, watch: { // string method name foo: ['onFooChange'], // direct function bar: [spyB], baz: [ { handler: spyC, deep: true } ] }, methods: { onFooChange: spyA }, render() { ctx = this } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) function assertCall(spy: jest.Mock, callIndex: number, args: any[]) { expect(spy.mock.calls[callIndex].slice(0, 2)).toMatchObject(args) } assertCall(spyA, 0, [1, undefined]) assertCall(spyB, 0, [2, undefined]) assertCall(spyC, 0, [{ qux: 3 }, undefined]) expect(spyA).toHaveReturnedWith(ctx) expect(spyB).toHaveReturnedWith(ctx) expect(spyC).toHaveReturnedWith(ctx) await nextTick() expect(spyA).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) assertCall(spyA, 1, [2, 1]) await nextTick() expect(spyB).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) assertCall(spyB, 1, [3, 2]) ctx.baz.qux++ await nextTick() expect(spyC).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) // new and old objects have same identity assertCall(spyC, 1, [{ qux: 4 }, { qux: 4 }]) }) test('provide/inject', () => { const Root = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, provide() { return { a: this.a } }, render() { return [h(ChildA), h(ChildB), h(ChildC), h(ChildD)] } } as any const ChildA = { inject: ['a'], render() { return this.a } } as any const ChildB = { // object alias inject: { b: 'a' }, render() { return this.b } } as any const ChildC = { inject: { b: { from: 'a' } }, render() { return this.b } } as any const ChildD = { inject: { b: { from: 'c', default: 2 } }, render() { return this.b } } as any expect(renderToString(h(Root))).toBe(`1112`) }) test('lifecycle', async () => { const count = ref(0) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') const calls: string[] = [] const Root = { beforeCreate() { calls.push('root beforeCreate') }, created() { calls.push('root created') }, beforeMount() { calls.push('root onBeforeMount') }, mounted() { calls.push('root onMounted') }, beforeUpdate() { calls.push('root onBeforeUpdate') }, updated() { calls.push('root onUpdated') }, beforeUnmount() { calls.push('root onBeforeUnmount') }, unmounted() { calls.push('root onUnmounted') }, render() { return h(Mid, { count: count.value }) } } const Mid = { beforeCreate() { calls.push('mid beforeCreate') }, created() { calls.push('mid created') }, beforeMount() { calls.push('mid onBeforeMount') }, mounted() { calls.push('mid onMounted') }, beforeUpdate() { calls.push('mid onBeforeUpdate') }, updated() { calls.push('mid onUpdated') }, beforeUnmount() { calls.push('mid onBeforeUnmount') }, unmounted() { calls.push('mid onUnmounted') }, render(this: any) { return h(Child, { count: this.$props.count }) } } const Child = { beforeCreate() { calls.push('child beforeCreate') }, created() { calls.push('child created') }, beforeMount() { calls.push('child onBeforeMount') }, mounted() { calls.push('child onMounted') }, beforeUpdate() { calls.push('child onBeforeUpdate') }, updated() { calls.push('child onUpdated') }, beforeUnmount() { calls.push('child onBeforeUnmount') }, unmounted() { calls.push('child onUnmounted') }, render(this: any) { return h('div', this.$props.count) } } // mount render(h(Root), root) expect(calls).toEqual([ 'root beforeCreate', 'root created', 'root onBeforeMount', 'mid beforeCreate', 'mid created', 'mid onBeforeMount', 'child beforeCreate', 'child created', 'child onBeforeMount', 'child onMounted', 'mid onMounted', 'root onMounted' ]) calls.length = 0 // update count.value++ await nextTick() expect(calls).toEqual([ 'root onBeforeUpdate', 'mid onBeforeUpdate', 'child onBeforeUpdate', 'child onUpdated', 'mid onUpdated', 'root onUpdated' ]) calls.length = 0 // unmount render(null, root) expect(calls).toEqual([ 'root onBeforeUnmount', 'mid onBeforeUnmount', 'child onBeforeUnmount', 'child onUnmounted', 'mid onUnmounted', 'root onUnmounted' ]) }) test('mixins', () => { const calls: string[] = [] const mixinA = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, created(this: any) { calls.push('mixinA created') expect(this.a).toBe(1) expect(this.b).toBe(2) expect(this.c).toBe(3) }, mounted() { calls.push('mixinA mounted') } } const mixinB = { data() { return { b: 2 } }, created(this: any) { calls.push('mixinB created') expect(this.a).toBe(1) expect(this.b).toBe(2) expect(this.c).toBe(3) }, mounted() { calls.push('mixinB mounted') } } const Comp = { mixins: [mixinA, mixinB], data() { return { c: 3 } }, created(this: any) { calls.push('comp created') expect(this.a).toBe(1) expect(this.b).toBe(2) expect(this.c).toBe(3) }, mounted() { calls.push('comp mounted') }, render(this: any) { return `${this.a}${this.b}${this.c}` } } expect(renderToString(h(Comp))).toBe(`123`) expect(calls).toEqual([ 'mixinA created', 'mixinB created', 'comp created', 'mixinA mounted', 'mixinB mounted', 'comp mounted' ]) }) test('extends', () => { const calls: string[] = [] const Base = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, mounted() { calls.push('base') } } const Comp = { extends: Base, data() { return { b: 2 } }, mounted() { calls.push('comp') }, render(this: any) { return `${this.a}${this.b}` } } expect(renderToString(h(Comp))).toBe(`12`) expect(calls).toEqual(['base', 'comp']) }) test('accessing setup() state from options', async () => { const Comp = defineComponent({ setup() { return { count: ref(0) } }, data() { return { plusOne: (this as any).count + 1 } }, computed: { plusTwo(): number { return this.count + 2 } }, methods: { inc() { this.count++ } }, render() { return h( 'div', { onClick: }, `${this.count},${this.plusOne},${this.plusTwo}` ) } }) const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) triggerEvent(root.children[0] as TestElement, 'click') await nextTick() expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(`
