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2018-10-13 20:46:30 -04:00
// This code is based on https://github.com/wonderful-panda/vue-tsx-support
// published under the MIT license.
// Copyright by @wonderful-panda
// which is in turn based on the react definition in DefinitelyTyped
// published under the MIT license.
// Repository: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
// Path in the repository: types/react/v15/index.d.ts
// Copyrights of original definition are:
// Asana <https://asana.com>
// AssureSign <http://www.assuresign.com>
// Microsoft <https://microsoft.com>
// John Reilly <https://github.com/johnnyreilly/>
// Benoit Benezech <https://github.com/bbenezech>
// Patricio Zavolinsky <https://github.com/pzavolinsky>
// Digiguru <https://github.com/digiguru>
// Eric Anderson <https://github.com/ericanderson>
// Albert Kurniawan <https://github.com/morcerf>
// Tanguy Krotoff <https://github.com/tkrotoff>
// Dovydas Navickas <https://github.com/DovydasNavickas>
// Stéphane Goetz <https://github.com/onigoetz>
interface HTMLAttributes {
class?: any
2019-10-16 22:31:40 +08:00
style?: string | Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>
2018-10-13 20:46:30 -04:00
accesskey?: string
contenteditable?: boolean
contextmenu?: string
dir?: string
disabled?: boolean
draggable?: boolean
hidden?: boolean
id?: string
lang?: string
spellcheck?: boolean
tabindex?: number
title?: string
role?: string
interface AnchorHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
download?: any
href?: string
hreflang?: string
media?: string
rel?: string
target?: string
interface AreaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
alt?: string
coord?: string
download?: any
href?: string
hreflang?: string
media?: string
rel?: string
shape?: string
target?: string
interface AudioHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes {}
interface BaseHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
href?: string
target?: string
interface BlockquoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string
interface ButtonHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autofocus?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
form?: string
formaction?: string
formenctype?: string
formmethod?: string
formnovalidate?: boolean
formtarget?: string
name?: string
type?: string
value?: string | string[] | number
interface CanvasHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string
width?: number | string
interface ColHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
span?: number
interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes extends ColHTMLAttributes {}
interface DetailsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
open?: boolean
interface DelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string
datetime?: string
interface EmbedHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string
src?: string
type?: string
width?: number | string
interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean
form?: string
name?: string
interface FormHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
acceptcharset?: string
action?: string
autocomplete?: string
enctype?: string
method?: string
name?: string
novalidate?: boolean
target?: string
interface HtmlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
manifest?: string
interface IframeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
allowfullscreen?: boolean
allowtransparency?: boolean
frameborder?: number | string
height?: number | string
marginheight?: number
marginwidth?: number
name?: string
sandbox?: string
scrolling?: string
seamless?: boolean
src?: string
srcdoc?: string
width?: number | string
interface ImgHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
alt?: string
height?: number | string
sizes?: string
src?: string
srcset?: string
usemap?: string
width?: number | string
interface InsHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string
datetime?: string
interface InputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
accept?: string
alt?: string
autocomplete?: string
autofocus?: boolean
capture?: boolean // https://www.w3.org/tr/html-media-capture/#the-capture-attribute
checked?: boolean
crossorigin?: string
disabled?: boolean
form?: string
formaction?: string
formenctype?: string
formmethod?: string
formnovalidate?: boolean
formtarget?: string
height?: number | string
list?: string
max?: number | string
maxlength?: number
min?: number | string
minlength?: number
multiple?: boolean
name?: string
pattern?: string
placeholder?: string
readonly?: boolean
required?: boolean
size?: number
src?: string
step?: number | string
type?: string
value?: string | string[] | number
width?: number | string
interface KeygenHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autofocus?: boolean
challenge?: string
disabled?: boolean
form?: string
keytype?: string
keyparams?: string
name?: string
interface LabelHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string
htmlfor?: string
interface LiHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
value?: string | string[] | number
interface LinkHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
href?: string
hreflang?: string
integrity?: string
media?: string
rel?: string
sizes?: string
type?: string
