import { ref, effect, reactive, isRef, toRef, toRefs, Ref, isReactive } from '../src/index' import { computed } from '@vue/runtime-dom' import { shallowRef, unref, customRef, triggerRef } from '../src/ref' import { isShallow, readonly, shallowReactive } from '../src/reactive' describe('reactivity/ref', () => { it('should hold a value', () => { const a = ref(1) expect(a.value).toBe(1) a.value = 2 expect(a.value).toBe(2) }) it('should be reactive', () => { const a = ref(1) let dummy let calls = 0 effect(() => { calls++ dummy = a.value }) expect(calls).toBe(1) expect(dummy).toBe(1) a.value = 2 expect(calls).toBe(2) expect(dummy).toBe(2) // same value should not trigger a.value = 2 expect(calls).toBe(2) }) it('should make nested properties reactive', () => { const a = ref({ count: 1 }) let dummy effect(() => { dummy = a.value.count }) expect(dummy).toBe(1) a.value.count = 2 expect(dummy).toBe(2) }) it('should work without initial value', () => { const a = ref() let dummy effect(() => { dummy = a.value }) expect(dummy).toBe(undefined) a.value = 2 expect(dummy).toBe(2) }) it('should work like a normal property when nested in a reactive object', () => { const a = ref(1) const obj = reactive({ a, b: { c: a } }) let dummy1: number let dummy2: number effect(() => { dummy1 = obj.a dummy2 = obj.b.c }) const assertDummiesEqualTo = (val: number) => [dummy1, dummy2].forEach(dummy => expect(dummy).toBe(val)) assertDummiesEqualTo(1) a.value++ assertDummiesEqualTo(2) obj.a++ assertDummiesEqualTo(3) obj.b.c++ assertDummiesEqualTo(4) }) it('should unwrap nested ref in types', () => { const a = ref(0) const b = ref(a) expect(typeof (b.value + 1)).toBe('number') }) it('should unwrap nested values in types', () => { const a = { b: ref(0) } const c = ref(a) expect(typeof (c.value.b + 1)).toBe('number') }) it('should NOT unwrap ref types nested inside arrays', () => { const arr = ref([1, ref(3)]).value expect(isRef(arr[0])).toBe(false) expect(isRef(arr[1])).toBe(true) expect((arr[1] as Ref).value).toBe(3) }) it('should unwrap ref types as props of arrays', () => { const arr = [ref(0)] const symbolKey = Symbol('') arr['' as any] = ref(1) arr[symbolKey as any] = ref(2) const arrRef = ref(arr).value expect(isRef(arrRef[0])).toBe(true) expect(isRef(arrRef['' as any])).toBe(false) expect(isRef(arrRef[symbolKey as any])).toBe(false) expect(arrRef['' as any]).toBe(1) expect(arrRef[symbolKey as any]).toBe(2) }) it('should keep tuple types', () => { const tuple: [number, string, { a: number }, () => number, Ref] = [ 0, '1', { a: 1 }, () => 0, ref(0) ] const tupleRef = ref(tuple) tupleRef.value[0]++ expect(tupleRef.value[0]).toBe(1) tupleRef.value[1] += '1' expect(tupleRef.value[1]).toBe('11') tupleRef.value[2].a++ expect(tupleRef.value[2].a).toBe(2) expect(tupleRef.value[3]()).toBe(0) tupleRef.value[4].value++ expect(tupleRef.value[4].value).toBe(1) }) it('should keep symbols', () => { const customSymbol = Symbol() const obj = { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: ref(1), [Symbol.hasInstance]: { a: ref('a') }, [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: { b: ref(true) }, [Symbol.iterator]: [ref(1)], [Symbol.match]: new Set>(), [Symbol.matchAll]: new Map>(), [Symbol.replace]: { arr: [ref('a')] }, []: { set: new Set>() }, [Symbol.species]: { map: new Map>() }, [Symbol.split]: new WeakSet>(), [Symbol.toPrimitive]: new WeakMap, string>(), [Symbol.toStringTag]: { weakSet: new WeakSet>() }, [Symbol.unscopables]: { weakMap: new WeakMap, string>() }, [customSymbol]: { arr: [ref(1)] } } const objRef = ref(obj) const keys: (keyof typeof obj)[] = [ Symbol.asyncIterator, Symbol.hasInstance, Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, Symbol.iterator, Symbol.match, Symbol.matchAll, Symbol.replace,, Symbol.species, Symbol.split, Symbol.toPrimitive, Symbol.toStringTag, Symbol.unscopables, customSymbol ] keys.forEach(key => { expect(objRef.value[key]).toStrictEqual(obj[key]) }) }) test('unref', () => { expect(unref(1)).toBe(1) expect(unref(ref(1))).toBe(1) }) test('shallowRef', () => { const sref = shallowRef({ a: 1 }) expect(isReactive(sref.value)).toBe(false) let dummy effect(() => { dummy = sref.value.a }) expect(dummy).toBe(1) sref.value = { a: 2 } expect(isReactive(sref.value)).toBe(false) expect(dummy).toBe(2) }) test('shallowRef force trigger', () => { const sref = shallowRef({ a: 1 }) let dummy effect(() => { dummy = sref.value.a }) expect(dummy).toBe(1) sref.value.a = 2 expect(dummy).toBe(1) // should not trigger yet // force trigger triggerRef(sref) expect(dummy).toBe(2) }) test('shallowRef isShallow', () => { expect(isShallow(shallowRef({ a: 1 }))).toBe(true) }) test('isRef', () => { expect(isRef(ref(1))).toBe(true) expect(isRef(computed(() => 1))).toBe(true) expect(isRef(0)).toBe(false) expect(isRef(1)).toBe(false) // an object that looks like a ref isn't necessarily a ref expect(isRef({ value: 0 })).toBe(false) }) test('toRef', () => { const a = reactive({ x: 1 }) const x = toRef(a, 'x') expect(isRef(x)).toBe(true) expect(x.value).toBe(1) // source -> proxy a.x = 2 expect(x.value).toBe(2) // proxy -> source x.value = 3 expect(a.x).toBe(3) // reactivity let dummyX effect(() => { dummyX = x.value }) expect(dummyX).toBe(x.value) // mutating source should trigger effect using the proxy refs a.x = 4 expect(dummyX).toBe(4) // should keep ref const r = { x: ref(1) } expect(toRef(r, 'x')).toBe(r.x) }) test('toRef default value', () => { const a: { x: number | undefined } = { x: undefined } const x = toRef(a, 'x', 1) expect(x.value).toBe(1) a.x = 2 expect(x.value).toBe(2) a.x = undefined expect(x.value).toBe(1) }) test('toRefs', () => { const a = reactive({ x: 1, y: 2 }) const { x, y } = toRefs(a) expect(isRef(x)).toBe(true) expect(isRef(y)).toBe(true) expect(x.value).toBe(1) expect(y.value).toBe(2) // source -> proxy a.x = 2 a.y = 3 expect(x.value).toBe(2) expect(y.value).toBe(3) // proxy -> source x.value = 3 y.value = 4 expect(a.x).toBe(3) expect(a.y).toBe(4) // reactivity let dummyX, dummyY effect(() => { dummyX = x.value dummyY = y.value }) expect(dummyX).toBe(x.value) expect(dummyY).toBe(y.value) // mutating source should trigger effect using the proxy refs a.x = 4 a.y = 5 expect(dummyX).toBe(4) expect(dummyY).toBe(5) }) test('toRefs should warn on plain object', () => { toRefs({}) expect(`toRefs() expects a reactive object`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('toRefs should warn on plain array', () => { toRefs([]) expect(`toRefs() expects a reactive object`).toHaveBeenWarned() }) test('toRefs reactive array', () => { const arr = reactive(['a', 'b', 'c']) const refs = toRefs(arr) expect(Array.isArray(refs)).toBe(true) refs[0].value = '1' expect(arr[0]).toBe('1') arr[1] = '2' expect(refs[1].value).toBe('2') }) test('customRef', () => { let value = 1 let _trigger: () => void const custom = customRef((track, trigger) => ({ get() { track() return value }, set(newValue: number) { value = newValue _trigger = trigger } })) expect(isRef(custom)).toBe(true) let dummy effect(() => { dummy = custom.value }) expect(dummy).toBe(1) custom.value = 2 // should not trigger yet expect(dummy).toBe(1) _trigger!() expect(dummy).toBe(2) }) test('should not trigger when setting value to same proxy', () => { const obj = reactive({ count: 0 }) const a = ref(obj) const spy1 = jest.fn(() => a.value) effect(spy1) a.value = obj expect(spy1).toBeCalledTimes(1) const b = shallowRef(obj) const spy2 = jest.fn(() => b.value) effect(spy2) b.value = obj expect(spy2).toBeCalledTimes(1) }) test('ref should preserve value shallow/readonly-ness', () => { const original = {} const r = reactive(original) const s = shallowReactive(original) const rr = readonly(original) const a = ref(original) expect(a.value).toBe(r) a.value = s expect(a.value).toBe(s) expect(a.value).not.toBe(r) a.value = rr expect(a.value).toBe(rr) expect(a.value).not.toBe(r) }) })