/* Produce prodcution builds and stitch toegether d.ts files. To specific the package to build, simply pass its name and the desired build formats to output (defaults to `buildOptions.formats` specified in that package, or "esm,cjs"): ``` # name supports fuzzy match. will build all packages with name containing "dom": yarn build dom # specify the format to output yarn build core --formats cjs ``` */ const fs = require('fs-extra') const path = require('path') const zlib = require('zlib') const chalk = require('chalk') const execa = require('execa') const { compress } = require('brotli') const { targets, fuzzyMatchTarget } = require('./utils') const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)) const target = args._[0] const formats = args.formats || args.f const buildAllMatching = args.all || args.a ;(async () => { if (!target) { await buildAll(targets) checkAllSizes(targets) } else { await buildAll(fuzzyMatchTarget(target, buildAllMatching)) checkAllSizes(fuzzyMatchTarget(target, buildAllMatching)) } })() async function buildAll(targets) { for (const target of targets) { await build(target) } } async function build(target) { const pkgDir = path.resolve(`packages/${target}`) const pkg = require(`${pkgDir}/package.json`) await fs.remove(`${pkgDir}/dist`) await execa( 'rollup', [ '-c', '--environment', `NODE_ENV:production,` + `TARGET:${target}` + (formats ? `,FORMATS:${formats}` : ``) + (args.types ? `,TYPES:true` : ``) + (args.p ? `,PROD_ONLY:true` : ``) ], { stdio: 'inherit' } ) if (args.types && pkg.types) { console.log() console.log( chalk.bold(chalk.yellow(`Rolling up type definitions for ${target}...`)) ) // build types const { Extractor, ExtractorConfig } = require('@microsoft/api-extractor') const extractorConfigPath = path.resolve(pkgDir, `api-extractor.json`) const extractorConfig = ExtractorConfig.loadFileAndPrepare( extractorConfigPath ) const result = Extractor.invoke(extractorConfig, { localBuild: true, showVerboseMessages: true }) if (result.succeeded) { console.log( chalk.bold(chalk.green(`API Extractor completed successfully.`)) ) } else { console.error( `API Extractor completed with ${extractorResult.errorCount} errors` + ` and ${extractorResult.warningCount} warnings` ) process.exitCode = 1 } await fs.remove(`${pkgDir}/dist/packages`) } } function checkAllSizes(targets) { console.log() for (const target of targets) { checkSize(target) } console.log() } function checkSize(target) { const pkgDir = path.resolve(`packages/${target}`) const esmProdBuild = `${pkgDir}/dist/${target}.esm-browser.prod.js` if (fs.existsSync(esmProdBuild)) { const file = fs.readFileSync(esmProdBuild) const minSize = (file.length / 1024).toFixed(2) + 'kb' const compressed = compress(file) const compressedSize = (compressed.length / 1024).toFixed(2) + 'kb' console.log( `${chalk.gray( chalk.bold(target) )} min:${minSize} / brotli:${compressedSize}` ) } }