interface MapHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string
interface MenuHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
type?: string
interface MediaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autoplay?: boolean
controls?: boolean
crossorigin?: string
loop?: boolean
mediagroup?: string
muted?: boolean
preload?: string
src?: string
interface MetaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
charset?: string
content?: string
httpequiv?: string
name?: string
interface MeterHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string
high?: number
low?: number
max?: number | string
min?: number | string
optimum?: number
value?: string | string[] | number
interface QuoteHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cite?: string
interface ObjectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
classid?: string
data?: string
form?: string
height?: number | string
name?: string
type?: string
usemap?: string
width?: number | string
wmode?: string
interface OlHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
reversed?: boolean
start?: number
interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean
label?: string
interface OptionHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
disabled?: boolean
label?: string
selected?: boolean
value?: string | string[] | number
interface OutputHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
form?: string
htmlfor?: string
name?: string
interface ParamHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
name?: string
value?: string | string[] | number
interface ProgressHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
max?: number | string
value?: string | string[] | number
interface ScriptHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
async?: boolean
charset?: string
crossorigin?: string
defer?: boolean
integrity?: string
nonce?: string
src?: string
type?: string
interface SelectHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autofocus?: boolean
disabled?: boolean
form?: string
multiple?: boolean
name?: string
required?: boolean
size?: number
value?: string | string[] | number
interface SourceHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
media?: string
sizes?: string
src?: string
srcset?: string
type?: string
interface StyleHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
media?: string
nonce?: string
scoped?: boolean
type?: string
interface TableHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
cellpadding?: number | string
cellspacing?: number | string
summary?: string
interface TextareaHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
autocomplete?: string
autofocus?: boolean
cols?: number
dirname?: string
disabled?: boolean
form?: string
maxlength?: number
minlength?: number
name?: string
placeholder?: string
readonly?: boolean
required?: boolean
rows?: number
value?: string | string[] | number
wrap?: string
interface TdHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
colspan?: number
headers?: string
rowspan?: number
interface ThHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
colspan?: number
headers?: string
rowspan?: number
scope?: string
interface TimeHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
datetime?: string
interface TrackHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
default?: boolean
kind?: string
label?: string
src?: string
srclang?: string
interface VideoHTMLAttributes extends MediaHTMLAttributes {
height?: number | string
playsinline?: boolean
poster?: string
width?: number | string
interface AllHTMLAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
accept?: string
acceptcharset?: string
action?: boolean
allowfullscreen?: boolean
allowtransparency?: boolean
alt?: string
async?: boolean
autocomplete?: string
autofocus?: boolean
autoplay?: boolean
capture?: boolean // https://www.w3.org/tr/html-media-capture/#the-capture-attribute
cellpadding?: number | string
cellspacing?: number | string
challenge?: string
charset?: string
checked?: boolean
cite?: string
classid?: string
cols?: number
colspan?: number
content?: string
controls?: boolean
coord?: string
crossorigin?: string
data?: string
datetime?: string
default?: boolean
defer?: boolean
dirname?: string
disabled?: boolean
download?: any
enctype?: string
form?: string
formaction?: string
formenctype?: string
formmethod?: string
formnovalidate?: boolean
formtarget?: string
frameborder?: number | string
headers?: string
height?: number | string
high?: number
href?: string
hreflang?: string
htmlfor?: string
httpequiv?: string
integrity?: string
keyparams?: string
keytype?: string
kind?: string
label?: string
list?: string
loop?: boolean
low?: number
manifest?: string
marginheight?: number
marginwidth?: number
max?: number | string
maxlength?: number
media?: string
mediagroup?: string
method?: string
min?: number | string
minlength?: number
multiple?: boolean
muted?: boolean
name?: string
nonce?: string
novalidate?: boolean
open?: boolean
optimum?: number
pattern?: string
placeholder?: string
playsinline?: boolean
poster?: string
preload?: string
readonly?: boolean
rel?: string
required?: boolean
reversed?: boolean
rows?: number
rowspan?: number
sandbox?: string
scope?: string
scoped?: boolean
scrolling?: string
seamless?: boolean
selected?: boolean
shape?: string
size?: number
sizes?: string
