wip: scheduler, more component
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,82 @@
import { VNode, normalizeVNode } from './vnode'
import { VNode, normalizeVNode, VNodeChild } from './vnode'
import { ReactiveEffect } from '@vue/observer'
import { isFunction, EMPTY_OBJ } from '@vue/shared'
export class Component {}
interface Value<T> {
value: T
export function renderComponentRoot(instance: any): VNode {
return normalizeVNode(instance.render(instance.vnode.props))
type UnwrapBindings<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key] extends Value<infer V> ? V : T[key]
type Prop<T> = { (): T } | { new (...args: any[]): T & object }
type ExtractPropTypes<PropOptions> = {
readonly [key in keyof PropOptions]: PropOptions[key] extends Prop<infer V>
? V
: PropOptions[key] extends null | undefined ? any : PropOptions[key]
interface ComponentPublicProperties<P, S> {
$props: P
$state: S
export interface ComponentOptions<
RawProps = { [key: string]: Prop<any> },
RawBindings = { [key: string]: any } | void,
Props = ExtractPropTypes<RawProps>,
Bindings = UnwrapBindings<RawBindings>
> {
props?: RawProps
setup?: (props: Props) => RawBindings
render?: <B extends Bindings>(
this: ComponentPublicProperties<Props, B>,
ctx: {
state: B
props: Props
) => VNodeChild
// no-op, for type inference only
export function createComponent<
Props = ExtractPropTypes<RawProps>,
Bindings = UnwrapBindings<RawBindings>
options: ComponentOptions<RawProps, RawBindings, Props, Bindings>
): {
// for TSX
new (): { $props: Props }
} {
return options as any
export interface ComponentHandle {
type: Function | ComponentOptions
vnode: VNode | null
next: VNode | null
subTree: VNode | null
update: ReactiveEffect
export function renderComponentRoot(handle: ComponentHandle): VNode {
const { type, vnode } = handle
// TODO actually resolve props
const renderArg = {
props: (vnode as VNode).props || EMPTY_OBJ
if (isFunction(type)) {
return normalizeVNode(type(renderArg))
} else {
if (__DEV__ && !type.render) {
// TODO warn missing render
return normalizeVNode((type.render as Function)(renderArg))
export function shouldUpdateComponent(
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// TODO:
// - component
// - lifecycle
// - lifecycle / refs
// - keep alive
// - app context
// - svg
// - refs
// - hydration
// - warning context
// - parent chain
@ -13,17 +13,20 @@ import {
} from './vnode.js'
} from './vnode'
import { isString, isArray, EMPTY_OBJ, EMPTY_ARR } from '@vue/shared'
import { TEXT, CLASS, STYLE, PROPS, KEYED, UNKEYED } from './patchFlags'
import { effect } from '@vue/observer'
import { isString, isFunction, isArray } from '@vue/shared'
import { renderComponentRoot, shouldUpdateComponent } from './component.js'
const emptyArr: any[] = []
const emptyObj: { [key: string]: any } = {}
import { effect, stop } from '@vue/observer'
import {
} from './component'
import { queueJob } from './scheduler'
function isSameType(n1: VNode, n2: VNode): boolean {
return n1.type === n2.type && n1.key === n2.key
@ -81,16 +84,26 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
const { type } = n2
if (type === Text) {
processText(n1, n2, container, anchor)
} else if (type === Empty) {
processEmptyNode(n1, n2, container, anchor)
} else if (type === Fragment) {
processFragment(n1, n2, container, anchor, optimized)
} else if (isFunction(type)) {
processComponent(n1, n2, container, anchor)
} else {
processElement(n1, n2, container, anchor, optimized)
switch (type) {
case Text:
processText(n1, n2, container, anchor)
case Empty:
processEmptyNode(n1, n2, container, anchor)
case Fragment:
processFragment(n1, n2, container, anchor, optimized)
case Portal:
if (isString(type)) {
processElement(n1, n2, container, anchor, optimized)
} else {
processComponent(n1, n2, container, anchor)
@ -172,8 +185,8 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
function patchElement(n1: VNode, n2: VNode, optimized?: boolean) {
const el = (n2.el = n1.el)
const { patchFlag, dynamicChildren } = n2
const oldProps = (n1 && n1.props) || emptyObj
const newProps = n2.props || emptyObj
const oldProps = (n1 && n1.props) || EMPTY_OBJ
const newProps = n2.props || EMPTY_OBJ
if (patchFlag != null) {
// the presence of a patchFlag means this element's render code was
