wip: compileScript typed signature generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
const bindings: BindingMetadata = {}
const imports: Record<string, boolean> = {}
const imports: Record<string, string> = {}
const setupScopeVars: Record<string, boolean> = {}
const setupExports: Record<string, boolean> = {}
let exportAllIndex = 0
@ -59,13 +59,12 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
const scriptEndOffset = script && script.loc.end.offset
// parse and transform <script setup>
const isTS = scriptSetup.lang === 'ts'
const plugins: ParserPlugin[] = [
...(options.parserPlugins || []),
...(babelParserDefautPlugins as ParserPlugin[])
...(babelParserDefautPlugins as ParserPlugin[]),
...(isTS ? (['typescript'] as const) : [])
if (scriptSetup.lang === 'ts') {
// process normal <script> first if it exists
if (script) {
@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
for (const {
local: { name }
} of node.specifiers) {
imports[name] = true
imports[name] = node.source.value
} else if (node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') {
// export default
@ -100,43 +99,64 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
defaultExport = node
if (node.source) {
// export { x as default } from './x'
} else {
// export { x as default }
// check <script setup="xxx"> function signature
const hasExplicitSignature = typeof scriptSetup.setup === 'string'
let propsVar = `$props`
let emitVar = `$emit`
let args = `${propsVar}, { emit: ${emitVar}, attrs: $attrs, slots: $slots }`
if (typeof scriptSetup.setup === 'string') {
let slotsVar = `$slots`
let attrsVar = `$attrs`
let propsType = `{}`
let emitType = `(e: string, ...args: any[]) => void`
let slotsType = `__Slots__`
let attrsType = `Record<string, any>`
let propsASTNode
let setupCtxASTNode
// props/emits declared via types
const typeDeclaredProps: string[] = []
const typeDeclaredEmits: string[] = []
if (isTS && hasExplicitSignature) {
// <script setup="xxx" lang="ts">
// parse the signature to extract the props/emit variables the user wants
// we need them to find corresponding type declarations.
if (scriptSetup.lang === 'ts') {
const signatureAST = parse(`(${scriptSetup.setup})=>{}`, { plugins })
const params = ((signatureAST as ExpressionStatement)
.expression as ArrowFunctionExpression).params
if (params[0] && params[0].type === 'Identifier') {
propsVar = params[0].name
propsASTNode = params[0]
propsVar = propsASTNode.name
if (params[1] && params[1].type === 'ObjectPattern') {
setupCtxASTNode = params[1]
for (const p of params[1].properties) {
if (
p.type === 'ObjectProperty' &&
p.key.type === 'Identifier' &&
p.key.name === 'emit' &&
p.value.type === 'Identifier'
) {
if (p.key.name === 'emit') {
emitVar = p.value.name
} else if (p.key.name === 'slots') {
slotsVar = p.value.name
} else if (p.key.name === 'attrs') {
attrsVar = p.value.name
args = scriptSetup.setup
const scriptSetupAST = parse(scriptSetup.content, {
@ -172,7 +192,7 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
specifier.end! + startOffset
} else {
imports[specifier.local.name] = true
imports[specifier.local.name] = node.source.value
prev = specifier
@ -181,13 +201,13 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration') {
if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && node.exportKind !== 'type') {
// named exports
if (node.declaration) {
// variable/function/class declarations.
