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2020-01-28 18:48:27 -05:00
import { makeMap } from './makeMap'
// On the client we only need to offer special cases for boolean attributes that
// have different names from their corresponding dom properties:
// - itemscope -> N/A
// - allowfullscreen -> allowFullscreen
// - formnovalidate -> formNoValidate
// - ismap -> isMap
// - nomodule -> noModule
// - novalidate -> noValidate
// - readonly -> readOnly
const specialBooleanAttrs = `itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly`
export const isSpecialBooleanAttr = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(specialBooleanAttrs)
// The full list is needed during SSR to produce the correct initial markup.
export const isBooleanAttr = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(
specialBooleanAttrs +
`,async,autofocus,autoplay,controls,default,defer,disabled,hidden,` +
`loop,open,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,` +
2020-01-28 18:48:27 -05:00
const unsafeAttrCharRE = /[>/="'\u0009\u000a\u000c\u0020]/
const attrValidationCache: Record<string, boolean> = {}
export function isSSRSafeAttrName(name: string): boolean {
if (attrValidationCache.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return attrValidationCache[name]
const isUnsafe = unsafeAttrCharRE.test(name)
if (isUnsafe) {
console.error(`unsafe attribute name: ${name}`)
return (attrValidationCache[name] = !isUnsafe)
export const propsToAttrMap: Record<string, string | undefined> = {
acceptCharset: 'accept-charset',
className: 'class',
htmlFor: 'for',
httpEquiv: 'http-equiv'
// CSS properties that accept plain numbers
export const isNoUnitNumericStyleProp = /*#__PURE__*/ makeMap(
2020-01-28 18:48:27 -05:00
`animation-iteration-count,border-image-outset,border-image-slice,` +
`border-image-width,box-flex,box-flex-group,box-ordinal-group,column-count,` +
`columns,flex,flex-grow,flex-positive,flex-shrink,flex-negative,flex-order,` +
`grid-row,grid-row-end,grid-row-span,grid-row-start,grid-column,` +
`grid-column-end,grid-column-span,grid-column-start,font-weight,line-clamp,` +
`line-height,opacity,order,orphans,tab-size,widows,z-index,zoom,` +
// SVG
`fill-opacity,flood-opacity,stop-opacity,stroke-dasharray,stroke-dashoffset,` +