@ -272,7 +285,7 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
if (oldProps !== emptyObj) {
if (oldProps !== EMPTY_OBJ) {
for (const key in oldProps) {
if (!(key in newProps)) {
@ -320,10 +333,10 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
if (n1 == null) {
mountComponent(n2, container, anchor)
} else {
const instance = (n2.component = n1.component)
const instance = (n2.component = n1.component) as ComponentHandle
if (shouldUpdateComponent(n1, n2)) {
instance.next = n2
} else {
n2.el = n1.el
@ -335,15 +348,17 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
container: HostNode,
anchor?: HostNode
) {
const instance = (vnode.component = {
const instance: ComponentHandle = (vnode.component = {
type: vnode.type as Function,
vnode: null,
next: null,
subTree: null,
forceUpdate: null,
render: vnode.type
} as any)
update: null as any
instance.forceUpdate = effect(
// TODO call setup, handle bindings and render context
instance.update = effect(
() => {
if (!instance.vnode) {
// initial mount
@ -357,9 +372,9 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
scheduler: e => e() // TODO use proper scheduler
scheduler: queueJob
) as any
function updateComponent(
@ -454,8 +469,8 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
anchor?: HostNode,
optimized?: boolean
) {
c1 = c1 || emptyArr
c2 = c2 || emptyArr
c1 = c1 || EMPTY_ARR
c2 = c2 || EMPTY_ARR
const oldLength = c1.length
const newLength = c2.length
const commonLength = Math.min(oldLength, newLength)
@ -618,7 +633,7 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
// generate longest stable subsequence only when nodes have moved
const increasingNewIndexSequence = moved
? getSequence(newIndexToOldIndexMap)
: emptyArr
j = increasingNewIndexSequence.length - 1
// looping backwards so that we can use last patched node as anchor
for (i = toBePatched - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
@ -645,7 +660,7 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
function move(vnode: VNode, container: HostNode, anchor: HostNode) {
if (vnode.component != null) {
move(vnode.component.subTree, container, anchor)
move(vnode.component.subTree as VNode, container, anchor)
if (vnode.type === Fragment) {
@ -663,7 +678,8 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
function unmount(vnode: VNode, doRemove?: boolean) {
if (vnode.component != null) {
// TODO teardown component
unmount(vnode.component.subTree, doRemove)
unmount(vnode.component.subTree as VNode, doRemove)
const shouldRemoveChildren = vnode.type === Fragment && doRemove
@ -691,7 +707,7 @@ export function createRenderer(options: RendererOptions) {
function getNextHostNode(vnode: VNode): HostNode {
return vnode.component === null
? hostNextSibling(vnode.anchor || vnode.el)
: getNextHostNode(vnode.component.subTree)
: getNextHostNode(vnode.component.subTree as VNode)
return function render(vnode: VNode, dom: HostNode): VNode {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
const queue: Array<() => void> = []
const postFlushCbs: Array<() => void> = []
const p = Promise.resolve()
let isFlushing = false
export function nextTick(fn?: () => void): Promise<void> {
return fn ? p.then(fn) : p
export function queueJob(job: () => void, onError?: (err: Error) => void) {
if (queue.indexOf(job) === -1) {
if (!isFlushing) {
const p = nextTick(flushJobs)
if (onError) p.catch(onError)
export function queuePostFlushCb(cb: () => void) {
if (postFlushCbs.indexOf(cb) === -1) {
export function flushPostFlushCbs() {
const cbs = postFlushCbs.slice()
let i = cbs.length
postFlushCbs.length = 0
// post flush cbs are flushed in reverse since they are queued top-down
// but should fire bottom-up
while (i--) {
type JobCountMap = Map<Function, number>
function flushJobs(seenJobs?: JobCountMap) {
isFlushing = true
let job
if (__DEV__) {
seenJobs = seenJobs || new Map()
while ((job = queue.shift())) {
if (__DEV__) {
const seen = seenJobs as JobCountMap
if (!seen.has(job)) {
seen.set(job, 1)
} else {
const count = seen.get(job) as number
if (count > RECURSION_LIMIT) {
throw new Error(
'Maximum recursive updates exceeded. ' +
"You may have code that is mutating state in your component's " +
'render function or updated hook.'
} else {
seen.set(job, count + 1)
isFlushing = false
// some postFlushCb queued jobs!
