import { watch, watchEffect, reactive, computed, nextTick, ref, h } from '../src/index' import { render, nodeOps, serializeInner } from '@vue/runtime-test' import { ITERATE_KEY, DebuggerEvent, TrackOpTypes, TriggerOpTypes } from '@vue/reactivity' import { mockWarn } from '@vue/shared' // reference: describe('api: watch', () => { mockWarn() it('effect', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) let dummy watchEffect(() => { dummy = state.count }) expect(dummy).toBe(0) state.count++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toBe(1) }) it('watching single source: getter', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) let dummy watch( () => state.count, (count, prevCount) => { dummy = [count, prevCount] // assert types count + 1 if (prevCount) { prevCount + 1 } } ) state.count++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toMatchObject([1, 0]) }) it('watching single source: ref', async () => { const count = ref(0) let dummy watch(count, (count, prevCount) => { dummy = [count, prevCount] // assert types count + 1 if (prevCount) { prevCount + 1 } }) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toMatchObject([1, 0]) }) it('watching single source: computed ref', async () => { const count = ref(0) const plus = computed(() => count.value + 1) let dummy watch(plus, (count, prevCount) => { dummy = [count, prevCount] // assert types count + 1 if (prevCount) { prevCount + 1 } }) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toMatchObject([2, 1]) }) it('watching multiple sources', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 1 }) const count = ref(1) const plus = computed(() => count.value + 1) let dummy watch([() => state.count, count, plus], (vals, oldVals) => { dummy = [vals, oldVals] // assert types vals.concat(1) oldVals.concat(1) }) state.count++ count.value++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toMatchObject([[2, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2]]) }) it('watching multiple sources: readonly array', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 1 }) const status = ref(false) let dummy watch([() => state.count, status] as const, (vals, oldVals) => { dummy = [vals, oldVals] let [count] = vals let [, oldStatus] = oldVals // assert types count + 1 oldStatus === true }) state.count++ status.value = true await nextTick() expect(dummy).toMatchObject([[2, true], [1, false]]) }) it('stopping the watcher (effect)', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) let dummy const stop = watchEffect(() => { dummy = state.count }) expect(dummy).toBe(0) stop() state.count++ await nextTick() // should not update expect(dummy).toBe(0) }) it('stopping the watcher (with source)', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) let dummy const stop = watch( () => state.count, count => { dummy = count } ) state.count++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toBe(1) stop() state.count++ await nextTick() // should not update expect(dummy).toBe(1) }) it('cleanup registration (effect)', async () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }) const cleanup = jest.fn() let dummy const stop = watchEffect(onCleanup => { onCleanup(cleanup) dummy = state.count }) expect(dummy).toBe(0) state.count++ await nextTick() expect(cleanup).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(dummy).toBe(1) stop() expect(cleanup).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) it('cleanup registration (with source)', async () => { const count = ref(0) const cleanup = jest.fn() let dummy const stop = watch(count, (count, prevCount, onCleanup) => { onCleanup(cleanup) dummy = count }) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(cleanup).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0) expect(dummy).toBe(1) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(cleanup).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(dummy).toBe(2) stop() expect(cleanup).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) it('flush timing: post (default)', async () => { const count = ref(0) let callCount = 0 const assertion = jest.fn(count => { callCount++ // on mount, the watcher callback should be called before DOM render // on update, should be called after the count is updated const expectedDOM = callCount === 1 ? `` : `${count}` expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(expectedDOM) }) const Comp = { setup() { watchEffect(() => { assertion(count.value) }) return () => count.value } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(assertion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(assertion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) it('flush timing: pre', async () => { const count = ref(0) const count2 = ref(0) let callCount = 0 const assertion = jest.fn((count, count2Value) => { callCount++ // on mount, the watcher callback should be called before DOM render // on update, should be called before the count is updated const expectedDOM = callCount === 1 ? `` : `${count - 1}` expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(expectedDOM) // in a pre-flush callback, all state should have been updated const expectedState = callCount === 1 ? 