span?: number
src?: string
srcdoc?: string
srclang?: string
srcset?: string
start?: number
step?: number | string
summary?: string
target?: string
type?: string
usemap?: string
value?: string | string[] | number
width?: number | string
wmode?: string
wrap?: string
interface IntrinsicElementAttributes {
a: AnchorHTMLAttributes
abbr: HTMLAttributes
address: HTMLAttributes
area: AreaHTMLAttributes
article: HTMLAttributes
aside: HTMLAttributes
audio: AudioHTMLAttributes
b: HTMLAttributes
base: BaseHTMLAttributes
bdi: HTMLAttributes
bdo: HTMLAttributes
big: HTMLAttributes
blockquote: BlockquoteHTMLAttributes
body: HTMLAttributes
br: HTMLAttributes
button: ButtonHTMLAttributes
canvas: CanvasHTMLAttributes
caption: HTMLAttributes
cite: HTMLAttributes
code: HTMLAttributes
col: ColHTMLAttributes
colgroup: ColgroupHTMLAttributes
data: HTMLAttributes
datalist: HTMLAttributes
dd: HTMLAttributes
del: DelHTMLAttributes
details: DetailsHTMLAttributes
dfn: HTMLAttributes
dialog: HTMLAttributes
div: HTMLAttributes
dl: HTMLAttributes
dt: HTMLAttributes
em: HTMLAttributes
embed: EmbedHTMLAttributes
fieldset: FieldsetHTMLAttributes
figcaption: HTMLAttributes
figure: HTMLAttributes
footer: HTMLAttributes
form: FormHTMLAttributes
h1: HTMLAttributes
h2: HTMLAttributes
h3: HTMLAttributes
h4: HTMLAttributes
h5: HTMLAttributes
h6: HTMLAttributes
head: HTMLAttributes
header: HTMLAttributes
hgroup: HTMLAttributes
hr: HTMLAttributes
html: HtmlHTMLAttributes
i: HTMLAttributes
iframe: IframeHTMLAttributes
img: ImgHTMLAttributes
input: InputHTMLAttributes
ins: InsHTMLAttributes
kbd: HTMLAttributes
keygen: KeygenHTMLAttributes
label: LabelHTMLAttributes
legend: HTMLAttributes
li: LiHTMLAttributes
link: LinkHTMLAttributes
main: HTMLAttributes
map: MapHTMLAttributes
mark: HTMLAttributes
menu: MenuHTMLAttributes
menuitem: HTMLAttributes
meta: MetaHTMLAttributes
meter: MeterHTMLAttributes
nav: HTMLAttributes
noscript: HTMLAttributes
object: ObjectHTMLAttributes
ol: OlHTMLAttributes
optgroup: OptgroupHTMLAttributes
option: OptionHTMLAttributes
output: OutputHTMLAttributes
p: HTMLAttributes
param: ParamHTMLAttributes
picture: HTMLAttributes
pre: HTMLAttributes
progress: ProgressHTMLAttributes
q: QuoteHTMLAttributes
rp: HTMLAttributes
rt: HTMLAttributes
ruby: HTMLAttributes
s: HTMLAttributes
samp: HTMLAttributes
script: ScriptHTMLAttributes
section: HTMLAttributes
select: SelectHTMLAttributes
small: HTMLAttributes
source: SourceHTMLAttributes
span: HTMLAttributes
strong: HTMLAttributes
style: StyleHTMLAttributes
sub: HTMLAttributes
summary: HTMLAttributes
sup: HTMLAttributes
table: TableHTMLAttributes
tbody: HTMLAttributes
td: TdHTMLAttributes
textarea: TextareaHTMLAttributes
tfoot: HTMLAttributes
th: ThHTMLAttributes
thead: HTMLAttributes
time: TimeHTMLAttributes
title: HTMLAttributes
tr: HTMLAttributes
track: TrackHTMLAttributes
u: HTMLAttributes
ul: HTMLAttributes
var: HTMLAttributes
video: VideoHTMLAttributes
wbr: HTMLAttributes
interface Events {
// clipboard events
onCopy: ClipboardEvent
onCut: ClipboardEvent
onPaste: ClipboardEvent
// composition events
onCompositionend: CompositionEvent
onCompositionstart: CompositionEvent
onCompositionupdate: CompositionEvent
// drag drop events
onDrag: DragEvent
onDragend: DragEvent
onDragenter: DragEvent
onDragexit: DragEvent
onDragleave: DragEvent
onDragover: DragEvent
onDragstart: DragEvent
onDrop: DragEvent
// focus events
onFocus: FocusEvent
onBlur: FocusEvent
// form events
onChange: Event
onInput: Event
onReset: Event
onSubmit: Event
onInvalid: Event
// image events
onLoad: Event
onError: Event
// keyboard events
onKeydown: KeyboardEvent
onKeypress: KeyboardEvent
onKeyup: KeyboardEvent
// mouse events
onClick: MouseEvent
onContextmenu: MouseEvent
onDblclick: MouseEvent
onMousedown: MouseEvent
onMouseenter: MouseEvent
onMouseleave: MouseEvent
onMousemove: MouseEvent
onMouseout: MouseEvent
onMouseover: MouseEvent
onMouseup: MouseEvent
// media events
onAbort: Event
onCanplay: Event
onCanplaythrough: Event
onDurationchange: Event
onEmptied: Event
onEncrypted: Event
onEnded: Event
onLoadeddata: Event
onLoadedmetadata: Event
onLoadstart: Event
onPause: Event
onPlay: Event
onPlaying: Event
onProgress: Event
onRatechange: Event
onSeeked: Event
onSeeking: Event
onStalled: Event
onSuspend: Event
onTimeupdate: Event
onVolumechange: Event
onWaiting: Event
// selection events
onSelect: Event
// UI events
onScroll: UIEvent
// touch events
onTouchcancel: TouchEvent
onTouchend: TouchEvent
onTouchmove: TouchEvent
onTouchstart: TouchEvent
// wheel events
onWheel: WheelEvent
// animation events
onAnimationstart: AnimationEvent
onAnimationend: AnimationEvent
onAnimationiteration: AnimationEvent
// transition events
onTransitionend: TransitionEvent
onTransitionstart: TransitionEvent
type StringKeyOf<T> = Extract<keyof T, string>
type EventHandlers<E> = {
[K in StringKeyOf<E>]?: E[K] extends Function ? E[K] : (payload: E[K]) => void
type ElementAttrs<T> = T & EventHandlers<Events>
type NativeElements = {
[K in StringKeyOf<IntrinsicElementAttributes>]: ElementAttrs<
declare namespace JSX {
interface Element {}
interface ElementClass {
$props: {}
2018-10-13 20:46:30 -04:00
interface ElementAttributesProperty {
$props: {}
interface IntrinsicElements extends NativeElements {
// allow arbitrary elements
[name: string]: any