// keep flushing until it drains.
if (queue.length) {
@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
import { isArray, isFunction } from '@vue/shared'
import { ComponentHandle } from './component'
import { HostNode } from './createRenderer'
export const Fragment = Symbol('Fragment')
export const Text = Symbol('Text')
export const Empty = Symbol('Empty')
export const Portal = Symbol('Portal')
type VNodeTypes =
| string
| Function
| Object
| typeof Fragment
| typeof Text
| typeof Empty
export type VNodeChild = VNode | string | number | null
export interface VNodeChildren extends Array<VNodeChildren | VNodeChild> {}
type VNodeChildAtom = VNode | string | number | null | void
export interface VNodeChildren extends Array<VNodeChildren | VNodeChildAtom> {}
export type VNodeChild = VNodeChildAtom | VNodeChildren
export interface VNode {
type: VNodeTypes
props: { [key: string]: any } | null
key: string | number | null
children: string | VNodeChildren | null
component: any
component: ComponentHandle | null
// DOM
el: any
anchor: any // fragment anchor
el: HostNode | null
anchor: HostNode | null // fragment anchor
// optimization only
patchFlag: number | null
@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ export function cloneVNode(vnode: VNode): VNode {
return vnode
export function normalizeVNode(child: any): VNode {
export function normalizeVNode(child: VNodeChild): VNode {
if (child == null) {
// empty placeholder
return createVNode(Empty)
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
# @vue/scheduler
> This package is published only for typing and building custom renderers. It is NOT meant to be used in applications.
The default scheduler that uses Promise / Microtask to defer and batch updates.
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
import { queueJob, queuePostEffect, nextTick } from '../src/index'
describe('scheduler', () => {
it('queueJob', async () => {
const calls: any = []
const job1 = () => {
const job2 = () => {
await nextTick()
expect(calls).toEqual(['job1', 'job2'])
it('queueJob while already flushing', async () => {
const calls: any = []
const job1 = () => {
// job1 queues job2
const job2 = () => {
await nextTick()
expect(calls).toEqual(['job1', 'job2'])
it('queueJob w/ postCommitCb', async () => {
const calls: any = []
const job1 = () => {
const job2 = () => {
const cb1 = () => {
const cb2 = () => {
await nextTick()
// post commit cbs are called in reverse!
expect(calls).toEqual(['job1', 'job2', 'cb2', 'cb1'])
it('queueJob w/ postFlushCb while flushing', async () => {
const calls: any = []
const job1 = () => {
// job1 queues job2
const job2 = () => {
const cb1 = () => {
const cb2 = () => {
await nextTick()
expect(calls).toEqual(['job1', 'job2', 'cb2', 'cb1'])
it('should dedupe queued tasks', async () => {
const calls: any = []
const job1 = () => {
const job2 = () => {
await nextTick()
expect(calls).toEqual(['job1', 'job2'])
it('queueJob inside postEffect', async () => {
const calls: any = []
const job1 = () => {
const cb1 = () => {
// queue another job in postFlushCb
const job2 = () => {
const cb2 = () => {
await nextTick()
expect(calls).toEqual(['job1', 'job2', 'cb2', 'cb1', 'job2', 'cb2'])
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
module.exports = require('./dist/scheduler.cjs.prod.js')
} else {
module.exports = require('./dist/scheduler.cjs.js')
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
"name": "@vue/scheduler",
"version": "3.0.0-alpha.1",
"description": "@vue/scheduler",
"main": "index.js",
"module": "dist/scheduler.esm-bundler.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"sideEffects": false,
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://github.com/vuejs/vue.git"
"keywords": [
"author": "Evan You",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues"
"homepage": "https://github.com/vuejs/vue/tree/dev/packages/scheduler#readme"
@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
// TODO infinite updates detection
// A data structure that stores a deferred DOM operation.
// the first element is the function to call, and the rest of the array
// stores up to 8 arguments.
type Op = [Function, ...any[]]
// A "job" stands for a unit of work that needs to be performed.
// Typically, one job corresponds to the mounting or updating of one component
// instance (including functional ones).
interface Job<T extends Function = () => void> {
// A job is itself a function that performs work. It can contain work such as
// calling render functions, running the diff algorithm (patch), mounting new
// vnodes, and tearing down old vnodes. However, these work needs to be
// performed in several different phases, most importantly to separate
// workloads that do not produce side-effects ("stage") vs. those that do
// ("commit").
// During the stage call it should not perform any direct sife-effects.
// Instead, it buffers them. All side effects from multiple jobs queued in the
// same tick are flushed together during the "commit" phase. This allows us to
// perform side-effect-free work over multiple frames (yielding to the browser
// in-between to keep the app responsive), and only flush all the side effects
// together when all work is done (AKA time-slicing).
(): T
// A job's status changes over the different update phaes. See comments for
// phases below.
status: JobStatus
// Any operations performed by the job that directly mutates the DOM are
// buffered inside the job's ops queue, and only flushed in the commit phase.