0 : 1 expect(count2Value).toBe(expectedState) }) const Comp = { setup() { watchEffect( () => { assertion(count.value, count2.value) }, { flush: 'pre' } ) return () => count.value } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(assertion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) count.value++ count2.value++ await nextTick() // two mutations should result in 1 callback execution expect(assertion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) it('flush timing: sync', async () => { const count = ref(0) const count2 = ref(0) let callCount = 0 const assertion = jest.fn(count => { callCount++ // on mount, the watcher callback should be called before DOM render // on update, should be called before the count is updated const expectedDOM = callCount === 1 ? `` : `${count - 1}` expect(serializeInner(root)).toBe(expectedDOM) // in a sync callback, state mutation on the next line should not have // executed yet on the 2nd call, but will be on the 3rd call. const expectedState = callCount < 3 ? 0 : 1 expect(count2.value).toBe(expectedState) }) const Comp = { setup() { watchEffect( () => { assertion(count.value) }, { flush: 'sync' } ) return () => count.value } } const root = nodeOps.createElement('div') render(h(Comp), root) expect(assertion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) count.value++ count2.value++ await nextTick() expect(assertion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) }) it('deep', async () => { const state = reactive({ nested: { count: ref(0) }, array: [1, 2, 3], map: new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]), set: new Set([1, 2, 3]) }) let dummy watch( () => state, state => { dummy = [ state.nested.count, state.array[0],'a'), state.set.has(1) ] }, { deep: true } ) state.nested.count++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toEqual([1, 1, 1, true]) // nested array mutation state.array[0] = 2 await nextTick() expect(dummy).toEqual([1, 2, 1, true]) // nested map mutation'a', 2) await nextTick() expect(dummy).toEqual([1, 2, 2, true]) // nested set mutation state.set.delete(1) await nextTick() expect(dummy).toEqual([1, 2, 2, false]) }) it('immediate', async () => { const count = ref(0) const cb = jest.fn() watch(count, cb, { immediate: true }) expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) count.value++ await nextTick() expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }) it('immediate: triggers when initial value is null', async () => { const state = ref(null) const spy = jest.fn() watch(() => state.value, spy, { immediate: true }) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('immediate: triggers when initial value is undefined', async () => { const state = ref() const spy = jest.fn() watch(() => state.value, spy, { immediate: true }) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() state.value = 3 await nextTick() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) // testing if undefined can trigger the watcher state.value = undefined await nextTick() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) // it shouldn't trigger if the same value is set state.value = undefined await nextTick() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) }) it('warn immediate option when using effect', async () => { const count = ref(0) let dummy watchEffect( () => { dummy = count.value }, // @ts-ignore { immediate: false } ) expect(dummy).toBe(0) expect(`"immediate" option is only respected`).toHaveBeenWarned() count.value++ await nextTick() expect(dummy).toBe(1) }) it('onTrack', async () => { const events: DebuggerEvent[] = [] let dummy const onTrack = jest.fn((e: DebuggerEvent) => { events.push(e) }) const obj = reactive({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }) watchEffect( () => { dummy = [, 'bar' in obj, Object.keys(obj)] }, { onTrack } ) await nextTick() expect(dummy).toEqual([1, true, ['foo', 'bar']]) expect(onTrack).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3) expect(events).toMatchObject([ { target: obj, type: TrackOpTypes.GET, key: 'foo' }, { target: obj, type: TrackOpTypes.HAS, key: 'bar' }, { target: obj, type: TrackOpTypes.ITERATE, key: ITERATE_KEY } ]) }) it('onTrigger', async () => { const events: DebuggerEvent[] = [] let dummy const onTrigger = jest.fn((e: DebuggerEvent) => { events.push(e) }) const obj = reactive({ foo: 1 }) watchEffect( () => { dummy = }, { onTrigger } ) await nextTick() expect(dummy).toBe(1) await nextTick() expect(dummy).toBe(2) expect(onTrigger).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(events[0]).toMatchObject({ type: TriggerOpTypes.SET, key: 'foo', oldValue: 1, newValue: 2 }) delete await nextTick() expect(dummy).toBeUndefined() expect(onTrigger).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(events[1]).toMatchObject({ type: TriggerOpTypes.DELETE, key: 'foo', oldValue: 2 }) }) })