`) }) describe('warnings', () => { mockWarn() test('Expected a function as watch handler', () => { const Comp = { watch: { foo: 'notExistingMethod' }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( 'Invalid watch handler specified by key "notExistingMethod"' ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('Invalid watch option', () => { const Comp = { watch: { foo: true }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') // @ts-ignore render(h(Comp), root) expect('Invalid watch option: "foo"').toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('computed with setter and no getter', () => { const Comp = { computed: { foo: { set() {} } }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect('Computed property "foo" has no getter.').toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('assigning to computed with no setter', () => { let instance: any const Comp = { computed: { foo: { get() {} } }, mounted() { instance = this }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) = 1 expect( 'Computed property "foo" was assigned to but it has no setter.' ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('data property is already declared in props', () => { const Comp = { props: { foo: Number }, data: { foo: 1 }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Data property "foo" is already defined in Props.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('computed property is already declared in data', () => { const Comp = { data: { foo: 1 }, computed: { foo() {} }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Computed property "foo" is already defined in Data.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('computed property is already declared in props', () => { const Comp = { props: { foo: Number }, computed: { foo() {} }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Computed property "foo" is already defined in Props.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('methods property is not a function', () => { const Comp = { methods: { foo: 1 }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Method "foo" has type "number" in the component definition. ` + `Did you reference the function correctly?` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('methods property is already declared in data', () => { const Comp = { data: { foo: 2 }, methods: { foo() {} }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Methods property "foo" is already defined in Data.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('methods property is already declared in props', () => { const Comp = { props: { foo: Number }, methods: { foo() {} }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Methods property "foo" is already defined in Props.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('methods property is already declared in computed', () => { const Comp = { computed: { foo: { get() {}, set() {} } }, methods: { foo() {} }, render() {} } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Methods property "foo" is already defined in Computed.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('inject property is already declared in data', () => { const Comp = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, provide() { return { a: this.a } }, render() { return [h(ChildA)] } } as any const ChildA = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, inject: ['a'], render() { return this.a } } as any const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Inject property "a" is already defined in Data.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('inject property is already declared in props', () => { const Comp = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, provide() { return { a: this.a } }, render() { return [h(ChildA)] } } as any const ChildA = { props: { a: Number }, inject: ['a'], render() { return this.a } } as any const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Inject property "a" is already defined in Props.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('inject property is already declared in computed', () => { const Comp = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, provide() { return { a: this.a } }, render() { return [h(ChildA)] } } as any const ChildA = { computed: { a: { get() {}, set() {} } }, inject: ['a'], render() { return this.a } } as any const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Inject property "a" is already defined in Computed.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('inject property is already declared in methods', () => { const Comp = { data() { return { a: 1 } }, provide() { return { a: this.a } }, render() { return [h(ChildA)] } } as any const ChildA = { methods: { a: () => null }, inject: ['a'], render() { return this.a } } as any const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect( `Inject property "a" is already defined in Methods.` ).toHaveBeenWarned() }) }) })