// These ops are queued by calling `queueNodeOp` inside the job function.
ops: Op[]
// Any post DOM mutation side-effects (updated / mounted hooks, refs) are
// buffered inside the job's effects queue.
// Effects are queued by calling `queuePostEffect` inside the job function.
postEffects: Function[]
// A job may queue other jobs (e.g. a parent component update triggers the
// update of a child component). Jobs queued by another job is kept in the
// parent's children array, so that in case the parent job is invalidated,
// all its children can be invalidated as well (recursively).
children: Job[]
// Sometimes it's inevitable for a stage fn to produce some side effects
// (e.g. a component instance sets up an ReactiveEffect). In those cases the stage fn
// can return a cleanup function which will be called when the job is
// invalidated.
cleanup: T | null
// The expiration time is a timestamp past which the job needs to
// be force-committed regardless of frame budget.
// Why do we need an expiration time? Because a job may get invalidated before
// it is fully commited. If it keeps getting invalidated, we may "starve" the
// system and never apply any commits as jobs keep getting invalidated. The
// expiration time sets a limit on how long before a job can keep getting
// invalidated before it must be comitted.
expiration: number
const enum JobStatus {
IDLE = 0,
// Priorities for different types of jobs. This number is added to the
// current time when a new job is queued to calculate the expiration time
// for that job.
// Currently we have only one type which expires 500ms after it is initially
// queued. There could be higher/lower priorities in the future.
const enum JobPriorities {
NORMAL = 500
// There can be only one job being patched at one time. This allows us to
// automatically "capture" and buffer the node ops and post effects queued
// during a job.
let currentJob: Job | null = null
// Indicates we have a flush pending.
let hasPendingFlush = false
// A timestamp that indicates when a flush was started.
let flushStartTimestamp: number = 0
// The frame budget is the maximum amount of time passed while performing
// "stage" work before we need to yield back to the browser.
// Aiming for 60fps. Maybe we need to dynamically adjust this?
const frameBudget = __JSDOM__ ? Infinity : 1000 / 60
const getNow = () => performance.now()
// An entire update consists of 4 phases:
// 1. Stage phase. Render functions are called, diffs are performed, new
// component instances are created. However, no side-effects should be
// performed (i.e. no lifecycle hooks, no direct DOM operations).
const stageQueue: Job[] = []
// 2. Commit phase. This is only reached when the stageQueue has been depleted.
// Node ops are applied - in the browser, this means DOM is actually mutated
// during this phase. If a job is committed, it's post effects are then
// queued for the next phase.
const commitQueue: Job[] = []
// 3. Post-commit effects phase. Effect callbacks are only queued after a
// successful commit. These include callbacks that need to be invoked
// after DOM mutation - i.e. refs, mounted & updated hooks. This queue is
// flushed in reverse because child component effects are queued after but
// should be invoked before the parent's.
const postEffectsQueue: Function[] = []
// 4. NextTick phase. This is the user's catch-all mechanism for deferring
// work after a complete update cycle.
const nextTickQueue: Function[] = []
const pendingRejectors: ErrorHandler[] = []
// Error handling --------------------------------------------------------------
type ErrorHandler = (err: Error) => any
let globalHandler: ErrorHandler
export function handleSchedulerError(handler: ErrorHandler) {
globalHandler = handler
function handleError(err: Error) {
if (globalHandler) globalHandler(err)
pendingRejectors.forEach(handler => {
// Microtask defer -------------------------------------------------------------
// For batching state mutations before we start an update. This does
// NOT yield to the browser.
const p = Promise.resolve()
function flushAfterMicroTask() {
flushStartTimestamp = getNow()
return p.then(flush).catch(handleError)
// Macrotask defer -------------------------------------------------------------
// For time slicing. This uses the window postMessage event to "yield"
// to the browser so that other user events can trigger in between. This keeps
// the app responsive even when performing large amount of JavaScript work.
const key = `$vueTick`
event => {
if (event.source !== window || event.data !== key) {
flushStartTimestamp = getNow()
try {
} catch (e) {
function flushAfterMacroTask() {
window.postMessage(key, `*`)
// API -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the main API of the scheduler. The raw job can actually be any
// function, but since they are invalidated by identity, it is important that
// a component's update job is a consistent function across its lifecycle -
// in the renderer, it's actually instance._update which is in turn
// an ReactiveEffect function.
export function queueJob(rawJob: Function) {
const job = rawJob as Job
if (currentJob) {
// Let's see if this invalidates any work that
// has already been staged.
