/** Runtime helper for applying directives to a vnode. Example usage: const comp = resolveComponent('comp') const foo = resolveDirective('foo') const bar = resolveDirective('bar') return applyDirectives( h(comp), [foo, this.x], [bar, this.y] ) */ import { VNode, cloneVNode } from './vnode' import { extend } from '@vue/shared' import { warn } from './warning' import { ComponentInstance, currentRenderingInstance, ComponentRenderProxy } from './component' interface DirectiveBinding { instance: ComponentRenderProxy | null value?: any oldValue?: any arg?: string modifiers?: DirectiveModifiers } type DirectiveHook = ( el: any, binding: DirectiveBinding, vnode: VNode, prevVNode: VNode | void ) => void interface Directive { beforeMount: DirectiveHook mounted: DirectiveHook beforeUpdate: DirectiveHook updated: DirectiveHook beforeUnmount: DirectiveHook unmounted: DirectiveHook } type DirectiveModifiers = Record const valueCache = new WeakMap>() function applyDirective( props: Record, instance: ComponentInstance, directive: Directive, value?: any, arg?: string, modifiers?: DirectiveModifiers ) { let valueCacheForDir = valueCache.get(directive) as WeakMap if (!valueCacheForDir) { valueCacheForDir = new WeakMap() valueCache.set(directive, valueCacheForDir) } for (const key in directive) { const hook = directive[key as keyof Directive] const hookKey = `vnode` + key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1) const vnodeHook = (vnode: VNode, prevVNode?: VNode) => { let oldValue if (prevVNode !== void 0) { oldValue = valueCacheForDir.get(prevVNode) valueCacheForDir.delete(prevVNode) } valueCacheForDir.set(vnode, value) hook( vnode.el, { instance: instance.renderProxy, value, oldValue, arg, modifiers }, vnode, prevVNode ) } const existing = props[hookKey] props[hookKey] = existing ? [].concat(existing as any, vnodeHook as any) : vnodeHook } } type DirectiveArguments = [ Directive, any, string | undefined, DirectiveModifiers | undefined ][] export function applyDirectives( vnode: VNode, ...directives: DirectiveArguments ) { const instance = currentRenderingInstance if (instance !== null) { vnode = cloneVNode(vnode) vnode.props = vnode.props != null ? extend({}, vnode.props) : {} for (let i = 0; i < directives.length; i++) { applyDirective(vnode.props, instance, ...directives[i]) } } else if (__DEV__) { warn(`applyDirectives can only be used inside render functions.`) } return vnode } export function resolveDirective(name: string): Directive { // TODO return {} as any }