// remove leading `export ` keyword
s.remove(start, start + 7)
walkDeclaration(node.declaration, setupExports, propsVar, emitVar)
walkDeclaration(node.declaration, setupExports)
if (node.specifiers.length) {
// named export with specifiers
@ -277,11 +297,47 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
if (
node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ||
(node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
node.type === 'ClassDeclaration'
node.type === 'ClassDeclaration') &&
) {
walkDeclaration(node, setupScopeVars, propsVar, emitVar)
walkDeclaration(node, setupScopeVars)
// Type declarations
if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' && node.declare) {
s.remove(start, end)
for (const { id } of node.declarations) {
if (id.type === 'Identifier') {
if (
id.typeAnnotation &&
id.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation'
) {
const typeNode = id.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation
const typeString = source.slice(
typeNode.start! + startOffset,
typeNode.end! + startOffset
if (typeNode.type === 'TSTypeLiteral') {
if (id.name === propsVar) {
propsType = typeString
extractProps(typeNode, typeDeclaredProps)
} else if (id.name === slotsVar) {
slotsType = typeString
} else if (id.name === attrsVar) {
attrsType = typeString
} else if (
id.name === emitVar &&
typeNode.type === 'TSFunctionType'
) {
emitType = typeString
extractEmits(typeNode, typeDeclaredEmits)
if (
@ -289,7 +345,11 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
node.id &&
node.id.name === emitVar
) {
const index = node.id.start! + startOffset
s.overwrite(index, index + emitVar.length, '__emit__')
s.move(start, end, 0)
emitType = `typeof __emit__`
extractEmits(node, typeDeclaredEmits)
@ -325,7 +385,38 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
// wrap setup code with function
// determine the argument signature.
// finalize the argument signature.
let args
if (isTS) {
if (slotsType === '__Slots__') {
s.prepend(`import { Slots as __Slots__ } from 'vue'\n`)
const ctxType = `{
emit: ${emitType},
slots: ${slotsType},
attrs: ${attrsType}
if (hasExplicitSignature) {
// inject types to user signature
args = scriptSetup.setup as string
const ss = new MagicString(args)
if (propsASTNode) {
// compensate for () wraper offset
ss.appendRight(propsASTNode.end! - 1, `: ${propsType}`)
if (setupCtxASTNode) {
ss.appendRight(setupCtxASTNode.end! - 1!, `: ${ctxType}`)
args = ss.toString()
} else {
args = `$props: ${propsType}, { emit: $emit, slots: $slots, attrs: $attrs }: ${ctxType}`
} else {
args = hasExplicitSignature
? scriptSetup.setup
: `$props, { emit: $emit, slots: $slots, attrs: $attrs }`
// export the content of <script setup> as a named export, `setup`.
// this allows `import { setup } from '*.vue'` for testing purposes.
s.appendLeft(startOffset, `\nexport function setup(${args}) {\n`)
@ -372,35 +463,11 @@ export function compileScriptSetup(
function walkDeclaration(
node: Declaration,
bindings: Record<string, boolean>,
propsKey: string,
emitsKey: string
) {
function walkDeclaration(node: Declaration, bindings: Record<string, boolean>) {
if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
// export const foo = ...
for (const { id } of node.declarations) {
if (node.declare) {
// TODO `declare const $props...`
if (id.type === 'Identifier') {
if (
id.name === propsKey &&
id.typeAnnotation &&
id.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation' &&
id.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeLiteral'
) {
} else if (
id.name === emitsKey &&
id.typeAnnotation &&
id.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSTypeAnnotation' &&
id.typeAnnotation.typeAnnotation.type === 'TSFunctionType'
) {
} else if (id.type === 'Identifier') {
bindings[id.name] = true
} else if (id.type === 'ObjectPattern') {
walkObjectPattern(id, bindings)
@ -469,14 +536,17 @@ function walkPattern(node: Node, bindings: Record<string, boolean>) {
function genProps(node: TSTypeLiteral) {
function extractProps(node: TSTypeLiteral, props: string[]) {
console.log('gen props', node)
console.log('gen props', node, props)
function genEmits(node: TSFunctionType | TSDeclareFunction) {
function extractEmits(
node: TSFunctionType | TSDeclareFunction,
emits: string[]
) {
console.log('gen emits', node)
console.log('gen emits', node, emits)
@ -486,7 +556,7 @@ function genEmits(node: TSFunctionType | TSDeclareFunction) {
function checkDefaultExport(
root: Node,
scopeVars: Record<string, boolean>,
imports: Record<string, boolean>,
imports: Record<string, string>,
exports: Record<string, boolean>,
source: string,
offset: number
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