if (job.status === JobStatus.PENDING_COMMIT) {
// staged job invalidated
// re-insert it into the stage queue
} else if (job.status !== JobStatus.PENDING_STAGE) {
// a new job
if (!hasPendingFlush) {
hasPendingFlush = true
export function queuePostEffect(fn: Function) {
if (currentJob) {
} else {
export function flushEffects() {
// post commit hooks (updated, mounted)
// this queue is flushed in reverse becuase these hooks should be invoked
// child first
let i = postEffectsQueue.length
while (i--) {
postEffectsQueue.length = 0
export function queueNodeOp(op: Op) {
if (currentJob) {
} else {
// The original nextTick now needs to be reworked so that the callback only
// triggers after the next commit, when all node ops and post effects have been
// completed.
export function nextTick<T>(fn?: () => T): Promise<T> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
p.then(() => {
if (hasPendingFlush) {
nextTickQueue.push(() => {
resolve(fn ? fn() : undefined)
pendingRejectors.push(err => {
if (fn) fn()
} else {
resolve(fn ? fn() : undefined)
// Internals -------------------------------------------------------------------
function flush(): void {
let job
while (true) {
job = stageQueue.shift()
if (job) {
} else {
if (!__COMPAT__) {
const now = getNow()
if (now - flushStartTimestamp > frameBudget && job.expiration > now) {
if (stageQueue.length === 0) {
// all done, time to commit!
for (let i = 0; i < commitQueue.length; i++) {
commitQueue.length = 0
// some post commit hook triggered more updates...
if (stageQueue.length > 0) {
if (!__COMPAT__ && getNow() - flushStartTimestamp > frameBudget) {
return flushAfterMacroTask()
} else {
// not out of budget yet, flush sync
return flush()
// now we are really done
hasPendingFlush = false
pendingRejectors.length = 0
for (let i = 0; i < nextTickQueue.length; i++) {
nextTickQueue.length = 0
} else {
// got more job to do
// shouldn't reach here in compat mode, because the stageQueue is
// guarunteed to have been depleted
function resetJob(job: Job) {
job.ops.length = 0
job.postEffects.length = 0
job.children.length = 0
function queueJobForStaging(job: Job) {
job.ops = job.ops || []
job.postEffects = job.postEffects || []
job.children = job.children || []
// inherit parent job's expiration deadline
job.expiration = currentJob
? currentJob.expiration
: getNow() + JobPriorities.NORMAL
job.status = JobStatus.PENDING_STAGE
function invalidateJob(job: Job) {
// recursively invalidate all child jobs
const { children } = job
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children[i]
if (child.status === JobStatus.PENDING_COMMIT) {
} else if (child.status === JobStatus.PENDING_STAGE) {
stageQueue.splice(stageQueue.indexOf(child), 1)
child.status = JobStatus.IDLE
if (job.cleanup) {
job.cleanup = null
// remove from commit queue
commitQueue.splice(commitQueue.indexOf(job), 1)
job.status = JobStatus.IDLE
function requeueInvalidatedJob(job: Job) {
// With varying priorities we should insert job at correct position
// based on expiration time.
for (let i = 0; i < stageQueue.length; i++) {
if (job.expiration < stageQueue[i].expiration) {
stageQueue.splice(i, 0, job)
job.status = JobStatus.PENDING_STAGE
job.status = JobStatus.PENDING_STAGE
function stageJob(job: Job) {
// job with existing ops means it's already been patched in a low priority queue
if (job.ops.length === 0) {
currentJob = job
job.cleanup = job()
currentJob = null
job.status = JobStatus.PENDING_COMMIT
function commitJob(job: Job) {
const { ops, postEffects } = job
for (let i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) {
// queue post commit cbs
if (postEffects) {
job.status = JobStatus.IDLE
function applyOp(op: Op) {
const fn = op[0]
// optimize for more common cases
// only patchData needs 8 arguments
if (op.length <= 3) {
fn(op[1], op[2], op[3])
} else {
fn(op[1], op[2], op[3], op[4], op[5], op[6], op[7], op[8])
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
export const EMPTY_OBJ: { readonly [key: string]: any } = Object.freeze({})
export const EMPTY_ARR: [] = []
export const NOOP = () => {}
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"@vue/runtime-dom": ["packages/runtime-dom/src"],
"@vue/runtime-test": ["packages/runtime-test/src"],
"@vue/observer": ["packages/observer/src"],
"@vue/scheduler": ["packages/scheduler/src"],
"@vue/compiler-core": ["packages/compiler-core/src"],
"@vue/server-renderer": ["packages/server-renderer/src"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user